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1、拜登副总统电台英语演讲稿gd rning, everne this past ee, eve seenthe best and the rst f huanit the heinusterrrist attas in paris and beirut, in iraq andnigeria the shed us ne again the depths f theterrrists depravitand at the sae tie, e sa the rld etgether in slidarit parisians pening their drst anne trapped in t

2、he street, taxi drivers turningff their eters t get peple he safet, peplelining up t dnate bld these siple huan atsare a perful reinder that e annt be bren and in the fae f terrr, e stand as nein the ae f these terrible events, i understand the anxiet that an aerians feel ireall d i dnt disiss the f

3、ear f a terrrist bb ging ff theres nthing presidentbaa and i tae re seriusl thugh, than eeping the aerian peple safein the past fe ees thugh, eve heard an aful lt f peple suggest that the best a teep aeria safe is t prevent an srian refugee fr gaining aslu in the united statess lets set the rerd str

4、aight h it rs fr a refugee t get aslu refugees fae thest rigrus sreening f anne h es t the united states first the arefingerprinted, then the underg a thrugh bagrund he, then the are intervieed bthe departent f heland seurit and after that, the fbi, the natinal unterterrrisenter, the departent f def

5、ense and the departent f state, the all have t sign ff naessand t address the speifi terrris nerns e are taling abut n, eve institutedanther laer f hes ust fr srian refugees there is n pssibilit f being verheledb a fld f refugees landing n ur drstep trr right n, refugees ait 18 t 24nths hile the sre

6、ening press is pleted and unlie in eurpe, refugees dnt set ftin the united states until the are thrughl vettedlets als reeber h the vast arit f these refugees are: en, hildren, rphans,survivrs f trture, peple desperatel in need f edial helpt turn the aa and sa there is n a u an ever get here uld pla

7、 right int theterrrists hands e n hat isil e n hat the hpe t aplish the flat-uttld usearlier this ear, the tp isil leader al-baghdadi revealed the true gal f their attas hereshat he said, he said, pel the rusaders t ativel destr the gra zne theselvesuslis in the est ill quil find theselves beteen ne

8、 and t hies either apstatizer eigrate t the islai state and thereb esape perseutin s its lear its learhat isil ants the ant t anufature a lash beteen ivilizatins the antfrightened peple t thin in ters f us versus thethe ant us t turn ur bas n uslis vitiized b terrris but this gang f thugspeddling a

9、arped idelg, the ill never prevail the rld is united in ur reslve t endtheir evil and the nl thing isil an d is spread terrr in hpes that e ill in turn, turn nurselves e ill betra ur ideals and tae atins, atins tivated b fear that ill drivere reruits int the ars f isil thats h the in e in b priritiz

10、ing ur seurit aseve been ding refusing t prise ur fundaental aerian values: freed,penness, tlerane thats h e are thats h e ina gd ntinue t bless the united states f aeria and gd bless ur trps相关文章:南非总统祖马就曼德拉去世英语演讲稿韩国总统朴槿惠励志演讲稿:遇见我人生的灯塔奥巴马胜选演讲:我会成为更好的总统奥巴马总统就美国经济和外交政策发布会演讲稿奥巴马总统每周电台英语演讲稿2016 年奥巴马总统竞选演讲稿肯尼迪总统就职演说英文版总统竞选演讲稿范文奥巴马竞选美国总统英语演讲稿经典总统竞选演讲稿“美国总统奥巴马在上海与中国青年对话” 演讲全文美国第一任黑人总统奥巴马获胜演讲全文


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