八年级英语上unit4 section b(1a-2e)同步练习2(带答案)

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1、八年级英语上 Unit4 Section B(1a-2e)同步练习 2(带答案)Unit 4 SetinB(1a-2e) 同步练习(第 2 时)根据汉语意思及英语提示词,用相关短语完成句子。1 脱口秀节目有什么相同特征?(n)hat d tal shs _ _ _ ?2保持教室干净是我们所有人的职责。(up)It _ _ _ all f us t eep the lassr lean3当今中国在世界经济、科技等方面发挥着作用。(rle)Nadas hina is _ _ _ in the rld en, siene and tehnlg and s n4只要你坚持自己的梦想,总有一天你会梦想成

2、真。As lng as u hld n t ur drea, u ill ae it _ _ ne da我们应该认真对待我们所做的每一事。(tae)e shuld _ everthing e d _单项选择。6 The final exa is ver iprtant e ust tae it _Aserius Bseriusl arelessDarelessl7ang Liping is a _ daner and she has an _Atalent; talents Btalented; talentstalented; talented Dtalents; talents8Ser i

3、s getting_ang us students e pla it ever daAppular and ppular Bre ppular and rere and re ppular Dst and st ppular9 D u all lie ath in ur lass?_ des Se lie hineseAEverbd BAllAnbd DNt everbd10 T uldnt reeber a str t tell the hildren, s he _ neAbrught utBble utade upDgave up将下列句子改为同义句(每空一词)。11 father ga

4、ve e a ath as birthda giftfather gave a ath _ _ as birthda gift12T learn English ell is ver neessar_ ver neessar _ _ English ell13ang Li is the st talented student in ur lassang Li is _ _ _ an ther student in ur lass14hat d u thin f these shs?_ d u _ these shs?1Sall des ell in plaing the pianSall _

5、_ _ plaing the pian完形填空。an u ut an apple ith a plaing ard (扑克牌)? an u rite ith ne hand and dra ith_16_? ell, se peple an, and the all sh their _17_ talents n the televisin prgra, hinas Gt TalentThe TV prgra is getting re and re_18_ in hina an peple ath it ever ee _19_ the nder h talented ne an beTal

6、ent shs_20_ in Britain And n there are siilar shs in lts f untries _21_ the rld hinas Gt Talent is the neest, but it _22_ thers hen peple sh their speial talents, the als _23_ their st tuhing r funniest stries st f the dnt ant t be faus (出名的 ) The _24_ ant t ae their fail laugh and ant t ae thers la

7、ugh, te all have a_2_ It a be big r sall hats ur talent? abe u an be the next star n hinas Gt Talent!16Ather Bthers the ther D the thers17Aserius Bsar speial Dsl18 Abring Bneessariprtant Dppular19Athugh Bbeause but Ds20Abegan Bdied n Dreahed21Aith Bt fr Darund22 Ais afraid f Bis different fris up t

8、Dis gd fr23 Aen B tuh share Drite24Astill Bever abe Dust2Atalent Bfail rle Dheart阅读理解。Here, a reprter is intervieing the 12ld singer, ara ustine, hs ne f the ungest ntestants f Aerias Gt TalentReprter: h did u hse t pete (参加比赛) in Aerias Gt Talent instead f ne f the ther singing petitins?ara:ell, Ae

9、rias Gt Talent atuall (实际上) alled e beause I had auditined befre, hen I as 9 r 10 I guess the led ver thse vides The ased e t auditin againReprter: H des it feel t be ne f the ungest peple n the sh?ara:There are a lt f ther peple ith re experiene, but I ust tr t d best I alas g nt the stage (舞台) thi

10、ning gd thughts, never bad thughtsReprter: h is ur rle del r idl (偶像)? hat inspires ( 鼓舞) u?ara: Fr singing, idls are Aretha Franlin and hristina Aguilera, but a rle del t e uld be I lve her ith all heartshe enurages e t believe in dreasReprter: hat are ur ther hbbies?ara:I lve plaing vide gaes, and

11、 I usuall g t the par ith fail e usuall pla basetball e als lie t pla tennis!26 Fr the passage, hat an e n abut ara ustine?A Shes the ungest ntestant f Aerias Gt TalentB She as aepted (接受) b Aerias Gt Talent the first tie she auditinedShes hardring and ptiisti (乐观的)D Shes less nfident (自信的) than ths

12、e ith re experiene (经验)27 The underlined rd “auditin” is “_” in hineseA 面试 B 试音 观看 D报名28 hats the best title (标题) f this passage?Aaras Gt TalentB The ungest Singeraras HbbiesDA Singing petitin任务型阅读。Palitas is a sall tn in exi The tn is n the hills and st f the peple there are pr These pr peple usual

13、l dnt have uh ne t build their huses As a result, their huses ae the tn l terrible and fe peple lie living thereLuil, the gvernent (政府) f exi deided t help peple in the tn live a better life The invited a grup f lal (当地的) street artists t help paint the tn The nae f the grup is Geren re Its ebers er

14、e ver happ t d sething fr the tn ith the help f the gvernent, the finished a big street art pret (项目) The painted 2019 huses int ne rainb (彩虹) At first, the gvernent ust anted t use the pret t ae Palitas l re beautiful and help peple there live a happier life But the ere surprised that the art pret

15、as ver suessful Abut 42 failies and 1,808 peple t part in the pret in se a In ther rds, the pret brught lal peple tgether Isnt it a beautiful a t ae a differene in the rld?任务一:根据短内容回答下列问题。29 hat did the gvernent d fr the peple in Palitas?_任务二:根据短内容完成下面的句子。30 The gvernent used the pret in _ _ ae Palitas l _ _


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