八年级英语上册unit3 i’m more outgoing than my sister知识点归纳

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1、八年级英语上册 Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister知识点归纳八年级英语上册 Unit3 I re utging than sister 知识点归纳一、词组、短语:1 re utging 更外向/更开朗,2 asas 与 一样,3 the singing petitin 歌咏比赛,4 the st iprtant 最重要的,be talented in usi 在音乐方面有天赋,6 the sae as 与相同7 are abut 关心/留意/关注, 8 be different fr 与不同,9 be lie a irrr 像一面镜子, 10 as ln

2、g as 与一样长,11 bring ut 显示/显出/生产/带, 12 get better grade 取得好成绩,13 reah fr 伸手达到/达到 14 tuh nes heart 感动,1 in fat 事实上, 16 ae friends 交朋友,17 be gd at 在某方面成绩好,18 the ther 另一个,19 be siilar t 对熟悉, 20 be gd ith 与和睦相处二、重要句子:1 Sa has lnger hair than T 萨姆的头发比汤姆的长。2 She als sings re ludl than Tara 她唱歌也比泰拉声音大。3 Nel

3、l sang s ell 内莉唱得如此好。4 Fr e, a gd friend lies t d the sae things as e 对于我说,好朋友喜欢跟我做相同的事情。h is sarter, ur ther r ur father ? 谁更聪明,你妈妈还是你爸爸?6 It s nt neessar t be the sae 没有必要相同。7 I thin a gd friend aes e laugh 我认为好朋友会让我笑。8 ll studies harder than her best friend 莫莉比她更好的朋友学习更努力。9 ther tld e a gd friend

4、 is lie a irrr 我妈妈告诉我好朋友就像一面镜子。10 S e en studing tgether 因此我们喜欢在一起学习。 11 S its nt eas fr e t ae friends 因此对我说交朋友不容易。12 e bth lie sprts 我们两个都喜欢运动。13 best friend helps t bring ut the best in e 我最好的朋友帮我把最好的方面发掘出。14 Larr is uh less hard-ring, s I alas get better grades 拉里不如我用功,因此我总是取得更好的成绩。1 Huang Lei i

5、snt as gd at tennis as Larr 黄磊不如拉里擅长网球。 16I sh s its nt eas fr e t ae friends三、习惯用法、搭配1 have fun ding sth 享受做某事的乐趣 2 ant t d sth 想要做某事3 as + 形容词或副词的原级 + as 与一样 4 be gd at ding sth 擅长做某事ae sb d sth 让某人做某事6 It s+ 形容词 + fr sb t d sth 对某人说,做某事是的语法:Is T sarter than Sa? 汤姆比萨姆更聪明吗?N,he isnt Sa is sarter th

6、an T 不是,萨姆比汤姆更聪明。Is Tara re utging than Tina? Tara 比 Tina 更开朗吗?N, she isnt Tina is re utging than Tara 不是, Tina 比 Tara 更开。Are u as friendl as ur sister? 你与你的姐姐一样友好吗?N, I nt I friendlier 不是,我更友好。Des Tara r as hard as Tina? Tara 与 Tina 一样学习认真吗? es, she des 是的。hs re hardring at shl?在学校谁更勤奋?Tina thins s

7、he rs harder than e Tina 认为她比我更努力。四、词语辨析laugh v n 笑e all laughed ludl hen she ade a e 她说了个笑话,我们都大声笑起。e all laughed at his e 听了他的笑话我们都笑起。He laughs best h laughs last 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。/不要高兴得太早。(与 at 连用)嘲笑Dnt laugh at hi 别嘲笑他。Peple have ften laughed at stries tld b seaen 人们常常嘲笑海员所讲的故事。Everne laughed at his

