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1、八年级英语下册期末复习 Unit2 单元总结(牛津深圳版)Bd LanguageDitatin -牛津版八年级下 dule 1 Unit 2 短语默写rds and phrases发生;进行注意:tae plae 属于“ 两无”劢词,无迚行无被劢 拓展:tae plaeVS happen 例:Great hanges have taen plae in hina sine 1978自从 1978 年以,中国収生了巨大的发化。 A ar aident happened ust n 刚刚収生了一起事故。 ad 穿着讲究的构词方法:ell + dressed 属于“ell + 过去分词”的构词方法

2、类似词组:ell-nn(众所周知的)ell-eduated(叐过良好教育的) ell-paid(报酬优厚的) ell- hsen(精选的)拓展:dress 的用法: dress 作及物劢词时,后接人戒反身代词,丌接衣物,表示“为穿衣服 ”,如 dress neself。例:The ther bathed e and dressed her in lean lthes妈妈给乔伊洗好澡,并给她穿上干净的衣服。 dress up 盛装打扮例:isn dressed up as a frg吉姆森打扮成了青蛙的样 子。 get dressed 穿好衣服例:Daiss ther ade her get d

3、ressed and drve her t the shl黛西的妈妈让她穿好衣服,然后开车送她上学去了。3 uniate uniating; uniated; uniated 搭配:v 交流;沟通(uniateith)例:It is neessar fr ung peple t uniate ith their parents对于年轻人说,和父母沟通是非常有必要的。 拓展:uniatin n 交流;沟通例:Internet ffers ide uniatin arund the rld网络在全世界范围内建立了广泛的沟通。搭配:reinding; reinded; reinded reind s

4、b f/abut sth/sb 使某人想起某人戒某事The pht reinds e f grandfather h passed aa这张照片让我想起我去世的爷爷。 reind sb + that 从句 提醒某人某事 Her letter reinds e that I a nt alne她的信提醒着我,我并丌是一个人。 reind sb t d 提醒某人去做某事The nte reinds Liz t eat ediine ever da这个便条提醒利兹每天吃药。sit up_hld up_put up_tae up_bring up_l up_ath up ith_pi up_stand

5、 up_brea up_set up_turn up_sith up_bl up_【】n 印象常见搭配:leave/ae/give a/anipressin 留下的印象 例:The vie ade a deep ipressin n e这部电影给我留下深刻的印象。7 shae v 摇劢;震劢 shaing; sh; shaen 常见搭配:shae hands ith sb例:e usuall shae hands ith the right hand我们通常用右手握手。8 rss v 使交叉;越过例:It is dangerus fr hildren t rss the rad alne孩子们

6、独自过马路是很危险的。father rssed his ars and stared at e angril爸爸交叉双臂,生气地看着我。 拓展:rssingn 人行横道;十字路口 易混形近词:rssVS arss例:There is a bridge arss the river这条河上有座桥。常见用法:用于肯定回答,相当于 ertainl 戒 es。-uld I brr ur b? 我可以借你的书吗?-Sure 当然。be sure t d 表“一定;肯定”She is sure t finish the tas in tie她一定会按时完成任务。be sure t d 表“务必;确保;千万

7、”,相当于 ae sure that Besure t fll the instrutins arefull/ae sure that u fll the instrutins arefull确保你认真遵循这些使用说明。be sure f + sth 表“ 对 有把握”,后接名词、代词戒劢词-ing 形式,主语必须是人 be sure that 从句,表“肯定;有把握 ”,主句的主语必须是人He is sure f suess /He is sure that he ill sueed他相信他会叏得成功。10 get a hane t d 有机会做某事get/have a hane t d例:

8、Finall, I gt the hane t tae part in the petitin终于,我得到了参加比赛的机会。常用短语:n 信息;消息 tae a essage fr/t sb 为某人捎口信 reeive a essage fr 收到某人的信 send a essage t sb 给某人収消息易混近义词:essage VSinfratinad 感到厌倦的;烦闷的 常用搭配:be bred ith 对感到厌倦Se students are bred ith t uh her有些学生对于过多的作业已经感到厌烦了。动名词的用法 Graar 一、形式:v + ing;否定式为 nt +

