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1、备考六月:07 英语四六级考试必背十类范文(一)一、求学信/求职信 dear sir r ada,i a a senir fr the departent f business adinistratin i a riting the letter in purpse f appling fr adissin int ur esteeed institutin/ur reentl advertised psitin fr a staff eberi a sure that i a qualified fr it first, enlsed ith this letter is resue, hi

2、h further details previus aadei qualifiatins and r experiene send, nt nl d qualifiatins and experiene ae e a perfet andidate fr it, heerful persnalit is ell suited t studing in ur prestigius universit/ring as a staff eber last, hbbies inlude sprts and usirds fail e hen i tr t express heartfelt grati

3、tude t the help u render e ur prpt and favrable attentin t inquir uld be highl appreiatedurs sinerel,li ing二、开幕词ladies and gentleen,gd rning, ladies and gentleen, ele t beiing! t begin ith, i uld lie t ae a brief intrdutin t self i a the president f trla (hina) eletrnis ltdthe flling is intrdutin t

4、the nferene first, it is great hnr t be here ith all f u and delare pen the nferene f internatinal trade peratin send, n behalf f ur pan, i uld lie t express heartfelt ele t all the guests and delegates last, i believe ur perative effrts are sure t be prdutivei ish all f u en urselves during this nf

5、erene and hpe the abve infratin ill help u if u have an questin fr e, please feel free t as at an tie than u fr ur attentin三、个人简历resueli ingp bx 237, beiing universit, iheuan rad, haidian distrit, beiing 100871tel: 62768888 eail: liingdiifanenareer betive: a psitin ith anageent ptential in the banin

6、g business speializing in internatinal rprate finaningeduatinal bagrund:sept 2003 t beiing universitul 2007 ar in internatinal business anageentain urses inlude english, puter, business anageent, aunting, internatinal erial lar experiene:ul 2006 t ban f hinaune 2007 internship, seretar t deput anage

7、r f aretingdraft business rrespndeneshedule deput anagers appintentsqualifiatins: universit graduatin ertifiate and bahelr degree t be nferred upn graduatin (2007)llege english test band 4 une 200hnrs aards: tie aarded shlarship b beiing universit 200 2006speial sills: failiarit ith irsft rd, exelab

8、ilit t r independentlutstanding rganizatinal sillsexperiene: president f student unin 2003-presentpersnal data: date f birth: 9/17/1984gender: fealearital status: unarried四、通知diretins:the students unin f ur departent is planning a hinese speaing ntest rite an annuneent hih vers the flling infratin:1

9、) the purpse f the ntest,2) tie and plae f the ntest,3) hat is required f the andidates,4) details f the udges and aardsd nt sign ur n nae at the end f the letter use departent f hinese language and literature at the end f the annuneenthinese speaing ntestfebruar 3, 2007t iprve students abilit t spe

10、a hinese and enrih after-lass ativities, the students unin f departent f hinese language and literature is rganizing a shl-ide hinese speaing ntest t be held n saturda next ee (10 februar) at the students auditriu thse h are interested in taing part in it a sign up ith the nitr f their lasses befre

11、tuesda next ee five prfessrs ill be invited t be udges the first six inners ill be given aards everbd is ele t be present at the ntestthe students unindepartent f hinese language and literature五、邀请信 diretins: u ant t invite se friends t a part rite an invitatin letter t the individuall:1) invite the

12、 t the part,2) elabrate n the reasn h suh a part shuld be held,3) hat ativities ill be arranged fr thedear snp,i a greatl hnred t frall invite u t partiipate in r gu ings edding eren ith s huang rng t be held at beiing grand htel fr 8 t 10 p n april 1, 2007 as u are a lse friend f us, e uld ver uh l

13、ie u t attend the elebratin and share ur the asin ill start at seven l in the evening, ith the shing f their edding eren this ill be flled b a dinner part at arund ten, e ill hld a sall usial siree, at hih a band ill perfr se rs b bah and straussif u d nt have an prir appintent n april 1, e l frard t the pleasure f ur pan urs sinerel,li ing



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