2015年八年级英语上册module 10 单元教案设计(外研版)

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1、2015 年八年级英语上册 Module 10 单元教案设计(外研版)dule 10 The eather一、学习目标:A 单词和短语:lud, sher, sn, str, lud, rain, sn, sunn, ind, sate, thi, ie, e, ight, teperature, inus, degree, althugh, et, terrible, ish, prbabl, e n, ile, nrthest, ubrella, sutheast, fr tie t tieB 交际用语:1 ure ing!2 Sunds great!3 e n!4 hen is the

2、best tie t visit ur untr?hat lthes shuld she bring?6 hats the teperature?7 here are u ging?8 It ll prbabl be ld trr9 It ight be rain10 It s prbabl sunn and ht there11 Bring a ap beause u a ant t travel arund二、教学目标1 Funtin: Desribing the eather2 Struture: a, ight, prbabl (fr pssibilit)3 Sills: 1) Lis

3、tening and understanding failiar tpis (eather)2) Giving eather freast based n lues; prediting abut future eather using prbabl3) Reading and finding speifi infratin4) riting a shrt passage abut the best tie t visit ur tn, using beause, s and but4 Arund the rld: The ettest plaeTas: Preparing se advie

4、n the best tie t visit hina三、重点及难点: 1 Desribing the eather2 Graar: The using f a, ight, prbabl (fr pssibilit)四、教学设计:Unit 1 It ight snTeahing delListening and speaing Teahing ethdInterative apprah Teahing ais1 T understand nversatins abut the eather;2 T get speifi infratin fr the listening aterial;3

5、T tal abut pssibilities Teahing betives 1 e vabular: lud, sher, sn, str, lud, rain, sn, sunn, ind, sate, thi, ie, e, ight, teperature, inus, degree, althugh, et, terrible, ish, prbabl, e n2 e strutures: a, ight, prbabl (fr pssibilit)3 e sentenes:1) hats the teperature? It s beteen inus five and inus

6、 t degrees!2) hats the eather lie in ? = H is the eather in ? It s sn (lud, rain, sunn, ind )3) althugh this ear it sned a lt 4) e n, better get ging!) Its prbabl sunn and ht thereIt ll prbabl be ld trrTeahing aidsTape rerder, HP, vide Teahing StepsStep 1 aring upeather reprt: 1) Sh se pitures f the

7、 eather 2) As and anser: hats the eather lie in ?Step 2 r in pairs1 Sh se pitures f the eather As the students t tal abut the eather2 Intrdue the ne rds1) sun n 太阳 sunn ad 晴朗的2) rain n 雨 rain ad 多雨的;下雨的3) lud n 云 lud ad 多云的4) sn n 雪; v 下雪 sn ad 多雪的;下雪的) ind n 风 ind ad 多风的;刮大风的6) str n 暴风雨 str ad 有暴风

8、雨的7) sher n 阵雨; sher ad 有雷阵雨的3 Learn the ne rds4 Read the ne rdsExerises:边学边练:根据句子意思,用适当的词填空:1) It rains a lt in suer in Beiing Its ften _2) Therere a lt f luds Its _3) The eather is sn and theres a lt f _ in the par4) The sun is ut Its ver _ and ht tda) The ind is ver strng Its s _ that it s diffiu

9、lt t al6 As the students t he ith a partner7 he the ansers: es: 1 rain 2 lud 3 sn 4 sunn ind8 Learn the ne rdsStep 3 Listening1 Listen and he ( ) the rret infratin in the bx2 As and anser lie this:hats the eather lie in Beiing / Shanghai ?3 Pla the rerding and as the students t listen t the rerding

10、arefull4 Listen and he ( ) the rret infratin in the bxAs the students t he their ansers ith a partner6 all ba the anser fr the hle lass and he the anser7 r in pairs rret the rng infratin in the tableStep 4 Listen and read1 Sh se pitures, and as the students t tal abut the2 As the students t read the

11、 nversatin silentl3 Pla the rerding and as the students t listen and read the nversatin4 Read the nversatinStep he ( ) the true sentenes1 As the students t read the nversatin again2 N he ( ) the true sentenes1) Tn and Daing are ging t sate2) inter is lder in Beiing than in England3) It seties sns in

12、 England in inter4) It usuall sns in Ne r in inter) It is nt ht in the US in suer6) Tn desnt lie ind eather3 As the students t he ith a partner4 he the ansers: es:1 2 3 4 6Step 6 plete the passage1 As the students t plete the passage ith the rds in the bxdangerus degree e a inus sate teperature hen

13、its ver ld, it ight be safe t (1) _ n laes, but be ver areful! Althugh it (2) _ feel ld, it ight nt be safe The (3) _ has t be at least (4) _ ne r t () _ r even ler fr several ees, and the ie ill be thi enugh Falling thrugh the ie is (6) _ I nt (7) _!2 he ith a partneres: 1 sate 2 a 3 teperature 4 i

14、nus degree 6 dangerus 7 ingRead the passage b urselfStep 7 Listen and repeat1 Pla the rerding ne ithut stpping2 Pla the rerding again and as the hle lass t repeat3 Listen t the speaer asing a questinhats the eather lie?4 N listen t the speaer shing surprisehats the eather lie?Listen and rite if the

15、speaer is asing a questin r if he is shing surprise1) hen is the best tie t visit ur untr?2) hat lthes shuld she bring?3) hats the teperature?4) here are u ging?6 N listen again and repeatStep 8 Language pints1 问气温: hats the teperature? 气温怎么? It s beteen inus five and inus t degrees! 零下度到零下 2 度之间。2 问天气: hats the eather lie in ?天气怎样?= H is the eather in ? It s sn (lud, rain, sunn, ind) 下雪( 多云、下雨、晴、有风 )3 althugh this ear it sned a lt 虽然今年下了很多雪。althugh n 然而;尽管,引导的从句不能与



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