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1、本科学生毕业论文战略管理会计在企业中的应用分析院系名称: 经济管理学院 专业班级: 会计学 08-14 班 学生姓名: 刘兴雨 指导教师: 杨冬梅 职 称: 讲师 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院二一二年六月The Graduation Thesis for Bachelors DegreeStrategic management accounting in the analysis of application of enterpriseCandidate:Liu XingyuSpeciality:School of Econamics and ManagementClass:Accounting

2、 for-14 classSupervisor:Lecturer.Yang DongmeiHeilongjiang Institute of Technology2012-06HarbinI摘 要现代企业管理理念告诉我们:当今的企业管理已经不仅仅停留在纷乱复杂的日常职能管理,而更加重要的是企业领导者对企业未来长远发展的把握。做到管理理念从“职能管理”向“战略管理”的转变,而由此,企业战略管理会计应运而生,企业战略管理会计是以协助企业管理决策层制定企业竞争战略、实施战略规划,从而促使企业良性发展并不断壮大为目的,能够从战略的高度分析当前市场形势,既可以提供给顾客和竞争对手具有战略相关性的外向型信


4、 modern enterprise management concepts to tell us : in todays enterprise management has not only remained in the chaotic and complex daily function management, but more important is the enterprise leader to future long-term development of enterprises grasp. Do the management concept from the managem

5、ent to strategic management change, and thus, the enterprise strategy management accounting emerge as the times require, enterprise strategic management accounting is to assist business management decision-making development of enterprise competition strategy, implementation of the strategic plannin

6、g, so as to promote the healthy development of enterprises and continue to grow for the purpose, to the height from the strategy analysis of the current market the situation, not only can provide to customers and competitors with strategic relevance extroversion information, also can provide the ent

7、erprises and strategies related to internal information. Can say, the strategic management accounting is the result of market competition and the inevitable product, it appears with the development of market economy, has been more and more enterprises recognition, but the strategic management accoun

8、ting in China started late, how to reasonably and effectively applied to the strategic management of enterprise management is our current problem to be solved urgently. Based on the strategic management accounting in Chinas enterprise application as the research object of the subject, is the use of

9、the theories contact actual analysis method, the method of combining empirical analysis, from the strategic management accounting applied in China literature, combining the strategic management accounting in Chinas enterprises in the application status, analyzes our country enterprise strategic mana

10、gement accounting problems reasons, put forward the strategic management accounting problems solutions.Key words: Strategic management; Strategic management accounting, The balanced scorecard; Value chain黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业论文目 录摘要 .IAbstract .II第 1 章 绪 论 .11.1 研究背景 .11.2 研究目的和意义 .21.2.1 研究目的 .21.2.2 研究意义 .

11、21.3 国内外研究现状 .21.3.1 国外研究现状 .21.3.2 国内研究现状 .31.4 研究内容与方法 .41.4.1 研究内容 .41.4.2 研究方法 .4第 2 章 相关理论综述 .62.1 战略管理会计的含义及特点 .62.1.1 战略管理会计的含义 .62.1.2 战略管理会计的特点 .62.2 战略管理会计的原则 .72.3 战略管理会计的方法 .82.4 本章小结 .10第 3 章 战略管理会计在企业中的应用现状及存在问题 .113.1 战略管理会计在我国企业的应用现状 .113.2 战略管理会计在我国企业应用中存在的问题 .12黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业论文3.2.1 缺乏完整和可引用的理论体系框架 .123.2.2 企业经营者的价值取向背离发展要求 .123.2.3 企业经营环境不利于战略管理会计的成长 .133.2.4 管理会计人员缺乏一定的战略管理能力 .133.3 本章小结 .2第 4 章 加强战略管理会计在企业中应用的措施 .



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