8、flish antis 大家都笑他那种愚蠢的滑稽动作。笑;笑声 e had a gd laugh at his e 我们被他的笑话逗得哈哈大笑。thugh n 虽然;纵然;即使;尽管 = althughThugh it as raining,he ent there 虽然当时正下着雨,他还是到那里去了。Thugh he as pr he as happ 虽然他很穷却很快乐。注意:不能受汉语的影响,在 thugh 引导的从句后使用 but。如:Thugh he as pr ,but he as happ(误)thugh adv 不过,可是,然而,常用于句末,用逗号隔开。i said that h

9、e uld e, he didnt , thugh 语法讲解:形容词与副词的比较级1规则变化单音节词和少数双音节词,加词尾-er,-est 构成比较级和最高级。构成法原级比较级最高级一般单音节词末尾加-er,-esttall(高的)great(巨大的)tallergreatertallestgreatest以不发音的 e 结尾的单音节词和少数以 -le 结尾的双音节词只加-r,-stnie(好的)large(大的)nierlargerniestlargest以一个辅音字母结尾的闭音节单音节词,双写结尾的辅音字母,再加-er ,-estbig(大的)ht(热的)biggerhtterbigges

10、thttest“以辅音字母 +”结尾的双音节词,改为 i,再加-er, -esteas(容易的)bus (忙的)easierbusiereasiestbusiest少数以-er,- 结尾的双音节词末尾加-er ,-estlever(聪明的)narr (窄的)leverernarrerleverestnarrest其他双音节词和多音节词,在前面加 re,st 构成比较级和最高级iprtant(重要的)easil(容易地)re iprtantre easilst iprtantst easil2不规则变化原级比较级最高级gd(好的)ell(健康的)betterbestbad(坏的) ill(有病的

11、)rserstld(老的)lder/elderldest/eldestuh/an(多的)restlittle (少的)lessleastfar(远的)farther/furtherfarthest/furthest1 Peter lies t d the sae things as e 彼得喜欢和我做一样的事情。best friend Larr is quite different fr e 我最好的朋友拉里和我很不一样。(1)the sae as 意为“与?相同” 。例如:birthda is the sae as Ts 我的生日与汤姆的一样。I have the sae shl bag a

12、s urs 我有一个和你一样的书包。(2)different fr 意为“和?不一样” ,是 the sae as 的反义词组。Lu is different fr Lil 露西与莉莉不一样。拓展 differene 意为 “不同;不用之处”,可做可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。例如:There is n differene beteen the tins 那对双胞胎长得一模一样。There are se differenes beteen T and BbLife in the untr is quite _ that in the itA the sae B different fr ful

13、l f Dthe sae as Is ur pen _ i s? Asae as Bthe sae the sae ith Dthe sae as There is nt uh _ (different) in prie beteen the t ats 我的妹妹和我不一样。 sister _ _ _ e2e bth lie sprts 我们两个都喜欢运动。 The are bth tall 他们两个都高。 (助后行前)bth 表示两者都 , neither 表示两者都不。bth f/neither f 表示“两者都/都不”。例如:The bth are students= Bth f the

14、 are students 他们两个都是学生。The girls bth lie English=Bth f the girls lie English 这两个女孩都喜欢英语。Neither f the is a dtr 他们两个都不是医生。 There are lts f lrful flers n _ sides f the streets Aeah Bbth either Dall hat are ur parents?The dtrs Aare all Bare bth all are Dbth areLi Lei and Li ing bla hair Ahave bth Bbth

15、have has bth Dbth hasBth f the are dtrs(改为否定句) _ _ the _ a dtr3Huang Lei isnt as gd at tennis as Larr 黄磊不如拉里擅长网球。asas 与?一样 nt as/sas 不如?中间加形容词或副词的原级。例如:He is as tall as T 他跟汤姆一样高。She isn t as utging as her sister 她不如她的姐姐外向。 i is telve ears ld Ti is telve ears ld, t(合并为同义句) i is _ _ _ Ti English is as eas as ath(改为否定句) English _ _ _ _ _ath rite _ and tr nt t ae an istaesAas areful as pssible Bre arefulst areful Das arefull as u an D u thin ftball is as _ as basetball in Ae


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