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1、2015 年长泰名校高三上学期英语期中考试题(带答案)201/2016 高三上期中考英语试卷第卷(选择题共分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 4 分)第一节(共 1 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、 、和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(A)ne night abut nine l, Dr E, a surgen, had a phne all fr Dr Hadn at the hspital in lens Falls The surgen as ased t g there at ne

2、 t perate n a ver si b h sht hiself hile plaing ith a gunThe dtr as sn n his a t lens Falls It as 60 iles aa And it as sning heavil in the it The surgen thught he uld get there befre 12 lA fe inutes later, the dtr as stpped b a an in an ld bla at Gun in hand, the an rdered the dtr t get ut Then the

3、an drve the ar dn the rad, leaving the dtr in the falling snIt as after 2 l in the rning hen the dtr arrived at the hspital in lens Falls Dr Hadn tld hi that the b had died an hur befre The t dtrs aled b the dr f the hspital aiting r There sat the an in the ld bla at ith his head in his hands“r unin

4、ghan,”said Dr Hadn t the an, “This is Dr E He is the surgen h aled all the a fr Alban t save ur b”21 Dr Hadn ased Dr E t e t lens Falls beause _A Dr E ne the b as unded b a sht B The b needed the help f a surgenDr E as the bs father D Dr E as Hadns friend22 The surgen as late beause _A he as stpped

5、b the plie Bthe eather as rather terriblelens Falls as t far fr Alban Dhis ar as taen aa23 hse the right rder f the flling events given in the stra Dr E as ased t e t the hspital in lens Falls b Dr E arrived at the hspitalThe b sht hiself d The b died eThe an in an ld at reahed the hspital f Dr E as

6、 rbbed f his arA ,e,f,a,b,d B a,f,d,b,e ,a,f,e,d,b D a,f,e,d,b24 The b uld have been saved if _A he had nt been sent t the hspital B his father hadnt arrived in tieDrE had arrived earlier than the an D Dr E had arrived there t hurs earlier(B)e n that an anials d nt sta in ne plae Birds, fish and the

7、r anials ve fr ne plae t anther at a ertain tie The ve fr different reasns: st f the ve t find fd re easil, but thers ve t get aa fr plaes that are t rdedhen ld eather es, an birds ve t arer plaes t find fd Se fishes give birth in ar ater and ve t ld ater t feed The st faus igratin(迁移) is prbabl the

8、 igratin f the fish, hih is alled “saln” This fish is brn in fresh ater but it travels an iles t salt ater There it spends its life hen it is ld, it returns t its birthplae in fresh ater Then it gives birth and dies there In nrthern Eurpe, there is a ind f use The leave their untain hes hen the bee

9、t rded The ve dn t the l land Seties the ve all the a t the seaside, and an f the are illed hen the fall int the seaReentl, sientists have studied the igratin f a ind f lbster(龙虾) Ever ear, hen the seasn f bad eather arrives, the lbster get int a lng line and start t al arss the flr f the ean Nbd ns

10、 h the d this, and nbd ns here the gS, seties e n h huans and anials ve fr ne plae t anther, but at ther ties e dnt abe living things ust lie travel2 st anials ve fr ne plae t anther at a ertain tie t _A give birth B en arer eather find fd re easil D find beautiful plaes26 The ie in nrthern Eurpe ve

11、 hen _A the need fresh ater B the eather is bad the plae gets t rded D the havent enugh fd27 This passage is ainl abut _A h anials ve fr ne plae t anther B h anials an find fd easilne disveries f anials traveling D se prbles ith traveling ()It as a ar April da hen a big fat envelpe ae in the ail fr

12、the nl llege I had ever iagined attending I tre pen the paet ees ere fixed n the rd “ngratulatins” I dnt reeber ever siling s ide Then I led at finanial(财政的) paage The st f Drea Shls tuitin(学费), r and bard as arund 40,000 ? an ipssible su! H uld I affrd t attend? hat gd reasns did I have t g there h

13、en three ther fine lleges ere ffering e free tuitin? ther hies ere gd, slid shls even if the erent as faus as first hie In ind, attending drea universit uld be the nl a t realize drea f being a rld-lass riter parents understd h I felt The tld e that even thugh it uld be a finanial prble, I uld g her

14、ever I uld be happiest But as I as alas areful ith ne, I asnt sure hat t dne f the shls that ffered e a full ride had an infratinal dinner ne night in the spring nsidering parents finanial diffiulties, I deided t drive the 4 inutes and attend At first, all I had planned t d as sile plitel, eat free

15、fd, listen quietl But I surprised self At dinner the president f the universit taled abut the nderful ativities n apus (校园) inluding guest letures and sial gatherings He als ade it perfetl lear that free fd uld be ffered at all future events He ntinued ith explanatins f prfessrs, lass sizes, ativiti

16、es, and sprting events n apus As he spe, I began t realize that this shl, thugh nt as gd as first hie, ight be the best ne fr e It seeed sall et ith an great prgras It seeed hallenging et aring As the president ended his speeh, e lapped plitel and pushed ba ur hairs As I aled ut f that dr, a feeling f frt ashed ver e Ling at the apus that night, I realized that I uld be spending the next fur ears right



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