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1、三年级上册英语 3Aunit1-Project1 教案(新译林版)Pret 1 第一时教学内容:Pret 1 fail and friends教学目标:1 根据所制作的卡片内容,综合运用前四个单元所学的词汇,日常用语和句型等语言知识,开展综合语言实践活动。能用 Hell/Hi, I This is Hes / Shes Hes/ Shes 打招呼,并介绍自己,家人和朋友。2 能初步听懂、会说、会读教授活动过程中拓展使用到的拓展单词和词组:heart, sissr, glue, ut ut3 能用前四个单元的词汇和句型打招呼,并谈论自己,家人和朋友。并能根据图片拓展一些职业、形容词之类的单词。4

2、 能初步听懂、会说、会读教授活动过程中使用到的拓展单词和词组:heart, sissr, glue, ut ut教学重难点:1 能用 Hell/Hi, I This is Hes / Shes Hes/ Shes 打招呼,并介绍自己,家人和朋友。2 能初步听懂、会说、会读教授活动过程中拓展使用到的拓展单词和词组:heart, sissr, glue, ut ut教具、学具准备:图片,录音机,多媒体教学过程: Step1 aring up1 Free talT: Gd rning/ afternn /Hi/Hell/H are u? hats ur nae?(提问两人)S: nae is/ IT

3、: u n “I iss Gu” D u n full nae? Lets see! nae is Gu ingu fail nae is “Gu” Pa attentin t the first letter“G”given nae is “ ingu” e ust rite the apital letter Attentin: Theres n spae beteen this ” and that ” (教师手指提示)T: hats ur nae?S: IT: an u rite ur nae n the blabard? (同法叫两三个小朋友上讲台写。)S: es(学生在黑板上写,教

4、师同时间继续)T: Hi Are u?S: es I a / N, I nt IT: H are u?S1: Fine/T: Nie t eet u(老师作第三方介绍)T: This is Hes /Shes a studentS2: Nie t eet uS1: Nie t eet u, tT: D u have a friend? Please intrdue t eS2: This is Hes/ Shes friendT: Nie t eet u2 Sing the sngne little finger原歌词:ne little finger, ne little finger, n

5、e little finger, tap, tap, tap, pint t the eiling, pint t the flr, put it n ur head/uth/ee/nse(随机,教师指到什么改成什么)T:pint t the ind/dr/blabard/light/sreen, put it n ur left ar/right ee/left ft/ right ear/T: S this is ne little finger, h an fingers d e have?S: TenT: This is dadd finger, u finger The are fi

6、nger fail(活动意图:调动学生上学习积极性,同时用 ne little finger 引向Finger fail, 即 fail 的主题)3 Sing the sng finger failPret 1 第二时Step1 Presentatin and pratie1 T: Tda, I have a friend here L, h is she?出示 Alie 的照片并用 This is向学生介绍。教授 Alie 齐读、分组读2 T:(带上 Alie 的名片,对学生说)Hell, everne引导学生齐说 Ss: Hell, Alie T: L, Alie has a heart

7、n the heart, this is her father, this is her ther, and this is Alie N ure Alie h ants t intrdue ur fail?S:(引导学生说出) Hell , I Alie This is 3 T: pen ur bs and turn t page 30 Read after the tape(跟读)4 T: Here is anther b hats his nae?S: T T: h an read it fr us? (让一个学生读 T 的介绍)N read after the tape(播放另一段录音

8、 )T: e n Alies fail, N I ant t n ur failies Lets see! (快速闪现照片,有个人,有全家福?)(照片停顿)T: hs he/she?(让闪到的孩子作介绍 This is )(教师可拓展问 hat is he/she?)S: Hes/ She/s a(在这个环节还可拓展 granda,grandpa,sister,brther,unle,aunt,usin)6 Sa a rheT: D u lve ur fail? Lets sa a rhe Father, ther, I lve uther, ther, this is ther father

9、, father, this is fatherLve u, lve u, I lve u(引导齐说小诗,教师在黑板画一个大爱心。)(活动意图:通过齐说小诗的过程,加强学生对父母的感恩之情,同时培养学生乐于用英语去表达对父母的爱。)Pret 1 第三时Step1 fail1 T: This is a big heart (教授 heart) It eans lveT: e have a big heat in ur b, t T: e an use the sissr t ut ut the heart 拓展教授 sissr (教师出示剪刀教授) 跟读,开小火车读教授 ut ut (教师边剪爱

10、心边教授) 跟读,个人读T: Please dra ur fail r gule the pht n the heart (教师示范做)(教师边示范边注意提示孩子:big ees, sall uth, lng hair, big nse 等)T: hen e glue, e an use the glue t gule ur phts教授 glue (教授出示胶水教授 ) 跟读,快速指人读2 T: Lets tal abut ur fail u an use these sentenesHell/Hi IThis is He is a This is She is a This is e!T:

11、 Fur students ne grup Tal abut ur fail in ur grup h ants t have a tr? Tal abut ur fail t the hle lass(分层让几个学生介绍,可以在小组说,也可以在大家面前展示) Pret 1 第四时Step1 friends1 T: Fr us, fail is ver iprtant e lve ur failies (教师作心状手势)And e lve ur friends, t (教师作伸出双手状) The help us e help eah therT: L, Alie and hen Shiing

12、are friends S I rite the here T: u an rite the naes n the hands, t (教师示范,并再次强调名字的书写规则)T: Let e see, h ur friend is S: He is / She is2 T: Then glue it t ur friends hearts(找到自己的好朋友,黏贴在一起) (请教师的好朋友再次介绍,以此类推,越贴越多。 )(小组准备,分组表演,可投影展示。 )S: Hi I This is He/She is friend This is He/She is friend t表演后把学生制作的心形

13、的卡贴在黑板上,并制作成手拉手的形状。Step2 nslidatin1T: u did s ell N, I n a lt abut ur fail and ur friends Tda, e n h t tal abut fail and friends (揭题)(教授 Pret1 fail and friends)e lve ur fail and friends e are a big fail 2T: Lets sa the rhe tgether!e are friendse are the future e are a happ failEver ne, ever heart,Ev

14、erda is nderful3Sing the sng! T: Lets sing hand in hand, heart t heart 歌词:e are friendse are the future e are a happ fail手拉手心相依 我们永远是朋友Ever ne, ever heart,Everda is nderful肩并肩向前走 未明天到永久(活动意图:通过念小诗和唱出诗歌的途径,让学生更深刻地体会到朋友的重要性,提升学生对于身边人的关爱,拓展提高其英语表达能力,学用英语去分享自己的快乐。)Step3Her1Sh and tal abut ur heart t ur parents and friends向你的父母和朋友们展示并说说你的心形作品。板书:Pret1 fail and friendsheart Ne rds phrasesissrglueut ut(学生作品“手拉手,爱心墙 ”展示)2 教师大头贴,以及教师父母大头贴。3 搜集卡通简笔画人物素材。教学后记:



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