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1、应届毕业生英语本科生求职信(精选多篇)第一篇:应届毕业生求职信(英语专业)dear your school leaders: hello!thank you for your busy schedule to pull out redundant to read my cover letter. sailing, wind power depends on you! i am the 2014 session of hubei normal university department of mathematics, mathematics education fresh graduates.

2、will soon face the choice of employment, i worked very thought of your organization. colleagues and your organization want to work side by side, a total of hope yang fan, create brilliant career.“bao jianfeng from sharpening out, plum blossom from the bitter cold.” after four years of professional s

3、tudy and university life of training, into the school when the innocent, naive i have now become calm and cool. order based on the community, for their own success, four years i have been efforts to study, whether basic courses, or courses, have achieved good results. university hospital during the

4、year 2014, individual access to scholarships, the level of english to national levels, the computer had the national level, and through a national language test two first class exam. at the same time after school, i also paid attention to expanding their knowledge and a minor in professional skills

5、(mathematics education), a teacher to master the basic skills. self-study after school hours the basic operation of computer, familiar with windows operating system, master office2014 office software, able to skillfully use the software authorware, powerpoint and other production of courseware, mult

6、imedia teaching.learning is important, but capacity-building is also essential. more than three years, in order to improve their teaching ability, and accumulated experience in education, starting from the second year, i learn the various professional courses, it is also actively participated in aft

7、er school hours tutoring practice, the number of middle school mathematics and elementary lame leg students in mathematics tutorial, so that their math scores have improved a great extent, my work has also been affirmed and praised parents. to further accumulation of experience in mathematics educat

8、ion system, i went to wuhan iron and steel daye iron mine carried out up to two months of a junior high school mathematics education, internship, internship in two months time, i actively consult an experienced teacher, pay attention learn their art of teaching, improve their professional level and

9、teaching presentation skills, and strive to do their own teaching style both informative and interesting. through their continuous efforts and teaching practice, i already have a good quality of teachers, excellent work style, solid in teaching basic skills, strong self-learning and adaptability, go

10、od communication and coordination, so i work on the future of education full of confidence and expectations.read it slowly and more than ten years studying, now i have been full of pride and confidence. career success requires knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the perfect combination of opportunities.

11、 similarly, a unit of the carrier of honor need to carry her - the selfless dedication of people. i urge your organization to give me a chance, so i had the privilege to become a member of you, i will be times of enthusiasm and diligent work to return your helping his career.look forward to hearing

12、from you!thank you for your busy schedule to chouxia to approve the cover letter.sincerely, salutejob applicant: xxx xxx dated xx day of xx第二篇:英语应届毕业生求职信模板尊敬的领导: 您好!感谢您在繁忙的事务中抽出一点时间审阅我的求职信,您的审阅就是我即将就业的第一步。这里的每一个字都是一名等待就业的大学生用竭诚的心写出来的。下面,我将自己的情况向您作一个详细的个人自我介绍。 我是黄山学院英语专业的一名好范文,我叫马敏勇。在校期间,我除了刻苦学习专业知识外

13、,还不断的充实自己,提高自己的实践能力和动手能力。如:支教、兼职等。通过不断学习与积累,能够较好地完成大学学业(本文 来自好:),顺利毕业。而且,脚踏实地不为别的只为在将来的挑战中积累一点经验。“一分耕耘 ,一分收获 ”。大学的专业学习生活 ,让我具备了较好地英语听、说、读、写、译的能力,并能熟练的操作计算机文字处理技术等相关办公软件,获得计算机 word、excel 、 ppt 三个模块的证书,以及省级计算机一级证书。学校只是一个小小的空间,社会才是一个充分展示自己的大舞台。从学校到社会是人生一个成长的过程。很高兴我生活的是一个充满挑战的年代,只要有奋斗进取不止的信心,我就有前进的动力。这是

14、一个新的开始,对未来我有信心去追求去探索,对事业我有着强烈的执着和热爱。我知道贵单位有着团结一致的精神,有着朝气蓬勃的生机,我愿化作一块闪亮的煤炭,投入到这个蒸蒸日上的集体大熔炉中,贡献自己的力量!无论贵单位是否审阅这封自荐信,我都充分准备面试。因为在这个机会稍纵即逝的时代,机会总留给那些有准备的人。若贵单位愿意接收,我将不求安逸的环境,继续发扬自己吃苦耐劳和勤奋踏实的优良作风,努力工作,也愿意服从您的安排和调动。我会用实践证明贵单位的选择是对的。我期待着能有一次面谈的机会,盼望着能收到贵单位的答复。祝您工作顺利!此致敬礼第三篇:英语师范专业应届毕业生求职信 尊敬的领导:您好!每一位教师犹如人

15、梯,为成就攀登者而牺牲自己;犹如露珠,滋润着吐艳的花果。现在,我马上就要从一名受教者转为一名施教者,而十六年的求学使我深刻体会到了作为一名人民教师的神圣职责,因此,我将以满腔的热情,百倍的信心,投入到我所喜爱的教育事业中去。“学高为师,身正为范” 是我一直铭记的警言。以此为鉴,我在大学四年中努力学习,不断充实自我,调整自我。在校期间,我从 英语 专业特点入手,在听、说、读、写、译等方面严格要求自己。各学科成绩良好。大二时以良好的成绩通过了专业四级的 考试 。同时,我大量汲取课外的知识,阅读英文原文著作、报刊、杂志,经常参加各院系的学术报告活动,扩展知识的广度和深度。教学法这门课程的开设,为我的

16、学习打开了另一个窗口。通过对比中外教学法的特长、优点,我找出了适合于自己特色的教学方法,并在实践中得到检验。在 xx 学校实习期间,我以完善的教学方法、大方的教态、流利的口语表达获得了优秀的实习成绩。我在担任团支书期间,组织策划了团支部园地的出版,并使支部被评为优秀团支部。组织多次政治学习,策划多次活动如捐款、合唱、晚会等,培养了一定的组织能力。在课余时间,我连续三年担任家教工作。所教的学生囊括了从小学到大学的全部阶段。不仅达到了经济完全独立的目的,丰富了阅历,检验了课堂所学的理论知识,而且对现阶段的教育有了更深层次的了解。现在,我就要步入社会。富于理想,勇于实践的我;亲近自然,游历丰富的我;崇尚知识,喜欢探索的我,想实现自己的价值,回报社会,体现现代 英语 教师的风采。 “江河不厌小溪,方有其波涛滚滚;高山不厌其碎石,才有其巍峨雄伟。 ”因此,我诚挚地希望加入贵校这支教书育人的精英队伍,在未来的日子里,与教师携手共进,为教育创一份美好的明天而尽一份心力!顺祝贵校事业蒸蒸日上!xxxxxxx 年 xx 月第四篇:应届本科生求职


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