北师大版四年级英语下册unit 11 uncle jack’s farm教案

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1、北师大版四年级英语下册 Unit 11 Uncle Jacks farm 教案题Unit 11 Unle as far型新授 1教学目标1 知识目标:学习有关天气的新单词 sunn lud rain sn fine indeather reprt lud rain sn ind ride 2 能力目标:学生能够与生活实际结合理解词意,在句型中应用所学单词。 3 情感目标:培养学生用英语描述事物的习惯,乐于开口说英语。重点关于天气的新单词难点eather sn rain 的发音与拼写教学方法听说法、 、教具准备磁带、卡片、电脑板 书设 计Unit 11 Unle as far本单元的单词卡片教与

2、学的的过程设计意图增删调补ar-upSing a sng Spelling gae: Spell the rds in teaspresentatinSet a sene This is the eather reprt n TV Please listen arefull and reeber hat is the eather lie in eah it?Beiing-Sunn, ar Shanghai- Rain, lHainan-Fine, ht Naning-rain, lHefei-ind, ld Haerbin-Sn, ldPresent the flashard fr sunn

3、 lud rain sn fine ind eather reprt lud rain sn ind ride and Have the hildren read after t u3Prdutin:Present se pitures and Have the t desribe it in English Fr exaple:Tda is nda Its Sunn I g t the zTda is Tuesda Its lud I g t shlPratie:Diret the hildrens attentin t the pitures at the btt f the page 2

4、Have the hildren tal abut the piture in pairsExplain t the hildren that the ill hear a sentene n the tape and the ust nuber the pituresLets singExplain t the hildren that the are ging t learn a sng abut the eather Have the hildren l at the pitures As the questins: “ hat an u see in the pitures?” “ A

5、re the happ?” “ h?”Pla the sng and have the hildren tuh the rds as the listenPratie read and sing the sng6HersListen and repeat the rds at pagep the ne rds利用英语歌曲将同学带入堂。拼写单词比赛,复习所学过的单词,激发学习兴趣。设置情景,让同学们在真实的环境中认识单词。用所学过的词汇描述图片,形成一段有意义的内容,训练学生的英语表达能力。学习一首关于天气的歌曲,活跃一下堂气氛。教学反思:题Unit 11 Unle a s far型新授 2教学

6、目标1 知识目标:能够理解和正确表达功能句型:hat are u ging t d? hat is he ging t d? I a ging t eat dinner e are ging t pla ftball2 能力目标:学生能够在创设的情景中进行交流,能够运用将时态表示将要发生的事情。 3 情感目标:引导学生注意语言的功能,即语言的实际意义 重点hat are u ging t d? hat is he ging t d? I a ging t eat dinner e are ging t pla ftball难点Be ging t 时态教学方法听说法、 、交际法教具准备磁带、卡片

7、、电脑板 书设 计Unit 11 Unle as farhat are u ging t d? hat is he ging t d? I a ging t eat dinner e are ging t pla ftballar-upSing a sng Gae: Ht seatresentatinSet a sene Its sunn hat are the ging t d?(ens fail) GuessSs: The are ging t see a vie( g t the auseent par Eat lunh at a restaurant, visit Unle a)2 P

8、rdutin:Present se pitures and se questins, tal in pairshat is Ann ging t d? She ishat is ging t d?hat are the ging t d?hat are u ging t d?(eat dinner, see a vie, ath a vide, pla ftball)Reprt it in pairsRead the text n page4, and as the hildren hange the given rdsPratie:Dra the hildren s attentin t p

9、age42 Have the tal abut the pituresListen and repeat the sentenesListen again and rite the eather Suar:L at Unle Bs Blabard, read alud ituare thehat ging t d?Is heSheI a eat dinnere are see a vieThe ging t pla ballHe is ath videShe 6HersListen and repeat the text at page4-7p the ne strutures利用英语歌曲将同

10、学带入堂。通过 Ht seat 游戏,复习所学过的句型,激发学习兴趣。提出疑问,让同学根据给出的句式猜猜 en 的一家要是做什么,理解将时的意义。根据图片与例句,让同学们自己感悟将时态的句式,练习说话。归纳总结一下本主要句型。教学反思:题Unit 11 Unle as far型新授 3教学目标1 知识目标:通过整篇的故事情景感悟、理解新的语言结构的用法与意义,学会提建议的表达方式。2 能力目标:能够对小故事进行复述,能够运用主句型进行交流。3 情感目标:整体语言的输入与输出,培养学生的口语表达能力。重点在情景中运用主要功能句型难点复述小故事的内容教学方法听说法、 表演法、交际法教具准备磁带、卡

11、片、电脑、挂图板 书设 计Unit 11 Unle as farhat are e ging t d? ere ging tIs it ging t rain? Its ging t rain Are e ging t ?It s ging t be sunnI nt ging t 教与学的的过程设计意图增删调补ar-upSing a sng Gae: Ht seatresentatinSet the sene As the hildren hat plans the have fr the eeend After the hildren have ansered Present the qu

12、estin “hat are u ging t d n Sunda?” And then, tell the e are ging t learn a str, lets l “ hat are the ging t d?”Listen and l the vide And anser se questins:hat is ens father ding?hat d u thin the are taling abut?hat d the see in the s?hat are the listening t ?h d u thin the an is ?hat are the ging t

13、 d?D u thin Ann lies riding? D u thin en lies riding?3Prdutin:Divide the lass int t grups Have the repeat the dialgEnurage the hildren t at Pratie:Explain t the hildren that the are ging t d a ini surve Tell the hildren that the eeend is ing And as if the have anthing planed fr this Saturda and Elii

14、t ansers fr the hildren Explain that the b is asing the girl questins abut the ing eeend Pint t the speeh bubbles and read the sentenes t the hildren Have the repeat after uIntervie eah ther and finish the surveHersListen and repeat the text at page0-1Retell the str利用英语歌曲将同学带入堂。通过 Ht seat 游戏,复习所学过的句

15、型,激发学习兴趣。利用情景,让同学们在情景中理解主要句型并学会应用。请同学们分角色表演中的小对话,培养学生的表演能力本活动体现了用英语做事情的理念。活动对学生具有一定的挑战性。他们要通过成功地邀请自己的朋友一起做某事,才能完成表格的填写。鼓励用英语完成任务的学生。教学反思:题Unit 11 Unle as far型新授 4教学目标1 知识目标:学习语音/的发音。掌握本单元列举出的语音词汇。 2 能力目标:通过反复听、说练习掌握/的发音规律。 3 情感目标:总结规律,树立同学们的学习自信心。 重点/的发音与相关语音词汇难点在不同单词中进行辩析教学方法听说法、 教具准备磁带、卡片、电脑、板 书设 计Unit 11 Unle as farb ft ies n spn fd 教与学的的过程设计意图增删调补ar-upSing a sng Gae: 吊小人resentatinDra the hildrens attentin t the pitures n page6 Explain t the hildren that the ill hear rds that



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