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1、2010 高考英语词汇练习及详解(4)151. We cant _ one to change the habits of a lifetime in a short time.A. hope B. wait C. expect D. imagine答案C. expert.注释expert 期望,盼望,表示认为有很大的客观可能性,例如:I expert the work to be finished by Friday.(我期望这项工作能在星期五前做完。 )wait for . to do sth.等待、等待.做.,强调“等”这一动词的本身,如:The audience are waiting

2、 eagerly for the performance to begin.(观众正等着演出开始。)本题如改为这样:I waited for him to arrive in time for dinner, but he didnt come.(我等他来赶上晚餐,但他没有来。)则句子使是对的。由此可见,expect 是表示“期待” ,而 wait for 是表示“等待” ,词义完全不同。注意 hope 后不能接 sb. to do sth.。imagine being on the moon. 3)Im sorry, but I cant imagine anyone doing resea

3、rch like that.(很遗憾,我不能想象人家那样做实验。 )本题译文:我们不能期望一个人在这样短的时间内改变一辈子养成的习惯。152. It was necessary to _ the factory building as the company was doing more and more business.A. extend B. increase C. lengthen D. magnify答案A. extend.注释本题中 extend 意为“扩大” 。lengthen 拉长,延长。magnify 放大。 Spread vi. 传播;vt.展开;He spread but

4、ter on the toast.(他在烤面包上涂上奶油。)153. I asked the tailor to make a small _ to my trousers because they were too long.A. change B. variation C. revision D. alteration答案D alteration.注释alteration 修正,更改,尤指部分的改变。Change 改变,变化,可指表面的、本质的、内在的变化。Revision 修订、修正,常指文章、词典、剧本等的修改、订正。Variation( 形式、位置、条件的)变化、改变、变动:We n

5、eed some variation in our daily routine.(我们的例行公事需要作些变动。 )154. Because of the strong sun Mrs. Williams new dining room curtains _ from dark blue to gray within a year.A. faded B. fainted C. paled D. diminished答案A. faded.注释fade vt/vi 褪色。Faint 晕到,变得虚弱:He fainted from hunger. Diminish vt./vi.减少:1)His il

6、lness diminished his strength. 2)The campers food supply diminished as the days wore on.(随着日子的缓缓消逝,野营者的食品供应日益减少。)pale 变苍白。155. Jack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent. _, I cant speak too highly of him.A. As a result B. By the way C. On the whole D. In a word答案D. In a word.注释in a word(=in s

7、hort)总之,简言之。本题是测试“过度词” ,考生务必根据上下文的逻辑关系来选择适当的过渡词,使句子的意思前后连贯。156. Evidence obtained from observation and experiment is often used to _ a scientific theory.A. confirm B. confine C. conform D. conceive答案A. confirm.注释 confirm(=support; make certain; give proof of)证实,确实:1)Please confirm your telephone mes

8、sage in writing.(请把你电话中所说的话再用文字复述一篇。) 2)The king confirmed that the election would be on June 20th.(国王确认,这次选择将于六月二十日举行。)confine.to 把.限制于:Please confine your remarks to the subject we are talking about.(请把你的话限止于我们正在谈论的题目。)conform (to)使一致,符合,遵守。Conceive 1)想到,想出:He very quickly conceived a new plan.注意c

9、onceive of 想象:They could not conceive of the possibility of failure.(他们不能想象失败的可能。)157. Political parties often differ in their views on various _ concerning their own countries.A. ways B. measures C. issues D. patterns答案c. issues.注释issue 此处意为“重大问题” 。measure 措施,虽然填入本题也说得过去,但不够贴切。pattern 模式,图案,图样。与题意不

10、符,不能入选。way 方法,方式。158. _ his knowledge of the mountainous country, John Smith was appointed as our guide.A. In spite of B. On account of C. Regardless of D. Instead of答案B. On account of注释on account of(=because of)由于,因为。regardless of(=without worrying about)不顾;Regardless of danger, he climbed the towe

11、r.159. The lawyer was expected to _ some proposals after reading all those documents.A. come up with B. put up with C. look up to D. keep up with答案A. come up with.注释come up with 提出。参阅 ,33。注释。Put up with 忍受;keep up with 跟上,与.保持一致;look up to 尊敬。160. While typing, Helen has a habit of stopping _ to giv

12、e her long and flowing hair a smooth.A. occasionally B. simultaneously C. eventually D. directly答案A. occasionally.注释occasionally 偶尔。参阅 IV。137 注释。Simultaniously 同时地; directly 直接161. In my opinion, you can widen the _ of these improvements through your active participation.A. dimension B. volume C. ma

13、gnitude D. scope答案D. scope.注释scope(=the area within the limits of a questions, subject ect. ; range)(活动)范围,机会,余地:The politics of a country would be outside the scope of a book for tourists.(一个国家的政治不属于旅游手册的内容范围之内。)dimension 尺寸,尺度;magnitude 大小,数量;volume 体积。均不切题,不能入选。本题译文:依我看,通过你的积极参与,你能够扩大这些改进措施的范围。16

14、2. The noise was so _ that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it.A. dim B. soft C. faint D. gentle答案c. faint.注释faint(=weak, indistinct; not clear)“微弱的,模糊的,不清楚的” 。Dim(=not bright, not clearly to be seen)不亮的,看不清的;the dim light of a candle(微弱的烛光)。163. If he refuses to _ my plan, I can prob

15、ably find someone more cooperative.A. put up with B. fall in with C. do away with D. get along with答案B. fall in with.注释fall in with(=agree to)同意:Is it true that you have fallen in with them?(你真的同意他们的意见吗?)put up with 忍受。do away with 废除;杀死。get along with 进行,进展;相处。本题译文:如果他不肯同意我的计划,我或许能找一个更能合作的人。164. Some people either _ avoid questions of right and wrong or remain neutral about them.A. violently B. sincerely C. properly D. deliberately答案D. deliberately.注释deliberately(=on purpose) 故意地。Sincerely 真诚地;violently 强暴的,激烈



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