九年级英语下册unit6 topic 1 section d教案(仁爱版)

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1、九年级英语下册 Unit6 Topic 1 Section D 教案(仁爱版)Setin DSetin D needs 1 per id Setin D 需用 1 时。The ain ativities are 1a and 4 本重点活动是 1a 和 4。 Ais and deands 目标要求1 aster se ne rds: televisin, advertiseent2 Revie se phrases learnt befre:have an influene/psitive effets n sth, spend se tie n/(in) ding sth, eep aa f

2、r, agree ith3 Tal abut h TV influenes ur lives4 Suarize the ntents f this tpiLearn h t ae a debate Teahing aids 教具录音机/磁带/一张蒙牛酸奶的广告/写有复习任务和阅读任务的小黑板 Five-finger Teahing Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Revie 第一步 复习(时间: 10 分钟)学生说出中西方化中有关狗的描述。运用头脑风暴的形式复习所学的电视节目,呈现新词,为 1a 的学习作准备。1 (比赛说出中西方化中有关狗的描述。)T: Lets have a petit

3、in: Sa the saings abut dgs in hinese and estern ulture u an add ur n pininsS1: In hina“a heless dg”,“a ad dg”,“a running dg” and “a dg athing a use”have negative eaningsS2: In estern untries, dgs are nsidered hnest and gd friends f huans S3: In estern untries, “u are a lu dg”eans u are a lu persn“Ev

4、er dg has its da”eans eah persn has gd lu at tiesS4: 2 (进行 Brainstring,复习所学的电视节目。)T: Revie all the prgras that eve learnedTV prgras: TV plas, sprts shs, tal shs, quiz shs, nes reprts, entertainent shs, hildrens prgras, eduatinal prgras (Ser Night, Lu 2, TV Nes, Anial rld, artn it, The Sae Sng )3 (教师

5、呈现蒙牛酸奶的广告图片/别的广告图片。)T: N, lets disuss anther TV prgraIts alled advertiseent(板书,领读。)advertiseent n 广告4 (教师呈现写有复习任务的小黑板,其内容为已学短语,但在本中重新出现,用以激活旧知识,为下一活动作铺垫。)T: D se exerises and fill in the blans ith the phrases that I give uT: Finish the tas alne S,e t the blabar d and rite dn ur ansers n itT: Finishe

6、d?Ss: es, e haveT: Lets he Ss ansersThe ansers are: (1)a lu dg (2)has an influene (3)agree ith(4)spent n/ finishing ()eeps aa fr(此环节也可以让其他学生到黑板前帮助修正错误答案,培养学生合作学习的意识,提高他们的识辨能力。)T: hen u d the exerises, u shuld ae ut the eaning f eah sentene at first, then hse the right phrases, and at last fill in th

7、e blans ith prper frs(教师可用彩色粉笔标出学生易错部分。)Step 2 Presentatin 第二步 呈现(时间: 10 分钟)由 1a 的图片谈起电视。先完成 1b,再学习 1a。1 (1)(以图片作为突破口,呈现内容,进入 1a。)T: Lets turn t page 31 L at the piture, S1, please desribe the piture fr usS1: There is a fail in the piture The father, the ther and the hild are athing TV The l ver hap

8、p I thin the prgra is ver funn beause all f the are silingT: H did S1 d the b?Ss: Great!T: Televisin is a part f ur life e alst ath TV ever da S it plas an iprtant rle in ur dail life Thin arefull! hat influenes des televisin have n us? There are se stateents in part 1b n page 31 udge hih nes are gd

9、 fr us, and hih nes are bad fr us rite “A” fr agreeent, “D” fr disagreeent Finish the tas in ne inute(学生独立完成 1b 作业。培养学生的预测能力和独立思考问题的能力。)T: Have u finished?Ss: esT: S2, hih nes d u agree?S2: 1, , 6 and 7T: D u agree ith hi?Ss: es, e d/N, e dn tT: Indeed, televisin has an gd influenes n us But hat bad

10、 influenes des it have n us? S3,uld u tell us sething?S3: Se prgras are nt healthT: hat u said sunds reasnable2 (让学生阅读 1a,并完成表格。)T: N, please read the text n page 31 Then fill in the blans n the blabard(教师在黑板上呈现阅读任务,学生开始阅读。)Gd InfluenesBad InfluenesT: Stp here, please S4, hat gd influenes have u fun

11、d in the text?S4: (1)Inrease ur nledge and hange the a e l at the rld(2)Televisin is a perfet bab-sitter(3)There are an gd prgras fr us(4)It is ne f the st iprtant as f getting infratinT: A nderful b! S, hat bad influenes have u fund televisins give us?S: (1)It eeps us aa fr healt h ativities(2)Ther

12、e are als se unhealth prgrasT: Right r rng?Ss: Thats right(教师把学生陈述的关键词填写在上述表格内。)3 (学生找出重点词组及难点句子。)T: Se phrases are ver iprtant t u and se sentenes are t diffiult fr u t understand Please find the ut(教师板书,讲解。) have a huge influene n 对有巨大影响eep aa fr 远离be suitable fr 对 合适It spends re tie ith hildren t

13、han parents dNt everthing n TV has psitive effets n vieersStep 3 nslidatin 第三步 巩固(时间: 7 分钟)巩固 1a。1 (听 1a 磁带,模仿语音语调,进一步加深对的理解。)T: N, listen t the tape, pa attentin t the prnuniatin and intnatin(播放磁带内容。)2 T: Further disuss se questins abut the text eah ther, then Ill as se students t reprt ur ansers(教

14、师呈现写有下列任务的小黑板。让学生讨论。)Fill in the blans after reading the text: (1)The tpi sentene f the text is (2)The ain idea f paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 is (3)The ain idea f paragraph 3 is (4)The last paragraph tells us (此活动的目的是使学生进一步加深对内容的理解,培养学生从整体把握主题或大意的能力,了解的结构,把握的内在联系。)T: Stp here! S1, uld u lie t tr?S1:

15、 Let e tr The tpi sentene f the text is that televisin has a huge influene n ur lives The ain idea f paragraph 1 and 2 is advantages f athing TV The ain idea f paragraph 3 is disadvantages f athing TV The last paragraph tells us t hse prper televisin prgras(教师把画线部分填入上述表格内。学生回答若有困难,教师可提示一些关键词,如: adva

16、ntage 和 disadvantage。) T: Its nderful f u t finish the b Than uStep 4 Pratie 第四步 练习(时间: 分钟)完成活动 2 和 3。1 (学习 Useful expressins,完成 2。让一个学生读,另一个学生译成汉语,教师可以适当帮助。)T: L at Useful expressins Ill as t students t d it ne reads these sentenes, the ther translates the int hineseS1: S2: T: Gd Here “uld rather d sth than sth” eans “prefer sth t sth” r “prefer ding sth t ding sth”2 (完成活动 3。)



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