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1、2017 五年级英语下册教案分析 3 外研版2017 五年级英语下册教案分析 3 外研版dule 8 DisussinUnit1 hat d u suggest?教学目标:1 单词和词组:suggest quil exited Aeria hinese ind dragn2 重点句子:hat d u suggest? hat abut?h dnt u ? H abut?语法:特殊问句的用法。教具:ards Pitures Tape-rerder教学程序:A: Sng: e are lever bs and girlsB: Free Tal: H t send an eail?: Ne nept

2、s:一 热身复习1) Greetings2) Sing an English sng二导入1) 热身复习后,教师对学生说 :I a ging t visit a freign friend this eeend And I ant t tae a present fr hi hat d u suggest?请学生提出建议2) 教师:“ 我们已经知道 Daing 要去美国啦,那么他要去拜访谁呢?Sa 又是如何给 Daing 提出建议的呢?下面让我们一起学习今天的。三教学1)把挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音。呈现 SB Unit 1Ativities 1 的内容,请学生边听边看挂图。听过后,教师指着挂图

3、上的人物,引导学生说出对话发生的场景。2)再次播放录音,请学生根据录音说一说图片的内容,并总结出本的重点句型,将其写在黑板上:hat d u suggest?hat abut hpstis?h dnt u give hi a ite?H abut a dragn ite?将“hat d u suggest?” “hat abut ?”“h dnt u?”和“H abut?”用方框框起。告诉学生给别人提供建议时,可以使用这些句型。然后将一些画有物品的图片贴在表示建议的各个句型后面,请学生通过替换原有的单词练习这些句型。 四完成 SB Unit 1 Ativities 2五任务完成1)游戏:“打电

4、话”。选择一些道具。分几个小组设想任意一个打电话的场景,通过小组成员扮演不同的角色。2)游戏“小小购物车 ”准备一个购物车模型,以及一些物品的实物或模型放在讲台上。请学生到讲台上随意拿起某物品,使用提供建议的句型建议教师购买。六完成活动手册七后作业组织学生后三人一组,分别扮演 s Sart, Sa 和 Daing ,将编排成英品,在班上表演。 dule 8 DisussinUnit 2 Line A is lnger教学目标:1 单词和词组:Sae irle2 重点句子:Line A is lngerIs line A the sae as line B?I thin s /I dnt thi

5、n s3 语法:形容词的比较级。教具:ards 、 Pitures 、 Tape-rerder教学程序:A: Sing an English sngB: Free tal:设想教师购物,让学生为教师购物提供建议。; Ne nepts:1 热身复习请学生表演上一节的编排成的英小品。并给予奖励。2 导入热身复习后,教师在黑板上画一个大圆和一个小圆,一条长线段和一条短线段。把两个圆分别标记为 A 和 B,用同样的方法标记两条线段。教师指着两条线段说 lng。提示学生们说:“line A is lnger than line B ”。教师可以利用教室里的物品,如钢笔,书本等做更多的示范,复习学过的形容

6、词的比较级。教师对学生说:“今天我们将要学习如何通过比较判断发表自己的看法,同时也要比一比谁的眼力好。3、教学教师把挂图贴在黑板上,指向挂图中的线段问学生:“hat are these?”学生回答: “the are lines ”指着圆圈问同样的问题,并选择一个自己认为正确的答案。请学生独立完成其中两个问题,最后订正答案。教师在黑板上写出下列单词;big ,sall,tall ,shrt ,lng ,请几个学生写出他们的比较级。把 line A is the sae as line B 和 irle A is the sae as irle B 这两句话写在黑板上,把 the sae as

7、用方框圈出,告诉学生可以用这个表达方式说明两个相同的事物。然后用图画引导学生巩固这一句型, 。完成活动 2完成活动 3 ;用图片完成他们的发音。组织学生听录音完成活动手册练习4、任务完成组织全班学生完成“排排队” 游戏。、学习组织全体学生看图并描述图中发生的事物。放录音,请学生看图画听诗歌,把握整体内容,学生跟读并引导学生掌握诗歌的节奏。请学生表演诗歌,并给予奖励。6、后作业“猜猜我的画 ”游戏:教师请学生完成一幅画,画面要有许多隐蔽的事物。每种事物不能超过 6 中种。然后学生两人一组,学生先看一分钟,然后他们要仿照如下的示例进行对话:A:there are five fish in pitu

8、re。B : I thin s 。/ I dnt thin s there are six 之后学生互换角色,继续问答 dule 9 Letters fr AbradUnit 1 e laughed a ltTeahing ntent: dule 9 Letters fr AbradUnit 1 e laughed a ltTeahing Ai:1 Vabular: re en atr tld e funn after sh read2 Sentene: e laughed a lt3 Graar: Siple past tenseTeahing prperties: rd ards sent

9、ene ards pitures phts Tape rerderTeahing steps:1 arer and revieAt the pe: D u agree2 Leading Teaher taes ut a pht f the shT: I ent t the theatre ith friend last eehat did u d last ee?T: D u n hat did Lingling d last ee?Lets listen t the radil3 Ne nepts Listen and l at the piture n the bardThen, let

10、students desribing the piture in their ns rds Sti the sentene ards n the bard, listen againSentenes: e ent t a hildrens theatreThe en re ens lthesThe en re ens lthesThe atrs tld lts f esIt as ver funne laughed a lte ent t a restau rant after the she all ate haburgers and hipsThen, let students desri

11、bing, use the sentene ards Teaher irles the rds: ent re tld as laughed ateThen, give the rds: g ear tell is laugh eatLet the students ath then Read sentenes n the ardsLet students rellet hat did Lingling d last eeListen and repeat the textAnser the questins n ur paperA here did Lingling g last ee?B

12、hat did the en and the en ear?hat did the atrs d?D here did the g after the sh?E heat did the eat?4 PratieStudents tae ut their n pitures t desribing hat did the d D Ativit BExerise 1 Listen and plete the textExerise 4 Read and irle the rret rds6 HerTal abut hat u did esterda dule 9 Letters fr Abrad

13、Unit 2 See u snTeahing Ai:1 Target language: Siple future tense be ging t 2 Vabular: sn bed r histr questin brr evening3 Sentenes: e are ging t see u in three eesu bught ne hpstis fr uHe s eating an apple n4Prnuniatin: qu sh thSng: Pstan PstanTeahing prperties: rd ards sentene ards pitures tape-rerd

14、erTeahing steps:arer and revie1 Revise siple past tense ith these rdsre en atr tld e funn after sh read2 Sa a tngue tisterLeadingT: friend ill visit e sn I bught a bed and a bie fr hi N, lets see hat did Sins parents bu fr DaingNe nepts 1 Sti the piture n the bardPla the tape: L and listenThen, tal

15、abut the letter in hinese2 Pla the tape again, listen and repeat3 Read the letter b urself4 Sti the sentene ards n the bardRevise siple past tense and siple future tensee are gng t see u in three eesDad is ging t put anther bed in ru bught ne hpstis fr uHe is ging t as u se questinse brred a bie fr

16、uHare the students sti the pitures f Sins fail beside rret senteneAtivit 2 f SBFr an exaple ith the first pitureThen have the students desribe the ther pitures pa attentin t siple past tense and siple future tense6 Ativit 3 f SBListen and repeat pa attentin t the prnuniatinUnderline the letters that ae the sund7 Lets singG thrugh



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