一起五年级英语下册module 6英文教案(外研版)

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1、一起五年级英语下册 Module 6 英文教案(外研版)Teahing Plan fr dule 6Teahingntents1Thee: travel2Funtin: Taling abut an event3Target language: ell see lts f stnesH ill e get there?It as aazing4Reling: siple future tense ith illVabular: plae, irle, build, slve, hpe, thught, aazing Pe: e ill d the sae thngsTeahingAis1nle

2、dge ais: Learn the ne rds:plae, irle, build, slve, hpe, thught, aazingRevie the future siple tense:ill, be ging t2Abilit ais:Tal abut the plan in English 3Effetin ais:Lve nature, lve lifeTeahing Tass1e ll see lts f stnes H ill e get there?2It as aazingFuntinsTal abut the eventPeridsUnit 1 perids Uni

3、t 2 perids Revisin peridThe 1st perid in dule 6Tpe:NeTitle :dule6 Unit1 ell see lts f ver big stnes Date:Teahingntents1Ne rds: plae, stne, thusand, build2 Sentene: e are ging t see/de illain Pints and Diffiultiesain pints:Tal abut the plans ith the future siple tense,desribe hat happened ith the pas

4、t siple tenseDiffiulties:Use the future and siple tense rretlTeahingAidsTeaher: D-R, rd ards, AIStudents: Se phtsTeahing ethdsSh and tal: heland is s beautifulae a surveriting tasTeahingPredures arer: 1 Greetings2 Sa the hant: uth, uth!II Presentatin:1 Sh and tal: heland is s beautiful Sh the studen

5、ts se beautiful pitures and tr t desribe ith the adetives the have learned2After the disussing, fill the Bb blansiPint ne piture and give an exaple “I lie Beiing I a ging t g t Beiing I ill see the great all and the suer palae I ill eat rast du3 ae a surve ae a surve in lass hih it d the lie best an

6、d hIII Pratie:1 ae an exaple t the lass PPT2 As the pupils t sa lie the teaherIV nslidatin:rite a sall passage dn t ae a traveling planV Her: 1Previe the text, tr t translate the sentenes int hinese and rite dn2Finish the riting tas 个性修改BlabardDesigndule 6 Unit1 I ging t _(here?)I ill g b _ (h?)I il

7、l see _ (hat?)I ill _ ( hat t d?)I ill eat_I ill_The 2nd perid in dule 6Tpe:NeTitle : dule6Unit1 ell see lts f ver big stnes Date:Teahingntents1The ne rds: irle, build, slve, hpe, thught。2 The text: ell see lts f stnesain Pints and Diffiultiesain pints:The siple tense ith “ be ging t” and “ill”Diffi

8、ulties:Sething abut the StnehengeTeahingAidsTeaher:1 ards 2 Pitures3 Head rnaents 4 AIStudents: bsTeahing ethdsI a little guiderRle platravelling planTeahingPredures arer: eather and dut reprtSa the hant: uth uthhe the herII Presentatin:1Sh the the pitures f the Stnehege and as eather n this plae As

9、 the pupils t listen t the D-R and learn sething abut the Stnehenge Then under the rds abut the Stnehenge2Listen t the rerding again and he the ansersIt s a ver ld plae Its five thusand ears ld ell see lts f ver big stnes The are in a irle Se stnes are n the tp f thers巨石陣(英语:Stnehenge) ,位於英格蘭威爾特郡,英國

10、的旅游熱點,每年都有 100 萬人從世界各地慕名前來參觀。巨石陣是英國最著名的史前建筑遺跡,它的建造起因和方法至今在考古界仍是個不解之謎。巨石陣也叫做圓形石林,位于英國離倫敦大約 120 公里一個叫做埃姆斯伯里的地方。那里的几十塊巨石圍成一個大圓圈,其中一些石塊足有六高。據估計,圓形石林已經在這個一馬平川的平原上矗立了几千年。1986 年, “巨石阵、埃夫伯里和相关遗址” 被列为世界化遗产。整個巨石陣的結構是由環狀列石及環狀溝所組成,環狀溝的直徑將近 100 公尺,再距離巨石陣入口處外側約 30 公尺的地方,有一塊被稱為席爾的石頭單獨立在地上,如果從環狀溝向這塊石頭望去,剛好是夏至當天太陽升起

11、的位置,因此部分的學者認為古代民族用巨石陣來記錄太陽的運行。巨人傳說傳說中沙利斯伯利平原上原本住著一群善良的巨人,他們最喜歡的活動便是手牽手圍成圓圈唱歌跳舞,他們的喜悅神情與滑稽動作,為人們帶來許多歡樂,巨人們也成為當地人的開心果。然而,在毫無預警的一瞬間,巨人們突然僵化變成大石,手舞足蹈的動作也煞時間凝結,就此成為佇立平原上的巨石群。曾有一段時間,人們相當支持此一說法,因為由某一角度觀看巨石群,確實與牽著手的巨人形象頗為吻合。编辑 惡魔傳說 相傳惡魔向一名愛爾蘭老婦買了這堆石頭,運用魔法讓這些石頭飄洋過海,來到沙利斯伯利平原,堆疊出類似的模樣。惡魔召集村民,要人們猜測石塊的數量;當大伙議論紛

12、紛毫無頭緒、而惡魔因自己的聰明而沾沾自喜時,一名修士走出人群對著惡魔說:That is re than thee anst tell (That is re than e an tell)意為這些石頭多得無法勝數。原來,這就是標準答案。當惡魔聽到修士的回答後,發現人類竟然也有智慧而非常生氣,順手舉起一顆大石朝修士丟去;沒想到,修士非常強壯,絲毫不為大石所傷,反倒是撞到修士腳踝的大石,竟然凹了個小洞,惡魔因而憤憤然離去,留下巨石群,而巨石群就此被當地人稱為腳踝石。3 Sh the pitures f the Stnehenge and intrdue itIII Pratie:1I a litt

13、le guider As the pupils t be a little guider and tae all f the lassates visiting the faus Stnehenge Then ell hse h is the best guider2Listen t the tape again and anser se questins3Learn the text4D the rle plaIV nslidatin: V Her: 1 Listen t the tape and read the sentenes in unit ne2 rite a sall essag

14、e t intrdue StnehengeBlabardDesign dule 6 Unit 1Stnehenge:It s a ver ld plae Its five thusand ears ld ell see lts f ver big stnes The are in a irle Se stnes are n the tp f thersThe 3rd perid in dule 6Tpe :NeTitle :dule6 Unit2 It as aazing Date:Teahingntents1rds: sa said, tae, e, aazing2 Unit 2 the e

15、ailain Pints and Diffiultiesain pints:The ne rdsDiffiulties: Tal abut the traveling in the pastTeahingAidsTeaher:1AI 2ards 3D-RStudents:bsTeahing ethds1 riting a letter2 Finish SBUnit2 ativit23 Retell the travelingTeahingPredures arer: 1 Greetings2 hant: Its a nie daII Presentatin:Sh the piture f the Stnehenge and as the pupils t tell sething abut thisRevie the text in Unit 1 and anser the questins abut Unit 1Sh the the letter fr Lingling And as the listen and anser the questinsIII Pratie:1Retell the letterAs the students t retell the str abut the travel as Lingling r as r Sart


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