九年级英语unit 4 what would you do -导学案

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1、九年级英语 Unit 4 What would you do ?导学案Unit 4 hat uld u d ?Setin A 第一时 1a-2新预习:1 捐献给 2 加到 3 和分享 4 医学研究 其他的一些人 = 6 仍然紧张 7 如果会怎么样 8 不知道要做什么 9 不知道要去哪里 10 如果我是你 Use the ne rds t plete the sentenes1 ne sheep are ept n this far 2 Bill Gates gives lts f ne t 3 He is earing a bla shirt and a pin t 4 If I had a

2、illin dllars , Id give it t (研究)I get p befre exa beause I afraid t fail it Graar Fus 虚拟语气( the subuntive d )概念 表示与事实相反或根本不可能实现的事, 而是一种愿望、可能、猜测、建议、要求或假设等。结构:主句用 uld+动词原形;if 引导的从句用动词过去时,如果是 be 动词,则用 ere Fill in the blans arding t ur stud abut the subuntive d :1 I (give) it t harit if I (have) a illin

3、 dllars2 If I (be) u, I (ear) a shirt and a tie3 If I (be) u, I (tae) a sall present4 If she (be) a little fatter, she (l) re beautiful点拨1 ediine n 药 eg: Tae ediine n tie 按时服药。edial ad 医学的, 医疗的 edial help /researh 医疗帮助/ 研究2 表确数: hundred/thusand/illin trees 表概数:hundreds/thusands/illins f treesGraarha

4、t if +一般现在时从句eg: hat if he desnt e ?要是他不怎么办?hat if it rains trr ?要是明天下雨怎么办?Translatin 1 如果我有 100 万 ,我会把它捐给医学研究。If I ne dllars , I it 2 如果我是你,我会把钱存入银行。 If I u , I the ne the 3 如果我有很多钱,我会把它捐给慈善事业。If I uh ne , I it t 4 如果我是你,我会晚点。If I u , I a little late 如果我是你,我会穿衬衣打领带。If I u , I a shirt and 6 如果我是你,我会

5、带个小礼物。If I u , I a sall present Grup stud Fill in the blans 1 If I (be) a bird , I (fl) t the suth in inter 2 If I (be) u , I d have a sall present 3 hat uld u d if u (in) a illin dllars 4 He isnt at he n , if he (be) at he , I (see) hi If I had lts f ne , I (help) the pr peple ultiple hies :1 If I

6、ere u , I stud harder A had B uld did D d2 -e and in us , i ! I srr , but I reall bus n If I tie , I uld ertainl g A ill have B have had had D have 3 hildren in Afria have little t eat , and u an help the if u ant t A illin f B illins f Five illins D illin4 If it rained n , e g ut A shan t B uldnt n

7、t D didnt If I u , I harder at ath A ere , uld r B ere , ill ras , uld r D as , ill r第二时 3a新预习:1 用什么吧连接起 2 变得焦虑 3 长粉刺 4 看起糟糕 参加大考 6 做得好 7 帮助某人做某事 8 看起友好 Read 3a n p28 and anser the questins flling :Nte: “hat If” eans “hat ill happen if r hat shall I d if ” 即“如果怎么办/将会怎么样hat if I dnt n hat t sa r d at

8、 the part ?If I ere u , Id hat if I get nervus and piples befre big parties ?hat if I ant sleep the night befre I tae a big exa ?考点透析:1 动词 + 疑问词 + t d eg: I ant t n here t g Please tell e hat t tae at the part 2 get nervus / l terrible (系动词+形容词)常见系动词:be 类;感官系动词 l/feel/sund; 变得系动词 get/bee;保持系动词 sta/e

9、ep 3 tt 太而不能I t nervus t sa anthing (简单句) I s nervus that I ant sa anthing 复合句help (sb) ith sth = help (sb) d stheg: He ften helps e stud English /ith English 6 Ding 在句首做主语。Eating lts f vegetables is gd fr ur health plete the sentenes using the pharses in the artile :1 我不知道说什么或做什么。I n hat 2 在聚会前我会紧张

10、并且起青春痘。很难看。 I and befre big parties The 3 在进行大考前我睡不着觉。I ant befre I a big 4 我太累了以至于做不好。I tired d ell 你吃的事物可以帮助这个问题。The fd u eat uld this prbles 6 多散步应该能帮你放松。a lng shuld u nslidatin: 1 ther let e at he and stud esterda A staed B staing sta D stas 2 He desnt n hen he ill start trr (改为简单句)He desnt n tr

11、r 3 hat ill happen if it rains trr ? (同义句) it rains trr ?4 - I dnt n anne ? ust tal t T A H if B hat if H d D hen ifI t nervus t n sa A hat t B h t hat D h6 If I (be) u , I (have) a first-aid b n nearb shelf 7 The never ne hat (happen) t the rld in the future8 (tae) a lng al shuld help u (relax) bef

12、re ging t bed 9 If I ere u , I the b ; u n , its nt eas t fine ne nadas A uld tae B uld refuse an aept D ill tae 10 Ill g t Anns part , but I have n idea hat t A put n B ear dress D have n 11 - I happen t leave the present at he ?- ust explain if t ur friend A H if B hat H d D hen if 12 The little g

13、irl as t nervus (eet) ne peple Test and ents1 If I a lt f ne I uld bu a ne ar A has B have had D having 2 If I u , Id tae a sall present ith se nie rds n it A as B ere a D be3 The girl n dllars in the ltter(抽奖)A illin B illins illin f D t illins4 If I ere hurt(受伤),I uld get (ediine) help If I (be) u

14、 , I (ear) a pin tie 6 He said he had t (illin) dllars 7 If I u , Id tal t ur friend abut the danger f sing 8 I ish I (be) 20 ears unger 9(2007 江苏中考) H uh des it st t build the shl librar ? - Fur uan A illin B illins illins f D illin f 10 h ill pla ftball next Sunda ?A ther B anther the ther D else

15、11 He didnt n hat he shuld d at that tie (同义句)He didnt n hat at that tie 12 e uld be ver happ if iss Green here trr A e B es ill e D ae 13 uld u please tell e this aera ? es Its ver eas A here t use B h t use hen t use D hat t use 第三时 setin B-4Learn b urselves(自学):新预习:1 对有信心 2 做演讲 3 全校 4 没有经过允许 请求的允许 6 介绍自己 7 邀请某人去做某事 8 根本不 = 9 许多,大量 10 与相处 11 而不是 12宁愿也不愿 对应习题1 hat uld u d if u had a _ illins2 If I had ne Id give it t _ researh3 I get n_ befre big parties and then I get pilples4 u shuld eat lts f fruits and v_and drin a lt f ater _ eans peple aren t afraid f



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