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1、快乐英语第六册全册教案 5perid plan unitTitleTie19Lessn 10Teahing ais1T grasp the ne rds: nteb, penil-bx, earser, ruler 2Enable the students t lister, read and sa the rds: alulatr,heap and the phrases n sale 3 T grasp the ne sentene pattern: H uh is it? It s Teahing tlstape-rerder, puter, TV e pints1 As the t p

2、erfr the ntent f learn t sa sillfull 2 T grasp h t as the prie and use it sillfull Diffiult pintsT use the sentenes f the favrite fr things and inquire prie prehensivel Teahing pressThe ativities f the teaher The ativities f the studentsGreetings: T: Hi, bs and girls H are u ging? hat da is tda? Its

3、 a beautiful da, isnt it? Are u happ tda? Presentatin: a Tr t use 1 T: hse penil-bx is it? S: Its penil-bx (teah “penil-bx” speifiall) Teah nteb, eraser and ruler in the sae ethd 2 T(tae up the students ruler): ur ruler is s beautiful! H uh is it? T uan? S: es, it is /N, it isnt Its ne uan 3 The tea

4、her as the prie f the ne statiner 4 The teaher tae ut a nteb, let the students guess its prie She/He h give the right anser an get this nteb T: D u n h uh is this nteb? S u an as e “H uh is it?” S1: H uh is it? S2: H uh is it? T: Its five uan The students tae ut their statiner and as the teaher S: H

5、 uh is ? Guess! T: uan? S: es, it is /N, it isnt b Learn t sa 1 T: L at this piture David and his dad are in the superaret There ding se shpping hat des Davids dad ant t bu? hat des David ant t bu? H uh is the alulatr? Listen t the tape and find the ansers Here e g 2 Students anser the questins and

6、listen t the tape again, iitate the sund and tne se ties 3 Explain the eaning f “heap” 4 Read the text nslidatin and extensin 1 The teaher sh the pitures, and the students ae sentenes base n the pitures 2 The students at uster and salesan Her: 1As the prie f the things in ur fail in English 2plete t

7、he exerises n the Ativit B Blabard designLessn 10 nteb penil-bx eraser ruler H uh is it? It s L baperid plan unitTitleTie20Lessn 10Teahing ais1T revie and use the sentene pattern “H uh is it? Its ” 2an at Learn t sa sillfull and innvatinall 3prehend Read and thin, and anser the questins 4T grasp phn

8、eti sbl /:/, suarize and nlude the prnuniatin f Teahing tlstape-rerder, puter, TV e pints1T prehend Read and thin 2T as the students t nlude prnuniatin rule, find ut the prnuniatin rule Diffiult pints1The teahing f the disntent fr dit prie and the part f arg-barg 2 The sentene pattern f inquire the

9、prie f plural dit Teahing pressThe ativities f the teaher The ativities f the studentsGreetings: T: Hell, bs and girls Gd t see u H are u ging? Revisin: T: H uh is ur? S: Its uan Presentatin: a Read and thin 1 The students read the text ith siple questins: here is the b? hat is he ding? 2 After read

10、ing, the students anser the questins: H uh is the penil sharpener? H uh are the stiers? 3 Listen t the tape and read the text 4 Explain heap and expensive b Listen, ath and read 1 Tae ut the pitures f dg, fx and hrse The students en the ntent f the pe 2 Listen t the tape again The students nlude the

11、 prnuniatin f and R The teaher sh the ard f /:/, and diret the students prnuniatin ne b ne 3 Listen t the tape and read 4 Reite the pe nslidatin and extensin 1 Pla a gae: hat s issing? T nslidate the prnuniatin f /:/ 2 The students d exerises Her: 1 Read phneti sbl and the pe 2 Iitate the text 3 At

12、the dialgue f shpping Blabard designLessn 10 /:/ dg/d:s / L baAs the students se questins t revise the lessn and let the t be ative perid plan unitTitleTie21Lessn 11Teahing ais1T grasp the ne rds: heap, expensive and phrases turn left, turn right 2T use the sentenes sillfull: hat size d u ant? Size

13、hat lr d u ant? H uh are the? The are 3 an at Learn t sa sillfull Teahing tlstape-rerder, puter, TV e pints1 The text f Learn t sa 2 The sentene parrent f as prie in Tr t useDiffiult pintsT use the sentenes f the favrite fr things and inquire prie prehensivel Teahing pressThe ativities f the teaher

14、The ativities f the studentsGreetings: 1T: Hi, bs and girls H are u ging? hat da is tda? Its a beautiful da, isnt it? Are u happ tda? 2Sing the sng “H uh” Presentatin: a Tr t use 1 T(pint t a students shes): h, ur shes are s big hat size f ur shes? Size 23? S: es, the are/ N, the arent There size Te

15、aher as re students Teah size, ategrize prnuniatin: tie, ite, light, night, right, tight, rite 2 Pritie: T: hat size f ur shes? S: Size 3 The teaher tae ut t pair different size f shes, pare their size and let students guess the prie, and then lead t teah expensive and heap Then the teaher tae ut lthes ith label, help students t prehend heap and expensive, lead students t sa:” Its heap/ expensive There heap/ expensive 4 Pratise ith their partner: S1: H uh are ur shes/ trusers/ ss? S2: There uan S1:Ther re s heap S2: H uh are urs? S1: There uan S2: There t


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