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1、仁爱版初三英语上册全册教案 53 (给出本话题中的功能意念句或其他重点句型,两人一组进行游戏。让一个学生说出一个句子的前一部分,另一个学生必须快速说出整个句子,然后交换角色。统计说完所有句子的时间,时间最短的为优胜者。完成 2b。)T:Bs and girls, lets pla a gae I ill give u se iprtant sentenes f this tpi n the blabard u pla the gae in pairs ne sas the frnt part f a sentene, the ther sas the hle sentene as quil a

2、s pssible Then exhange the rles ust lie this:A:I ishB:I ish I uld g int spae se da Are u lear?Ss:esT:The pair that finishes in the shrtest tie is the inner , begin!(1) I ish I uld g int spae se da(2) I hpe ur drea ill e true(3) There is DNA in st living things, inluding huan beings(4) N ne ns fr ert

3、ain, but st peple thin that rbts ill be part f ur lives() In shrt, this rbt is ver useful t usStep Pret 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:4 分钟 )学生小组合作,设计一个新发明,并画出,完成 3。培养学生合作与探究的精神。1 T: L at angangs inventin and the infratin hats the nae f his inventin?Ss: PlarT: hats it used fr?Ss: It s used fr bth fling and drivingT:

4、 Gd! D u ant t be an inventr?Ss: esT: ! Disuss in grups and design ur n inventin ud better dra a piture f it and rite dn the infratin abut it Are u read?Ss: esT: , start please(学生小组合作。完成后,选几名学生谈论他们的新发明。)2 Her:Searh the Internet fr re tehnlgies and inventins Share the ith ur lassates板书设计:hen as it in

5、vented?Setin Drun aaGPS: the Glbal Psitining SsteThis ethd red ell at night as lng as the eather as gd and the stars uld be seenTpi 3 I dnt thin aliens an be fund in spaeSetin AThe ain ativities are 1a and 2a 本重点活动是 1a 和 2a。 Teahing ais and deands 教学目标1 Learn a ne rd:researh2 Learn se useful sentene

6、s:(1) hat fun!(2) I nt believe there are aliens until I see the ith n ees3 Learn the use f dal verb+be+PP:(1) e ill be able t d anthing that an be dne n the earth(2) But I dnt thin aliens an be fund in spae4 Tal abut fling t ars, the uter spae and sething abut the aliens Learn expressing pssibilit a

7、nd ipssibilit Teahing aids 教具关键词卡片图片录音机小黑板 Five-finger Teahing Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Revie 第一步 复习(时间:8 分钟)复习巩固本单元 Tpi 2 中所学重点句型和语法,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。1 (复习巩固前面学过的有关现代科技及发明的重点句型,提高学生的口语表达能力。)T:Bs and girls, e have learned sething abut spaeships, satellites, lning, rbts and GPS The ne tehnlgies and inventins h

8、ave iprved ur life greatl uld u sa sething abut the?Ss:esT: I ade se ards ith se e rds n the Eah f u tries t sa a sentene ith the e rds Are u lear?Ss:esT:, begin!(出示写有关键词的卡片。)(1) prved, ade great prgress, develping, spae industr S1: The have prved that hina has ade great prgress in develping its spa

9、e industr(2) spaeships, ntrlled, puters S2: Spaeships are ainl ntrlled b puters2 (复习一般过去时的被动语态,导入新,并呈现生词 researh。)(出示神五及嫦娥一号的图片。)T:hen as Shenzhu launhed, S3?S3:It as launhed in 2003T:hen as hange launhed, S4?S4:It as launhed in 2007T:ell dne! The have prved that hina has ade great prgress in develp

10、ing its spae industr Is it right, S?S:Thats right I sure ell send re spaeships int spaeT:f urse e an abe peple ill fl t ars ne da D u thin it is agial?Ss:es, thats ver exitingT:D u ant t be an astrnaut lie ang Liei?S6:es I hpe that I an travel t the n ne daT:Bs and girls, if u an be an astrnaut in t

11、he future, u an d re researh abut spae But u shuld stud hard n t ae ur dreas e true(板书并要求学生掌握。)researhStep 2 Presentatin 第二步 呈现(时间:12 分钟)呈现 1a,完成 1b。培养学生的听说技能和阅读理解能力。1 (让学生听 1a 前讨论,以加深理解。)T: Bs and girls, I ill as u t questins befre listening Please disuss the in t inutes(1) D u thin peple ill live

12、n ars in the future?(2) D u believe there are aliens in spae?(两分钟后,播放 1a 录音,让学生带着问题听, 提高学生的听力水平。)T: Lets listen t the dialg and anser the questins n the sall blabard(出示小黑板。)(1) hat are the ging t d this Saturda evening?(2) Is it a vie abut aliens?(3) hat an peple d n ars in that vie?T: Bs and girls,

13、 an u anser the questins?(核对答案。)2 (将学生分成两大组朗读 1a,让学生画出关键词,再读一遍 1a,完成 1b。)T: pen ur bs Girls at as aria Bs at as angang Read the dialg After reading, find ut the e rds and phrases in it Read it ne again and finish 1b (板书 )vie, life in spae, exiting, travel, visit, ars, live in spae, huses, shls, hspi

14、tals, anthing, ait(核对 1b 的答案。)3 (让学生找出对话中的新语法 dal verb + be + PP,教师进行讲解并操练。)T: e have learned “is/a/are+PP” and “as/ere+PP” Please find ut sentenes ith dal verb + be + PP(教师板书并解释带有情态动词的被动语态结构。)e ill be able t d anthing that an be dne n the earthdal verb+be+PP(教师强调带有情态动词的被动语态结构。)T:Bs and girls, Ill s

15、a a sentene in the ative vie u hange it int the passive vie, ?Ss: T:e shuld lean ur lassr ever da Ss:ur lassr shuld be leaned b us ever da T:e ust finish ur her n tie Ss:ur her ust be finished n tie T:I a put b in ur bag Ss: b a be put in ur bag T:Exellent u did a gd b Step 3 nslidatin 第三步 巩固(时间:9 分

16、钟)巩固 1a,呈现并完成 2a 和 2b。进一步培养学生的听说技能和阅读理解能力。1 (让学生表演 1a。)T: Bs and girls, an u at ut the dialg?Ss: es (学生表演后,教师给予鼓励。)2 (放 2a 录音,让学生带着问题去听。)T: e n aria and angang sa a nderful vie abut life in spae After seeing the vie, hat are the taling abut? N lets listen t the tape and anser the questins n the sall blabard(出示小黑板。解释生词并要求学生理解。)(1) hat are the taling abut?(2) H abut the sientifi researh n ali


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