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1、湘少版四年级英语下册全册教案Unit 1 heres ne ap?Perids:ntentsPeridsPart A、B、 Exerise A、B ne PeridPart D、E 、F Exerise 、D ne PeridLanguage Funtin: heres ? Language struture:heres blue shirt, unn?ur blue shirt is in ur draerVabular:Understanding rds: Fr students: artiles as “a duaer, a pair f ne shes, behind, a ne sh

2、irt, an ld dress, a ne tie”graar shuld be grasp: heres , here areSunds:n the all- s sund in the rdshant f greetingsPerid 1 Basi ais f this lessn:an listen and sa: here s blue shirt?Finish the tas the teaher given in the lessnsan understand the nversatin the text givenan spea and sa Part A and Part B

3、an art ith thers ith part Teahing diffiulties:heres ? here are ?Teahing pints:heres blue shirt? ur blue shirt is in ur draerhere are brn shes?ur brn shes are in the upbardTeahing aids:Tpe-rerder, piture, puterStep 1 aring up:Listen t sngs: Gd rning t uH are u?Step 2 Presentatin and drillGreeting ith

4、 the studentsTas 1:Teaher let the hildren intrdue their dressSpea: ap is n head/ tie is in hand/Tas 2:Guess: here is it? (ith the given piture n the text)Gd rning,H are u?Gd afternnGd eveninghere is blue shirt? / here are brn shes?ultivate their penness thining The re sentene the an spea, the higher

5、 pints the teaher give the grupTas 3:athing gae n dress 、shirt、 shes、at、apStep 3 PratieListen t the tapeRetell the text A、B arding t hat the hearRead after the tape Read in different rleRead in different grupStep 4 nslidatinD the at arding t Part Teaher give the assessentsHer: Listening t the tape,

6、reite the textBlabard draings:heres blue shirt, u?ur blue shirt is in ur draerhere are brn shes, u?ur brn are in the upbardTeahing NtesPerid 2Basi ais f this lessn:1 Finish the tas the teaher given in the lessns2 The abilit t read Part D ith the given piture3 Retell the str n Part D4 The abilit t n

7、the sund in “all-”The abilit t read the sentene6The abilit t rite the rd in rret fr7The abilit t sa the sentene, P48The abilit t identif “heres ? here are ?”Teahing diffiulties:Find the ruler f the sund in “all-”Help the student ultivate their reading abilit in Part D Teahing aids:Tpe-rerder, piture

8、, puterStudents aids: Everne ae a piture f dinsaur , Ti and a bStep 1 aring up:Sing the sng “h is earing red tda?”Step 2 ReadingTas 1: Everbd listen the tape and arrange the pitureTas 2: Retell the str in grupsRetell in lassStep 3 PratieTas 3: Read the rds alud ball, all, fall, tall, allThen find th

9、e ruler, h ill find it ill be the innerTas 4: Read the senteneIt s a sall, sall, stall after allh read it right and qui h gets the blue ribbnStep 4 nslidatinD the riting partD the rle-pla n tngue tistTeaher give the assessentsD the Part 、D in the ExeriseHer: 1 Listening t the tape, reite the text2 a

10、t the str ith the partentsBlabard draings:heres ne ap?ball, all, fall, tall, allIt s a sall, sall, stall after allTeahing NtesUnit 2 an u read and rite?Perids:ntentsPeridsPart A、B、 Exerise A、B ne PeridPart D、E 、F Exerise 、D ne PeridLanguage Funtin:Getting t n “an u ?” Language struture:an u ?es, I a

11、n Vabular:Understanding sentenes: Fr students: He an read He an libShe an rite i an eat a lt It an fl It ant siSunds:n the -s sund in the rdsTngue tistersPerid Basi ais f this lessn:1 an listen and sa shapes in the text2Finish the tas the teaher given in the lessns3an understand the nversatin the te

12、xt given4an spea and sa Part Ban at ith thers ith part Teahing diffiulties:an Dngdng d it fr e ? Teahing pints:an u rite in English?Teahing aids:Tpe-rerder, piture, puterStep 1 aring up:Tas 1: atin as “read, lib, rite, eat, fl, si”Tas 2: a gae: listen and dStep 2 Presentatin and drillTas 3:Teaher le

13、t the hildren ae the pitures as “read, lib, rite, eat, fl, si”Tas 4:Guess: hat d the d? (ith the given piture n the text)ultivate their penness thining The re sentenes the an spea,the higher pints the teaher give the grupStep 3 PratieListen t the tapeRetell the text A、B arding t hat the hearRead aft

14、er the tape Read in different rleRead in different grupStep 4 nslidatinD the at arding t Part Teaher give the assessentsD the Part A、B in the ExeriseTas : Finish the pitureSa it aludHer: 1 Listening t the tape, reite the text2 at the str ith the partentsBlabard draings:an u read and rite?an u rite i

15、n English? es, I an grandtheran Dngdng d it fr e ? u an as hiPerid Basi ais f this lessn:1 Finish the tas the teaher given in the lessns2 The abilit t read Part D ith the given piture3 Retell the str n Part D4 The abilit t n the sund in “-”The abilit t read the senteneThe abilit t rite the rd in rre

16、t frThe abilit t sa the hantThe abilit t intrdue the piture that the students draTeahing diffiulties:Find the ruler f the sund in “-”Help the student ultivate their reading abilit in Part D Teahing pints:Language sunds as in tngue tister and hantTeahing aids:Tpe-rerder, piture, puterStudents aids: Everne dra pitures abut the str, P



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