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1、2017 初中英语必备短语表之 B(二)2017 初中英语必备短语表之 B(二)初中生必备短语:B(4)1be si f:对 厌恶I s si f running 我对跑步厌恶极了。替换短语:be fed up ith:感到厌烦I s fed up ith running 我对跑步厌烦极了。2beside the pint:离题,与主题无关Its bvius that his respnse as ttall beside the pint 很显然他的回答完全离题了。替换短语:beside the questin:离题Its bvius that his respnse as ttall be

2、side the questin 很显然他的回答完全离题了。3be siilar t:与相似ur suitase is siilar t ine, but urs is bigger 你的手提箱跟我的很像,但是你的比较大。4be sft n:对 态度温和I thin that the plie ffier as ust t sft n thse gangsters 我觉得那个警察对那些流氓太温和了。替换短语:be hard n:对态度强硬I thin that the plie ffier shuld be harder n thse gangsters 我觉得那个警察应该对那些流氓强硬点。b

3、e strange t:对而言很陌生Ive nn hi fr ears, but seties he is still strange t e 我认识他很多年了,但有时候他对我而言仍然很陌生。混淆短语:strange t sa:说也奇怪The inident has aused a great disturbane, but strange t sa, he is still ignrant f it 这事已经引起轩然大波,说也奇怪,他居然还对此一无所知。6be strng against:坚决反对Her father as strng against her arriage t an idl

4、er 她父亲坚决反对她嫁给一个游手好闲的人。7be suffiient t:是充足的The ans slender salar is nt suffiient t supprt his fail 这个男人微薄的薪水不足以养活家人。混淆短语:be suffiient fr neself:不靠他人,不受他人影响The ans salar is slender thugh, he is suffiient fr hiself 这个人的薪水虽然微薄,却足以让他不靠别人过活。8bend dubt :无疑地,不容怀疑The thers lve fr her hildren is bend dubt 那位母

5、亲对孩子的爱是不容怀疑的。替换短语:abve questin:不容怀疑The thers lve fr her hildren is abve questin 那位母亲对孩子的爱是不容怀疑的。9blae sb fr:为某事责备某人The father blaed his sn fr stealling ne fr his pet 那位父亲责备儿子从他口袋偷钱。混淆短语:tae the blae fr:为某事承担责任As a supervisr, I suppsed t tae the blae fr subrdinates istaes 身为主管,我应对下属的过错负责。10bre the pa

6、nts ff sb:使某人极为厌烦His sae ld e reall bres the pants ff e 他老掉牙的笑话真的让我烦死了。初中生必备短语:B()1brr sthfr:从借He brrs ne fr his friends fr tie t tie, but he never repaid a penn 他时不时找朋友借钱,但从未还过一毛钱。混淆短语:live n brr tie:(老人,病人)奇迹般地活着Its unbeliveable that ur 22-ear-ld dg is still living n brr tie 真不敢相信我们那只 22 岁的狗还奇迹般地活

7、着。2bther sb ith:以打扰某人I hpe u nt bther e ith the sae ld questin 我希望你不要再拿同样的问题烦我。混淆短语:ant be bthered:不想出力,不愿找麻烦I ant be bthered running errands fr u 我不想替你跑腿做事。3b t:(1)向鞠躬;(2)服从(1)The students bed t their teaher at the beginning f the lass 上前学生向老师鞠躬。(2)Althugh he lived in pvert, he never bed t ne 即使他生活

8、贫困,也从未对金钱俯首帖耳。4bring shae n:使某人蒙羞ur behavir brught shae n the fail 你的行为让家人蒙羞。bring sth int the pen:公开某事He deided t bring the seret int the pen 他决定将秘密公开。混淆短语:eep nes ees pen:留心看,密切注意ud better eep ur ees pen fr an strangers 你最好要留意每个陌生人。6b parisn ith:相比之下,比较起Living in the it sees re nveninent b parisn

9、ith that in the untrside 与乡下相比,都市生活更为方便。替换短语:pared ith:与相比pared ith the untr life, living in the it sees re nvenient 与乡下相比,都市生活更为方便。7b all eans:不惜一切地Generall, thers ill prtet their n hildren b all eans 一般讲,母亲都会不惜一切保护自己的孩子。混淆短语:b n eans:绝不Generall, thers ill har their n hildren b n eans 一般讲,母亲绝不会伤害自己

10、的孩子。8b appearanes:根据外表Shall peple alas udge thers b their appearanes 肤浅的人常常以貌取人。混淆短语:at first appearane:乍看之下The an ls sar at first appearane, but if u l at hi arefull,he is atuall quite handse 那个男人乍看之下很吓人,但如果你仔细看的话,他其实还蛮帅的。9b eans f:通过的方式The an earned his living b eans f riting 这个男人靠写作为生。混淆短语:n ean:相当好的,不容易的brther is n eans phtgrapher 我哥是个出色的摄影师。10b neself:单独Its nt ise t g ut at night b urself in this it 在这个城市,晚上单独出门是很不明智的。替换短语:n nes n:单独Its nt ise t g ut at night n ur n in this it 在这个城市,晚上单独出门是很不明智的。


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