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1、STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES标准操作程序NEW UNIFORM REQUEST新制服要求TASK NUMBER: 任务号:LI-0001DEPARTMENT:部门 :Housekeeping-Laundry客房-客房DATE ISSUED:日期:August 2009GUEST EXPECTATION:客人期望: I expect all employees to be well dressed and their uniforms to be clean and well presented. 我期望所有的员工都穿着整洁且好看的制服TIME TO TRAIN:培

2、训时间: 25 minutesWhy is this task important for you and our guests?为什么这些对你和我们的客人很重要?Answers: 1. I understand the reasons why a procedure for uniform collection must be in place.我明白制服被收集放在一个地方的程序理由2. I know how to get a new Uniform and linen.我知道怎样领到新制服和布草3. I know where I can change my uniform.我知道在哪里可以

3、更换我的制服4. I know well groomed employees enhance the image of a hotel.我知道仪容好的员工可以提高客人对酒店的印象5. I can show my professionalism.我能展示我的职业技能WHAT/ STEPS步骤HOW/ STANDARDS标准TRAINING QUESTIONS问题1) Uniform for new hire新入职员工的制服When there is a new hire, a “Staff Uniform Allocation Form” has to be issued by HRD. 当有新

4、员工入职,由人事部分发员工制服分发表格This Form will be forwarded to the Executive Housekeeper.这份表格将递交给行政管家Staff will have 3 Sets of uniforms. If all sets are not available, measurement has to be taken by a seamstress.每位员工有三套制服,如果所有尺寸不合适,由裁缝测量进行缝改A Purchase Request for new uniforms must be requested and given to the E

5、xecutive Housekeeper.采购单要求,新员工制服必须由客房行政管家指定This procedure includes shoe purchase if applicable.这个程序包含工作鞋的采购Who will order the Uniform ?由谁负责订购制服?How many sets of Uniform are issued?制服有多少尺码?What happens when there are no Uniforms available?当没有合适的制服时将发生什么?2) Requisition of new F&B and Room Linen餐饮和客房新布

6、草的要求Based on quarterly inventory, the Executive Housekeeper will make recommendations for replacement.基于一年四个季节,行政管家将对制服的更换给出建议F&B Manager with the assistance of the Executive Housekeeper will source for samples.餐饮经理和客房行政管家助理是样品的来源When the sample is approved, it will be sent to the Laundry for a test

7、 wash. 当样品到达时,将样品送到洗衣房对其进行清洗测试The Test Report is to be forwarded to the Executive Housekeeper.测试报告将被递送给客房行政管家Who makes recommendations for replacement?由谁负责对制服的更换给出建议?Who will source the samples?谁是样品的来源?Who will do the test washing?由谁来进行洗衣测试?Why do we need to test wash?为什么需要洗衣测试?3) Place order地方预订Whe

8、n the order is placed the Executive Housekeeper has to ensure that specifications are complete and accurate, i.e. color, size, fabric type, tag for uniform code, etc当已经订购的制服被摆放时,行政管家一定要确保规格是完整和准确的,即颜色,尺码,面料类,标签为统一代码等What do we have to make sure?什么是我们需要明确的?4) Delivery交货When new uniform/linen is deliv

9、ered the Executive Housekeeper must check and ensure the quality and specification is correct.当新制服交付时,行政管家必须查核,并确保质量和规格是正确的。What has to be done when the new Uniform is delivered?当新制服被交付时,什么需要被核查?5) Issue进行情况When uniform is received, Uniform staff or Linen staff calls staff for fitting. 当制服收到后,制服和布草房

10、服务员将打电话通知员工进行试穿 If the uniform fits, mark uniform code and send for pressing.如果制服合适,对制服进行标记并送去熨烫Who calls for refitting?通知谁进行再次试穿?Why do I have to check the size of the Uniform?为什么需要检查制服的尺寸?Why is it important, that the Uniform is marked?对制服进行标记为什么重要?When it is returned from the Laundry, hang up on

11、rack.当制服从洗衣房拿回后将其挂在衣架上Summary questions: 总结问题1. What is important when new employees are coming?当有新员工加入时什么是最重要的?2. Who has to ensure the PR is in place?谁明确采购单是由哪个部门发放的?3. How and who requests new linen in F&B?餐饮部由谁怎样来规范新布草的要求?4. Who controls the quality?谁控制质量5. Who places the order?谁放置订购的制服?6. What

12、happens when the new linen or Uniform is delivered?当新布草和制服被交付时将发生什么?7. What do I have to consider when the Uniform is issued?当制服被分发时,什么是我必须要考虑的?Now ask the trainee to practice the task from start to end to test competency.培训回顾STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES标准操作程序UNIFORM CONTROL 制服控制TASK NUMBER: 任务号:LI

13、-0002DEPARTMENT:部门 :Housekeeping-Laundry客房部-洗衣房DATE ISSUED:日期:August 2009GUEST EXPECTATION:客人期望: I expect employees performing the same job to wear the same uniform. When I see employees with uniforms which have been obviously borrowed from another person or department, the professionalism of the ho

14、tel is questioned.我期望相同工作职位的员工穿着同样的制服,当我看到员工穿着从其他人或部门那里借来的制服时,这说明酒店职能管理有问题TIME TO TRAIN:培训时间: 25 minutesWhy is this task important for you and our guests?为什么这些对你和我们的客人很重要?Answers: 1. I understand that it is important to regularly check the number of Uniforms.我理解经常检查制服数量的重要性2. I understand that I mus

15、t take responsibility for my Uniform?我理解我必须对我的制服负责3. I can show my professionalism.我可以展示我的职业技能WHAT/ STEPS步骤HOW/ STANDARDS标准TRAINING QUESTIONS问题1) Marking标注Before a uniform is issued a uniform code willbe marked on the tag, at the collar or waist.在衣领或腰间标明标签The information is entered into the uniform

16、card. i.e. name of staff, when the uniform was first issued, when/why a uniform is replaced and misuse of uniform. (Note: aprons, scarves, etc. should not be numbered).信息应当被记录到员工卡里,如员工姓名,什么时候分发的第一份制服等What has to be marked?为什么要标注?What do I have to do when Uniform will be issued? 当制服被分发的时候,什么是我们必须要做的?2) Issuing hours分发时间Issuing hours will be as established, refer to SOP on Uniform Exchange. Uniforms are issued strictly on an exchange basis, clean for dirty.建立分发时间,


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