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1、2017 届高三英语第二次模拟考试卷 (上海市崇明县含答案)崇明区 2017 届第二次高考模拟考试试卷英 语 (考试时间 120 分钟,满分 140 分。请将答案填写在答题纸上)I Listening prehensinSetin ADiretins: In Setin A, u ill hear ten shrt nversatins beteen t speaers At the end f eah nversatin, a questin ill be ased abut hat as said The nversatins and the questins ill be spen nl

2、 ne After u hear a nversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible ansers n ur paper, and deide hih ne is the best anser t the questin u have heard1 A In a banB In a hspital In a garageD In a stre2 A ffie seretar B Htel reeptinistRestaurant aitressD Travel agen ler3 ATae his at ffB Get ut f

3、the arae a right turnD Pa the paring fine4 A At 10:2 B At 10:0 At 9:D At :10A Pa fr se f the fdB Than Gar fr his generus fferInsist n hsing their n fdD Treat Gar t dinner se ther tie6 A perating n a patientB Giving first-aid t a patient Arranging a bed fr a patientD Ling fr an available dtr7 A The b

4、 is unsettled B Hes eager t start his ne bHis b starts next eeD The b intervie ill g ell8 A He desnt ant t drive an reB The rad t Bridgeprt has ust lsedIt desn t tae lng t g t BridgeprtD He has erized ever part f the drive9 A He alread has plans fr Saturda nightB He ill ae a reservatin at the restau

5、rantThe an shuld as her brther fr a suggestinD The an shuld deide here t eat n Saturda10 A The hapinship ill help hi t eep in shapeB She is sure the an ill in ba the hapinshipThe hapinship is t be put ff until a fe ees laterD She ishes the an t be able t attend the hapinshipSetin BDiretins: In Setin

6、 B, u ill hear several lnger nversatin(s) and shrt passage(s), and u ill be ased several questins n eah f the nversatin(s) and the passage(s) The nversatin(s) and the passage(s) ill be read tie, but the questins ill be spen nl ne hen u hear a questin, read the fur pssible ansers n ur paper and deide

7、 hih ne is the best anser t the questin u have heardQuestins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the flling nes11 A NraB Denar anadaD Ne Zealand12 A Peple an lengthen their lifeB Peple are hnest ith eah ther The untr is strng enughD Peple are free t hse their life13 A The happiness rating f the USA raned 1th l

8、ast earB Peple in Eurpe are the happiest arund the rldNatinal pvert an ae its peple unhappD The least happ untr is Suth AfriaQuestins 14 thrugh 17 are based n the flling passage14 A Unlu peple h have ust lst their bsB ung peple h are beginning their areersllege students h are ding vluntar rD Ineffii

9、ent eplees h ften ae istaes1 A Learning in a rplae is ruial B nledge is iprtant in finding a bEnthusias is essential fr nes areer D aing istaes in r is unavidable16 A Errrs in r nt ause severe nsequenesB It is a glden rule t be areful nt t fail in rIt is u urself h are able t ntrl ur areerD ur first

10、 bs ant help ur areer unless attrative17 A T ae a “five-ear plan”B T give it up and ntinue ur studT assue that u atuall lve itD T aept it and tr t learn sething usefulQuestins 18 thrugh 20 are based n the flling nversatin18 A His fault in the basetball gae B His failure t ntrl his etinHis teaates ru

11、deness t hi D His teas lsing the basetball gae19 A He didnt thin it as his fault B He didnt ant t rsen the situatin He as afraid f alebs sld D He anted t respet his teaates20 A Aplgize t alebB Thin tie befre atingD the sae t alebD Express his pinins enughII Graar and VabularSetin ADiretins: After re

12、ading the passage bel, fill in the blans t ae the passage herent and graatiall rret Fr the blans ith a given rd, fill in eah blan ith the prper fr f the given rd; fr the ther blans, use ne rd that best fits eah blanDelivering Fd b Drne A Singapre restaurant plans t use drnes (遥控飞机) t transprt fd and

13、 drins fr the ithen t a ait statin near usters tablesInfiniu Rbtis, the Singapre pan thats develping the drnes fr restaurant hain Tibre, has spent the past t ees testing the tehnlg at the restaurant befre it pens eah night21 business and hpes t have it in plae b the end f the earBut h des the drne n

14、 here t hver (盘旋)? hat if sene bups int the drne r is standing in its a? “Theres n hane at all 22 it ill hit anthing,” sas Infiniu Rbtis hief exeutive unang nThe drnes autatiall harge hile 23 (ait) in the ithen 24 the hef puts an rder n the drne, he hits a buttn n a epad and the drne autatiall flies

15、 t ne f t ait statins Sense-and-avid tehnlg 2 (build) int the drne nt all it t land at the ait statin if anthing is in its a The drnes are equipped ith snar (声纳系统) and an infrared sensr (红外线传感器), tA aiter then reves the fd r drin fr the drne and hits a buttn 26 sends it ba t the ithen The drnes, eig

16、hing a little ver five punds, 27 arr ust ver fur punds f fd Infiniu Rbtis is ring n a del that ill arr tie as 28 (uh) fd“Its b is t help the aiters t redue se f their bring tass, ” n said “If the let the rbts 29 (d) the b, the an nentrate n interating ith usters t bring abut higher uster satisfatin and dining experiene”Sine it dre reent edia attentin, n 30 (hear) fr resrts and restaurants in 10 untries, inluding the U



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