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1、四年级英语上册期末复习资料(新人教版)新人教版四年级英语上册期末复习笔记Unit 11“heres(=here is) +单数名词或代词?”提问时,用“Its(It is) +表示地点的介词短语”回答。表示 “在哪儿? ”“它在。 ”例句:(1)A:heres shlbag?B : Its near the puter (2)A:here is it?B : Its near the ind(3)A:here is the green b?B : It is under the teahers des2“hats(=hat is) +表示地点的介词短语?” 意思是“有什么?”列举其中的事物回答

2、。 例句:(1)A:hats in the lassr ?B : ne blabard,ne TV,an dess and hairs(2)A:hat s in it?B : T drs,fur lights,six inds3“hats this?”提问所指的事物名称。用“Its a/an ” 回答。例句:A:hat s this?B : Its a bee4 提建议用“Lets/Let us”回答可以是“”或其他。例句:(1)A:Lets lean the lassrB :(2)A:Let e help u B : Than u祈使句。以动词原形开头的句子,表达请求、命令或禁止等语气。例句

3、:(1)pen the dr(2)Turn n the light(3)lse the ind(4)Put up the piture()lean the blabard6 介绍某物用“This is”开头 例如:(1)This is the ne lassr(2)This is lassr(3)This is r7 其他句型。(1)e have a ne lassr(2)Lets g and see!(3)I see a “”(4)I see an “e”()The dr is ell (6)The dess are green(7)I lie lassr(8)Theres a bee in

4、 ur lassr(9)Theres a bee n the blabardUnit 21 复习“hats(=hat is)+表示地点的介词短语?”意思是“有什么?”列举其中的事物回答。例句:(1)A:hats in ur shlbag? B : An English b, a hinese b, a aths b and three strbs(2)A:hat s in ur hand?B : Guess2 用于 an 的一些名词及其短语 an egg 一个鸡蛋; an English b 一本英语书an range shlbag 一个橙色的书包3 名词复数的情况se andies 一些糖果

5、; three es 三个钥匙;se ts 一些玩具4 提问单数物品用“hat lur is?”回答使用 “Its + 颜色”例句:(1)A:hats lur is it ?B : Its green(2)A:hat s lur is it?B : Its blue and hite祈使句。以动词原形 Put 开头的一组句子。例句:(1)Put ur hinese b in ur des(2)Put ur penil bx n ur English b(3)Put ur aths b under ur shlbag(4)Put ur eraser near ur penil bx6 其他句型。

6、(1)I have a ne shlbag(2)(Exuse e) I lst nteb (打扰一下, )我丢失了我的笔记本。(3)a I see it? 我可以看看它吗?(4)I lie it ver uh() shlbag is heav(6)Here it is!它在这儿! (7)Than u s uh (8)Gd night!晚安!(9)Put aa ur bs 收拾你的书。(10)Tae ut ur b 取出你的书。(11)Se re? 再一些吗?(12)N, thans 不了,谢谢。(13)Is everthing in ur shlbag? 一切都在书包里吗?(14)Seet d

7、reas! 做个好梦!(1)I full 我饱了。7 语音ie 例词:lie, ite, five, nine, rieUnit 3 1 提问姓名用“hatsnae?”例句:(1)A:hat s her nae?B : Its e,Sarah(2)A:hat s his nae?B : His nae is Zhang Peng2h 提问人物,例句:A:h is he?B : His nae is Zhang Peng3 描述人物方法之一,使用 is 或 are 搭配形容词。例句:(1)Shes shrt(2)Shes shrt and thin(3)Hes strng(4)Hes tall

8、and strng()Shes ute (6)Hes ver friendl(7)His shes are blue(8)His bag are green(=He has a green bag)4 描述人物方法之二,使用 have 或 has 搭配名词或短语。例句:(1)She has t big ees(2)She has lng hair(3)She has an range shlbag(4)He has a green bag and brn shes()He has glasses(6)She has a blue hat(7)She has range shes(8) frie

9、nd has blue glasses(9)I have a friend I have a gd friend一般疑问句使用 es 或 N 回答。A:Is he u ifan?B : es 6 选择疑问句,选其一回答。A:A b r girl?=Is it a b r girl?B : A b7 其他句型。(1)! Its s big!(2)h,its t big(3)I ant pull it up(4)e n,friends()Please help e(6)e re ing!(7)Lets r tgether8 语音 e 例词: nse,nte, e, r nesRele I 主要句型

10、1Let e help u2ur bag is s heav3an u guess?4She speas English ellI n6I dnt n7hat lur is ur shlbag?8hat lur is ur English b?9D u lie aths?10hats in ur penil bx? 11hats in ur shlbag?12hats in ur lassr?13hs ur aths teaher?14hs ur best friend?1H an strbs d u have?16Lets lean the lassr n17Let e lean the b

11、ard18Let e lean the dess and hairs19He s ver tall and he has brn hair20He s friend21He s a ne studentUnit 41 一组祈使句。(1)G t the living r ath TV(2)G t the stud Read a b(3)G t the ithen Have a sna(4)G t the bedr Have a nap()G t the bathr Tae a sher 2 一组单数一般疑问句及其回答。(1)A:Is she in the stud?B : es,she is(2

12、)A:Is she in the living r?B : N,she isnt(3)A:Is it in ur des?B : es,it is(4)A:Is it in ur hand?B : N,it isnt3 一组复数一般疑问句及其回答。(1)A:Are the n the table?B : es, the are(2)A:Are the near the phne?B : N,the arent3here 引导的单数或复数特殊疑问句及时回答。(1)A:here is she?B : Shes in the ithen(2)A:heres pen?B : It is in ur h

13、and (3)A:here are the es?B :( L!)There in the dr The re n the fridge4 介绍人或物的位置,用“人或物+is 或 are+表示地点的介词短语”(1)Zip is in the bathr(2)She is in the living r(3)The bed is near the ind(4) bs are n the sfa() bag are under the table(6) glasses are near the phne(7)The sfa is in the living r(8)The hairs are in

14、 the bedr其他句型。(1)A:pen the dr,please B:(2)L at r It has a blue bed(3)This is living r(4)an u find the?()I her sister(6)I an see n e tUnit 1 句型一“hat uld u lie(fr dinner )?”“Id lie, (please) ”(1)A:hat uld u lie?B : Id lie se vegetables,please(2)A:hat uld u lie?B : Id lie se sup and bread,please(3):hat

15、 uld u lie fr dinner?B : Id se rie and vegetables 2 句型二“uld u lie?”用“es 或 N”回答。(1)A:uld u lie a nife and fr? 你想要刀叉吗?B : N ,than 不了,谢谢。(2)A:uld u lie se sup?B : es,please(3)A:uld u lie se ndles,t?B : es,than u3 一组祈使句。制作沙拉的步骤。(1)Pass e the bl(2)Pass e the nife(3)ut the vegetables(4)Use the spn()Use the fr(6)N lets tr it!4 其他句型。(1)A:an I have a nife and fr,please?我可以要一副刀叉吗?B : es, hn, but tr hpstis fr ndles是的,约翰,但是可以试试用筷子吃面条。(2)I hungr 我饿了。(3)hat s fr dinner? 晚餐吃什么?(4)A:Dinners read! 晚餐准备好了!B : Thans! 谢谢!()Help urself 随便吃吧(6)heers! 干杯!(7)Here u are 给你。(8)I a



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