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1、八年级英语上 Unit1-Unit6 综合检测试卷(人教版含答案听力mp3)Unit1- Unit6 综合检测试卷(满分 120 分,答题时间 120 分钟)听力部分(共 20 分)听句子,选择最佳应答语。 (共小题,每小题 1 分,共分)1 A Exellent B T the untains es, I did 2 A Sing dane B Pian lessns Art 3 A Peter B ind es, it is 4 A es, I did B N, I did es, I asA Tie B T ees Sun inea 听五段短对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。 (共小题,每

2、小题 1 分,共分)6 here did Sall d n vaatin? A Staed at heB Did her Plaed puter gaes7 hs Peters best friend?A TaraB Tina Lisa8 hat des ane usuall eat fr breafast?A Ndles B aes Haburgers9 hih anial des ie lie best?A Pandas B Dgs ats 10 here is the girl ging fr her suer hlida?A Aeria B hina England根据你所听到的两段较

3、长对话,选择正确答案。 (共小题,每小题 1 分,共分)听第一段对话,回答 11-12 小题。11 hat d the thin f talent shs?A BringB Exiting Terrible12 hat ind f TV shs d the dislie?A Sprts shsB Gae shs Tal shs听第二段对话,回答 13-1 小题。13 here did Gina g n her vaatin? A She libed untainsB She ent siing She athed TV at he14 H as the eather hen Gina as n

4、 vaatin?A Sunn but nt arB ld and ind Sunn and ar1 Did hn have a gd tie n vaatin?A N, he didntB es, he dides, beause the eather as fineIV听短。根据所听内容选择最佳答案。短读两遍(共小题,每小题 1 分,共分)16 hat des r Sith d?A an English teaher B a dtr a reprter17 r Sith has hairA lng url B shrt straight shrt url18 Brad last SundaA

5、 plaed vlleball B ade t ne friends ent hiing19 Ruth and Annie A et a lst girl B fund a lst dg helped a lst b20 At a restaurant r Siths had fr lunhA duplings, hien and green teaB bread, eat and ilndles, eat and green tea笔试部分(共 100 分)I 单项选择(共 1 小题,每小题 1 分,共 1 分)21D u n _ an n TV? es, he is _ hnest per

6、sn N he is planning _ ne-da tripA a, an, an B an, the, a the, a, an D the, an, a22_ is the rld up held?Ever 4 earsA H sn B hen H ftenD H lng23 The b _ t hurs plaing ser and didnt d his herA stB paid spentD t24 The tat is in fat a fruit, _ it is eaten as a vegetableA beauseB if henD althugh2 This pit

7、ure is _ that ne I ant find an differeneA different frB siilar fr different tD siilar t26 I srr I ant pla ser ith u this afternn I have _ her t dA t an B t uh uh t D an t27ud better eep the seret t _, illie and Lil , A u shuld eep it fr _,t?A urself; u B self; urself u; urselves D urselves; us28 The

8、 bx is t heav t arr hats in it? h, I _ it _bsA filled, ith B a full, f a filled, ith D filled f29 Id lie t bu Gu inging s Tin Ties u had better _his bs The stries he tells are far fr real lifeA dnt read B nt read nt reading D nt t read30 Everne shuld d sething ild anialsA prtet B prteting t prtet D

9、t prteting31 brther has _ gd friends in his lassA quite a little B quite a fe a quite little D a quite fe32 Dad, uld u please drive _ ?N hurr e have enugh tie befre the plane taes ffA faster B re sll sler D re arefull33 The bab is sleeping Please spea _A ludl B learl quietl D plitel34 h d u lie t g

10、t n Restaurant?Beause it has _ dishes and _ seats in tnA better ; re frtable B better ; the st frtablethe best ; re frtable D the best ; the st frtable3 H as u trip last ee?_A Than u B Great I fine, thans D e tII 完型填空(共 10 小题,每题 1 分,共 10 分)aes is a ung and strng an He lies sprts ver uh But 36 is his

11、 favrite He alas plas ftball r athes ftball gaes if he is 37 ne Sunda 38 there as a ftball gae aes as happ beause he gt a 39 After lunh he ent t the plagrund n his a there, 40 as rng ith his ar He had t stp and 41 it hen he drve it again, he led at his ath and fund it as 42 the tie fr the gae He as

12、43 t be late fr the gae, s he drve uh faster The lights at the turning ere 44 , but he didnt stp A pliean 4 hi and ased, “h didnt u ait fr a inute? Didnt u see the red lights? ”“es, I did, sir, ”said aes “But I didnt see u ”36 A ftball B vlleball basetball D ping-png37 A bus B lu safe D free38 A rni

13、ng B afternn evening D night39 A all B reprt letter D tiet40 A anthing B everthing sething D nthing41 A find B ash end D start42 A nearl B alas nl D hardl43 A sad B srr happ D afraid44 A green B red blue D ell4 A heard B sa stpped D ne阅读理解(共 1 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分)Aur fail ent t the ell Stne Par last s

14、uer vaatin ur sn, T, anted t see bears there And hat an experiene(经历)it as! hen e gt there, e put up ur tent and ent t explre(探险) As e returned, e heard ur daughter Susie r ut And then e sa a bear g int ur tent T anted his father t hase(追赶)hi aa His father said, “N Its dangerus t hase a bear And dnt

15、 let hi hase u ”Susie said, “hat shall e d? abe e shuld lib a tree ”T said, “N e have t get hi ut f there He ight g t sleep in ur tent ”“abe e uld ae hi leave if e put se hne utside fr hi t eat ”Susie suggested Then I said, “H are u ging t get the hne? Its in the tent ”e athed the bear g int the tent and heard hi upset(翻倒; 弄翻)everthing inside “Its flish fr us t tr t hase hi aa, ”said husband, “Leave hi alne and ait fr hi t e ut ”e aited, but the bear staed inside e had t sleep in the ar that night 46 T anted t g t ell Stne Par t


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