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1、如何用英语介绍自己工作经验ring Experiene(工作经验) (I = Intervieer A = Appliant)I:Please tell e ur present bA:I a ring in a garent fatr present b is t inspet the qualit f prduts parativel speaing, qualit ntrl is rather siple Althugh I d b ell, I a ling fr a ne b hih is re hallengingI:Have u ever been epled?A:Nt et I

2、 riginall planned t g abrad t stud after leaving llege, but I uldnt get a visa I:ur resue sas u have had ne S experiene ring in a freign representative ffie in Shanghai, a I as h u left?A:I red in a fteign rep ffie fr ne ear Hever, I left there t ears ag beause the r the gave e as rather dull I fund

3、 anther b hih is re interestingI:Have u dne an r in this field?A:es, I have red in this field fr fur ears First, I red in an Aerian pan as a sales representative, then I transferred t a Hng ng pan as a sales anagerI:hat ind f bs have u had?A:I red as a business rdinatr in a freign representative ffi

4、e, then I transferred t a int venture as a sales anager S I a failiar ith the textile aret in hinaI: hat qualifiatins d u have that ae u feel u ill be suessful in ur field?A: First ,I thin tehnial bagrund is helpful I have enugh nledge t aret the prduts f ur pan Sendl, I have studied fr fur nths in

5、a areting Training Prgrae ith satisfatr results Finall, I have astered the English Language These qualifiatins ill ae e suessful in areerI: hat have u learned fr the bs u have had?A: I have learned a lt abut business n-h and basi ffie sills In additin , I learned at previus bs h t perate ith lleague

6、sI:an u get reendatins fr ur previus eplers?A:es, I have brught the ith e Here the areI; hats u ar ea pint?A:I havent been invlved In internatinal business, s I dn t have an experiene, but I have studied this urse in the Internatinal Business Training entre f the Shanghai Freign Servie panI: hat are

7、 ur greatest strengths? A I n a lt abut fl the hinese en rs, and h business is dne here Sendl, I spea English fluentl I have n diffiult ith language And, I a a hardrer hen I have sething hallenging t dI: Please tell e abut ur ring experiene A: I have five ears experiene in the heial industr sine I g

8、raduated fr llege First f all I red as an assistant engineer in the N1 heial Industr Three ears later I transferred t AB heit Industr pan N I a ring in the Sale Departent f that panI:Des ur present epler n u are ling anther b? A:N, I havent disussed areer plans ith resent epler, but I a sure he ill understand


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