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1、2017 年高二英语下学期第二次月考试题(哈六中带答案)哈尔滨市第六中学 2018 届 3 月阶段性检测 高二英语试题考试时间:90 分钟注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名,准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2 选择题必须使用 2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用 0 毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整,笔迹清楚。3 请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4 保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不 要弄破 、弄皱,不准用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第 I 卷阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)阅读下面短,从短后各题所给的四个选项(A、B

2、、和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AGne are the das hen peple used t be devted t a b and ened ring at the sae plae during their lifetie Nadas, b hpping (跳槽 ) has bee ver n But hat has led t this tenden f frequent hange in bs ang eplees? ell, in st f the ases, it is bred resulting fr the rutine b and

3、la f b satisfatin that disappints peple Searhing fr better r pprtunities is als ne f the reasns fr frequent hange in bsBut, is b hpping safe fr eplees?Atuall, b hpping an either ae r brea the areer f the persn n the ne hand, it helps u learn ne r sills beause ull e arss an peple h have the experiene

4、 f ring in an different r areas Thrugh ring in different fields u uld be expsed t varius r fields and as a result, u uld find the field that is best fr u Als, hanging the b serves a gd brea and ill eep u enthusiasti abut the life and rn the ther hand, b hpping isnt sething reended beause there are d

5、isadvantages assiated ith it Ver ften eplers are afraid f hiring eplees ith a histr f t an b hanges This is beause an eplee ith an b rerds is desribed as sene h annt be trusted in the lng run Als the persn is ften nsidered as sene h las stabilit, fus and dediatin (奉献), apart fr sund nledge f his r a

6、rea A persn gains sund nledge f a subet nl after he rs n it fr a ertain perid f tieTherefre, u shuldnt hange ur b t frequentl; b hange is reended nl if u arent satisfied ith the b, r have issu es ith the urrent b, r have gt a better b pprtunit1 Fr Paragraph 1, e an infer that peple in the past_Aere

7、re devted t r than peple tdaBbenefited a lt fr the steadiness f rlied t d less hallenging rDpreferred nt t hange b2hat des the underlined rd “brea” in Paragraph 2 ean?AInterrupt BDestr Separate DStp3Arding t the text, b hpping has an advantages EXEPT_Agiving a gd ipressin n the epler Bfinding the fi

8、ttest b fr ulearning ne r sills Deeping ur interest4hat is the authrs purpse in riting this text?AT tell us the attitudes tards b hppingBT tell us n hat nditin e an hange ur bsT tell us t treasure the present bs e dDT tell us the advantages and disadvantages f b hppingBThere are lts f as t eduate ur

9、self n the Internet u an find phts, duents, and fils n alst an tpi u an iagine And at ted, u an aess letures b artists, shlars, designers, tehniians and thersTED began in 1984 as a nferene that brught tgether individuals fr the fields f tehnlg, entertainent and design It as intended t be a netie eve

10、nt fusing n tehnlg and design The event ended up lsing ne, and it as six ears befre the funders tried it again This tie it red, and sine 1990, the TED nferene has been an annual event There are n t held ever ear, ith tpis as diverse as usi, ediine, and ne ther speialized spinff nferenes address narr

11、er issuesThe TED ebsite ae fr a desire t share the nferenes ith the rld, t “ffer free nledge fr the rlds st inspired thiners”, as the ebsite puts it The urrent versin f the site as launhed in April 2007, and ntains vides f tals given at the TED nferenes arund the rld The tals are transribed int hund

12、reds f languagesThe TED ebsite is ned b the Sapling Fundatin, a nnprfit rganizatin devted t fstering the spread f great ideas The Sapling Fundatin aquired TED in 2001Sine then, it has been fusing n using TED t bradast ideas that ight h ange the rldTED, f urse, isnt iune t ritiis Its been alled eliti

13、st fr its high tiet pries (re than 6,000 dllars in ttal)Its been aused b a fe peple f ensrship fr nt publishing their tals ne ntrversial speaer as upset abut being ritiized b the nferenes hst afterardThe plaints, hever, see t be relativel fe fr suh a large, lngrunning rganizatin And ausatins f eliti

14、s ring hll hen s uh is given aa fr free n TEDs ebsite hatever its failings, TED is a sure f inspiratinal infratin fr thse h see it uthih f the flling stateents is NT true?AThe TED nferene ae after the suess f tedB T TED nferenes are n held ever earTED tals are available in an languagesDThe Sapling F

15、undatin ns ted6Fr the last t paragraphs, e an infer that_Ait is aepted t all invlved that se TED tals ight nt be publishedB the hst f the nferene is ne h plas a supprtive rle t the speaersTED is ritiized fr giving speial treatent t the ealth r perfulDthe negative ents n TED greatl affet its reputati

16、n7This authr prbabl believes that_ATED is elitist BTED is benefiial TED isnt iprtant Dthe TED ebsite is the bestI as blind, but I as ashaed f it if it as nn I refused t use a hite sti and hated asing fr help After all, I as a teenage girl, and I uldnt bear peple t l at e and thin I as nt lie the I ust have been a terrible danger n the rads ing arss e andering thrugh the



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