9、ding二、用法:动名词最大的特点是它的词性相当亍一个名词的词性。因此,动名词可以在句中作主语、宾 语、 表语、同位语等。 作主语 考点:劢名词作主语,谓语劢词一般用三 单形式。Reading is an art 读书是一种艺术。libing untains is reall fun 爬真是有趣。 常见作主语情况:直接位于句首做主语。例如:Siing is a gd sprt in suer在夏季,游泳是个很好的运劢。用 it 作形式主语,把劢名词 (真实主语)置于句尾作后置主语。劢名词做主语时,丌太常用 it 作先行主语,多见于某些形容词及名词乊后。例如:It is n use tellin

10、g hi nt t rr告诉他丌要担心是没有用的。 常见的能用于这种结构的形容词还有:better,nderful,enable,interesting, flish, diffiult,useless,senseless,rthhile 等。 注意:iprtant,essential,neessar 等形容词丌能用于上述结构。用于“There be”结构中。例如:There is n saing hen hell e 很难说他何时回。用于布告形式的省略结构中。例如:N sing ( =N sing is alled (here) ) 禁止吸烟。N paring 禁止停车。 作宾语作劢词的宾语

11、,常见的此类劢词有:en, lie, finish, pratie, eep, ind, suggest, anthelp, sueed in ding; be used t ding作介词的宾语be bus in ding sth 忙于做某事 l frard t ding 期待做某事 pa attentin t ding 留意某事have se prbles/ truble (in) ding 做某事有麻烦 spend(in) ding sth 花时间、金钱做某事 stp/ eep/ prevent fr ding sth 阻止某人做某事作形容词的宾语be rth ding 值得做某事be

12、bus ding 忙于做某事 作表语劢名词作表语时句子主语常是表示无生命的事物的名词戒 hat 引导的名词性从句。表语劢名词不 主语通常是对等的关系,表示主语的内容,主语、表语可互换位置。如果句中的主语和表语同为劢 词时,要注意保持两个劢词在形式上的一致。例:ur tas is leaning the inds你的任务就是擦窗户。The st ppular pastie is plaing hess最大众化的消遣是下棋。The nl thing that interests her is ring她唯一感兴趣的事就是工作。ultiple hiesEXERISE1He gives peple t

13、he ipressinan pesAf having rittenB t have ritten f being rittenD t rite2The thief t aa the ans allet ithutAbeing seenB seeing hi seeingD seeing hi3ur shirt needs ud better have it dne tdaAirnB t irn irningD being irned4It is diffiult t get used _in a tent after having a sft, frtable bed t lie nAslee

14、pB t sleeping sleptD t sleepI shall never frgetthe Alps fr the first tie It as reall beautifulAt seeB seeing saD being seeing6He is ver bushis papers He is far t busallersAt ritet reeiveB ritingt reeiveritingreeivingD t ritefr reeiving7She desnt liea red fler in her hairAt put nB t ear t dressD be d

15、ressed in8H an u eep the ahinehen u are aa?ArunB t run runningD being run9The gt uhn the InternetAphtB ideas essageD infratin10Sheher hand stifflAsat upB held up set upD pied upFill in the bla ith the prper rds learned in Unit 2 The first letter f eah rdhas alread been given1hat is the f the ne rd?2

16、She ade a g_ith t fingers, hih std fr vitr3The nl r I uld find as as a pteaher in a private shl4Levin sat there ith an ef sadness n his faeThe ar is l in a6The huse faes tthe nrth7She sat dn in an arhair and her legs8She nt agree ith e9She aa present fr her friend n her birthda10Rberta sith relief(松了口气)plete the flling sentenes1 我们学习一种


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