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1、英语自我介绍资料及范文 4uld lie t tell u that pursue la is ne f lifelng gal,i lie ar paaging and i nt give up,if i an pursue aster degree here i ill bine la ith frer eduatin i ill r hard in thesefields ,patent ,tradear, pright, n the base f ears stud in departent f pp, harater? i annt desribe it ell, but i n i

2、 a ptiisti and nfident seties i prefer t sta alne, reading, listening t usi, but i a nt lnel, i lie t hat ith lassates, alst tal everthing , favrite pastie is valleball,plaing ards r surf nline thrugh llege life,i learn h t balane beteen stud and entertainent b the a, i as a atr f ur aazing draa lub

3、 i had a fe glrius er n stage that is pride 英文自我介绍三General Intrdutin*I a a third ear aster ar in autatin at Shanghai ia Tng Universit, P R hina ith treendus interest in Industrial Engineering, I a riting t appl fr aeptane int ur PhD graduate prgraEduatin bagrundIn 199, I entered the Naning Universit

4、 f Siene Tehnlg (NUST) - idel nsidered ne f the hinas best engineering shls During the flling undergraduate stud, aadei rerds ept distinguished ang the hle departent I as granted First lass Prize ever seester, and verall GPA(89/100) raned N1 ang 113 students In 1999, I gt the privilege t enter the g

5、raduate prgra aived f the adissin test I seleted the Shanghai ia Tng Universit t ntinue stud fr its best reputatin n binatrial ptiizatin and Netr Sheduling here researh interest lies At the perid f graduate stud, verall GPA(377/40) raned tp % in the departent In the send seester, I beae teaher assis

6、tant that is given t talented and atured students nl This ear, I n the Aer Shlarship as the ne and nl andidate in departent, hih is the ultiate alade fr distinguished students ended b universit Presentl, I a preparing graduatin thesis and tring fr the hnr f Exellent Graduatin Thesis Researh experien

7、e and aadei ativithen a sphre, I ined the Assiatin f AI Enthusiast and began t narr dn interest fr future researh In 1997, I partiipated in siulatin tl develpent fr the sheduling sste in Prf angs lab ith the tl f penGL and atlab, I designed a siulatin prgra fr transprtatin sheduling sste It is n ide

8、l used b different researh grups in NUST In 1998, I assued and fulfilled a seage analsis dispse pret fr Naning seage treatent plant This as first pratie t nvert a labratr idea t a erial prdutIn 1999, I ined the distinguished Prfessr u-Geng Xis researh grup aiing at Netr fl prble slving and Heuristi

9、algrith researh Sn I as engaged in the FuDan Gene Database Design dut as t pi up the useful infratin ang different inds f gene athing frat Thrugh the parisn and analsis fr an heuristi algriths, I intrdued an iprved evlutinar algrith - ulti-ppulatin Geneti Algrith B dividing a hle ppulatin int severa

10、l sub-ppulatins, this iprved algrith an effetivel prevent GA fr lal nvergene and prte varius evlutinar rientatins It prved re effiientl than SGA in experients, t In the send seester, I ined the rshp-sheduling researh in Shanghai Heav Dut Tre plant The sheduling as designed fr the rubber-aing press t

11、hat vered nt nl disrete but als ntinuus irustanes T ae a balane pint beteen ptiizatin qualit and tie st, I prpsed a Dnai Laered Sheduling ethd based n hbrid Petri Nets The pratial appliatin shed that the average ae as shrtened b a large sale I als publiized t papers in re urnals ith this idea Reentl

12、, I a ding researh in the psite Predit f the Eletrial Per sste assisted ith the tehnlg f Data ining fr Ba Steel I tr t bine the Deisin Tree ith Reeding ptiizatin t prvide a ne slutin fr the psite Preditive Prble This pret is n under nstrutin 本新闻共2 页,当前在第 1 页 12文章地址:/zuen/inguzuen/dxz/20070910112403430ht



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