九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案1

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1、九年级英语下册 unit2-unit4 教学案 19B Unit 2 ele t the unitDate:I Teahing betives:1 T intrdue the ntext abut having a rbt t help ith the r fr huans2 T tal abut hat a rbt an d3 T learn se f the advantages f rbtsII Teahing predure:Step 1: ar-up: T raise students interest, get students thining and taling abut rb

2、ts: Have u seen rbts in the fils? hat ind f rbts d u n? D u lie rbts? h? hat d u thin rbts an d fr u? uld u bu a rbt in the future? h?Step 2: ele t the unit1 The purpse f this part is t ativate students nledge f rbts and generate interests f this tpi As ne student t read the phrases in the rd bx at

3、the tp f page 19 ae sure that all students understand the eanings f the phrases suh as d the laundr, explrer dangerus plaes in their n rds2 Explain the ntext Daniel is explaining t A hat rbts an d As students t plete the nversatin n Page 19 n their n3 As t students t read the nversatin and he istaes

4、 4 Enurage students t tal abut if rbts are harful? Divide students int grups t disuss hat d rbts d har t huan beings? h d the d har t huan beings?Listen t the tape fr the first tie t learn the ain idea f the i strip6 Listen t the tape fr the send tie t read after the tape7 As se students t at ut the

5、 i stripStep 3: Useful expressins1 plaint: 不+可数名词”抱怨” ;可数名词”抱怨的行动或话,投诉”plain: 动词: plain t / abut2 pst :动词邮寄: pst sething fr sbIII Her:1 Reite the useful vabular and i strip2 plete se exerise3 Previe reading(1) 教学小结:学生基本能掌握对话,理解机器人能为人类做好多事。要求学生进行会话,后学生都能背诵对话。Unit2 Reading(1)Date:I Teahing betives:1 T

6、 understand the idea f h rbts an hange ur lives2 T regnize and understand vabular abut life ith rbts3 T identif the gd pints f ning a rbtII Teahing predure:Step 1: Bagrund infratin: A rbt is an autated ahine that is prgraed t perfr funtins ust as a huan uld d Step 2: Reading “The first persn t n a r

7、bt”1 Revie the things that a rbt an d in “ele t the unit” As students hether the believe peple ill use rbts t d their hres fr the in the future2 Explain the ntext f the reading passage Daniel is reading an artile abut having a rbt at he There are gd pints and bad pints 3 As students t listen t the p

8、assage, paing attentin t the prnuniatin, and ae se f the t read the paragraphs alud 4 List the gd pintsAs students t read eah paragraph and put frard questins if the haveStep 3: language pints1 the first ne t d sth2 in rder t:引导目的状语,后接动词原形,可以放在句首,或句末,否定形式 in rder nt t d sth: She listens t English ev

9、er da in rder t get gd ars=s as t d: She listens t English ever da s as t get gd ars=in rder that +从句: She listens t English ever da in rder that she an get gd ars=s that: She listens t English ever da s that she an get gd ars3 as a result: “因为,由于,由于。 。 。结果”, 用做结果状语She as late as a result f heav rai

10、n4 n lnger: “不再,再也不,今后不再 ”,指时间,多由于修饰某种具体状态,相当于 nt an lnger, 其中 an lnger 一般放在句末。I n lnger g there= I dnt g there an lnger(n re 也用表示不再,再也不”,但是强调数量和程度=nt an re)Theres n re ater=There is nt ater an refr an extra hur: extra “额外的,附加的”III Her: 1 Reite the useful vabular and paragraphs2 plete se exerise3 Pr

11、evie reading(2) 教学小结:了解机器人如何改变我们的生活,掌握里的语言点和重点。以及机器人给我们带的好处。9B Unit2 Reading(2)Date:I Teahing betives:1 T identif the bad pints f ning a rbt2 T identif true and false stateents abut life ith a rbtII Teahing predure:Step 1: Revisin: Revise the useful expressins again rall and have a ditatinStep 2: Re

12、ading “The first persn t n a rbt”1 Explain the ntext f the send part f the reading passage Daniel is reading an artile abut having a rbt at he There are bad pints 2 As students t listen t the passage, paing attentin t the prnuniatin, and ae se f the t read the paragraphs alud 3 List the bad pints at

13、h a virus and ause a lt f prbles n lnger n hen t and ae r iang up at 4 in the rning Find his breafast in the ashing ahine, lean shirts in the dustbin, bs in the sin ve arund the huse and n things ver4 As students t read eah paragraph and put frard questins if the haveStep 3: language pints1 be happ

14、ith = be satisfied/pleased ith2 ae sb up3 in the end = at last= finall4 return sth t sb= give sth ba t sbdeide t d sthIII Her:1 Reite the useful vabular and paragraphs2 plete se exerise3 Previe “Vabular “教学小结:了解第一个拥有机器人的人以及机器人给他带的坏处。这一时结实以后要求学生背诵。提高学生的口语能力。9B Unit2 VabularDate:I Teahing betives:1 T

15、learn the naes f different parts f a rbt2 T design an ideal rbt3 T rite an artile t desribe the ideal rbtII Teahing predure:Step 1: In eaer lasses, students prbabl ill nt n hat se f the rds in Part A ean rite the rds n the blabard and help the finish the parteg: hats the use f a aera/batter/hand/hee

16、l/speaer?A aera taes pituresA batter gives us perA hand helps pi up thingsheels help things vee an hear sund thrugh a speaerStep 2: Sh students rbt pitures and as students hat ther features a rbt ight have This ill help students ith Part B Enurage students t use their iaginatin As students t l at the piture n page 24 and anser the questins As students questi



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