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1、七年级下册英语知识点:Unit12七年级下册英语知识点:Unit12七年级下册英语知识点:Unit1前预习资料学习目标1 T tal abut here peple are fr 2 T tal abut untries , ities , and languages 3 T get se nledge abut gegraph in English 4 T get infratin abut different ultures 学习内容A 主要句型:1 here is ur pen pal fr ? 你的笔友自哪里 ?2 She is fr exi 她自墨西哥。3 here des she

2、live ? 她住在什么地方?4 She lives in exi it 她住在墨西哥城。hat language des she spea ? 她讲什么语言?6 She speas English and Spanish 她讲英语和西班牙语。7 Des she spea Frenh ? 她讲法语吗?B 主要词汇:untries :Brazil , Suth rea , apan , The United States , anada , Australia , ?exi , Argentina , hina , The United ingd , Frane , Geran , Ne ?Ze

3、alandLanguages : hinese , apanese , Geran , Frenh , English , Spanish , ?Prtuguese , reanther rds : pal , pen pal , suth , untr , Ne r , Ri de aneir , ?T , live , language , eas , step , beginner , advaned , nversatinal , ?intrdue , ritten , rld , ttaa , plae , phsis , en , frequen , ?natinalit , di

4、slie七年级下册英语知识点:Unit2前预习资料学习目标1、掌握表示地点的词汇;2、掌握 here 引导的特殊疑问句;3、能够简单地描述地点方位;4、能够画出简单的示意图。语言目标学习策略与思维技巧重点词汇1 掌握表示地点的词汇和短语:htel, ban, par, superaret, street, avenue, ne, lean, ?quiet, big, sall, dirt, ld, bus, left, right, near, pa phne, pst ffie, ?vide arade, next t, pa phne, arss fr, beteenand, turn l

5、eft / right, ?g straight, tae a al, exuse e, g thrugh, tae a taxi, arrive at2 掌握 here 引导的特殊疑问句;3 能够简单地描述地点方位;4 能够画出简单的示意图;There be 句型以及 here 句型的问答。重点和难点1 重点:问路和指路。句型:Is there a near hear/ in the neighbrhd?G straight and turn left/rightIt s dn n the left/right2 ?难点:要使学生能在看地图给他人指路时,把自己设身处地地放到地图当中去,不然很难搞清楚何为左何为右。同时要熟练掌握指路时的几个重点句子,能举一反三。



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