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1、六年级英语上册教案 (科普版)Lessn 12 ne he教学内容(Teahing aterial)B 7Lessn12 ne he (14 段)设计人(Designer )教学目标(Teahing Ais)1、词汇方面:Read and sa: drive bridge suth hina vest it thrugh elevatr re bedr etre faus visit apartent eighteenth tallest Asia2、语言结构方面:复习一般现在时,形容词比较级3、交际用语:Here e are 及 711 的交际用语。4、思想方面:对学生进行“爱我家乡” 的思

2、想教育。教学重难点(ain DiffiultPint)1、认读单词。2、会读,理解大意,能回答与有关的问题。难点:Retell the text(1_4)教学准备(Teahing Aids)Tape rerder,PituresPeridThe first perid基本教学过程(参考)(Teahing Predure)个性设计(Persnalit Design)Step1 ar-up and revisin1Tr t retell the text f lessn11 First tgether then the vlunteers2Tr t read and sa the ne rds f

3、 this lessn (卡片形式快速出现)3 区分辨音: i ai drive hinai bridge it4Revise the ld rds: fail,ride,ver, street,stp,in frnt f,building,flr, a up high,uh bigger than,bright(卡片形式快速出现,读单词并说词义)Step2 Ne nepts 1Teaher pints t the piture and sa: “I have a friendHis nae is Liu unHe lives in ShangHaiN he has a ne heIts in

4、 PuDng Its ver beautifulLets g and vist it,?”2Pla the tape(14 段)As the t listen and l at the bs3Pla the tape again As the t repeat and sa hinese eaning Explain:drive t驾车前往 ride 乘坐 thrugh 穿过 Here e are 我们到了 in frnt f 在前面 n the eighteenth flr 在第 18 层楼 a up high 位于楼层高处 e int 进入 uh bigger than 比更大 re 更多

5、4Teaher pints t the pitures Retell the text(1_4)and rite e rds under the pituresStep4 Drills1As the pupils t l at the bs and repeat the tape rerder2Read the text tgether3As the t lse the bsL at the e rds Listen t the tape and repeat4L at the e rds Teaher and pupils tr t retell(可以分段复述)差生可以让他们读一读。6Ans

6、er se puestins:1 here des Liuun live?2 Are his fail driving t their ne he n?3 D the ride ver a bridge and thrugh se streets?4 here d the stp? D the ride the elevatr up t their ne he ?6 hih flr is their ne he n?7 hih he is bigger,the ne ne r the ld ne?8 Des it have an r?Step He r1D EX and EX8 after l

7、ass2Tr t retell the text f this lessn教学后记(Pstsript) 教学内容(Teahing aterial)Lessn12 ne he (-9)设计人(Designer )教学目标(Teahing Ais)1、1rite the in English:drive,bridge,suth,hina,est,it2Sa the in English:thrugh,elevatr,re,bedr,etre,faus,visit,apartent,eighteenth,tallest,Asia2、复习一般现在时,形容词比较级、最高级,及 7-11交际用语。3、对学

8、生进行思想教育,要热爱自己的家乡。教学重难点(ain DiffiultPint)1、会读及复述。2、书写单词。3、回答与有关的问题。教学准备(Teahing Aids)Tape rerderpituresPeridThe send perid基本教学过程(参考)(Teahing Predure)个性设计(Persnalit Design)Step1 ar-up and revisin1 、Retell the text (1-4)f lessn12First tgether then the vlunteers2、Revise the ne rdsrite fur sill rds in En

9、glishRead and sa three sill rds3、Read and sa the ld rds in the streets, L lie,arund,an f the,even,t the suth,at nightStep2 Ne nepts1、Sh the pitures n the blabardTeaher pints t the pitures and retell the text (-9)in hinese2、Teaher pints t the pitures and retell the text in English3 、Pla the tape rerd

10、er,As the t repeat and sa hinese eaning Explain The shungHai TV Statin,all verStep3 Drills1、L at the bs Listen t the tape and repeat2、Read tgether3、L at the e rds Listen and repeat4、Teaher and pupils L at the e rds tr t retell(可以分段复述)、First tgether then the vlunteers6 、复述有困难的学生,可以让他们读一读 1 hat an Liu

11、 un see fr the ind?2hat is lie ts?3hat is arund their apartent huse?4hat an Liu un see t the suth?Is it ne f the tallest building in hina?6hat an Lin un see t the est?7here is Shang Hai TV statin?8hat d the lights l lie in the s at night?9Is the it beautiful?10Des Liu un lie his ne he?8 、启发学生说一说从中懂得

12、什么?要热爱自己的家乡,虽然我们的家乡现在比不上浦东美,但是只要我们好好学习,将用知识改变我们家乡的面貌。Spet4 Hner1、D Ex6 and Ex7 after lass2、Retell the hle text f lessn12教学后记(Pstsript) 教学内容(Teahing aterial)Lessn12 ne he设计人(Designer )教学目标(Teahing Ais)1rite the ne rds 四会单词看音标,书写单词的意思。2Read and sa three sill rds3Tr t retell the hle text4D se exerises

13、in English b教学重难点(ain DiffiultPint)1写及认读新单词。2复述整篇。3做练习题。难点:复述整篇。教学准备(Teahing Aids)Tape rerder;pituresPeridThe three perid基本教学过程(参考)(Teahing Predure)个性设计(Persnalit Design)Step1 ar-up and revisin1rite the fur sill rds 看音标写单词和意思。2Read and sa three sill rds(卡片形式快速出现)3Pla the tape rerder As the pupils t listen t the text f lessn124As the vlunteers t tr t retell the hle text(可用挂图提示)让复述有困难的学生读一读。Step2 heba1听录音选择正确答案。2听录音按顺序排列句子。3填数字。4口头讨论图画。运用多媒体实物展台(或简笔画) ,参照书中例句,引导学生进行操练。再将学生分成两人一组自由练习。关于 ars bus da 进行问答老师首先和一名学生示范,然后互相问答。Step3 Test1D Listening EX1-4D EX8教学后记(Pstsript)



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