2014牛津英语九上unit 1 know yoursel教案及练习题

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《2014牛津英语九上unit 1 know yoursel教案及练习题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2014牛津英语九上unit 1 know yoursel教案及练习题(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2014 牛津英语九上 Unit 1 Know yoursel 教案及练习题9A Unit 1 n urselfPerid 1 i stripele t the unitTeahing ais:B the end f the lessn:Students an tal abut persnalitiesStudents an aster se useful expressinsTeahing diffiult and iprtant pints:H t tal abut persnalities effetivelTeahing steps: Step 1 Leading-inEnurage

2、students tal abut their persnalitieshat are u lie?Step 2 PratieD exerise A n page 7 Then he ansersAs students tal abut their friends persnalitiesStep 3 ListeningListen t the tape and anser the flling questinshat are the lie?Students pla different rles and at the str utStep 4 ListeningListen t the ta

3、pe and anser se questinshat is Eddie lie?hat des it an help us?Step Perfraner in pairs and perfr the dialgueStep6 ExplanatinThe teaher explains se diffiult expressins t studentsStep7 HerReite t dialguesReeber se ne rds【教后反思】【堂检测】I 根据句意及括号内所给汉语提示写出单词。1 T is _ (精力充沛的) enugh t pla basetball fr hurs eve

4、r da2 Linda des best in English in ur lass But she is ver _ (谦虚的)3 _ (两者都不) f the tins is interested in plaing the pian4 ne neighbur Elsa is _ (好奇的 ) abut everthingAs a riter, u shuld be _ (有创造力的 )II 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1 illie is ver _ (rganize) She an plan everthing ell b herself2 And, uld u express _

5、(u) ell?3 A hurried t leave he ithut _ (sa) gdbe t anne4 His generus persnalit aes hi feel gd _ (share) things ith thersA ften has _ (reate) ideas hat b is suitable fr her?III 单项选择1 Sientists are tring their best t _ as t treat the terrible disease alled H7N9A e up ith B l frard t tal abut D give up

6、 2 Lets g t uning fr vaatin Its _ t ht _ t ld thereA either; r B neither; nr bth; and D nt nl; but als3 - an u see the ntie there? - es, it _ “N Sing Here”A sas B rites reads D Speas4 - The suer hlida is n the a ell have re freed- _ But e shuld learn t anage urselvesA Id lve t B I agree ith u I afra

7、id I nt D Id liephsis teaher is _ t spend uh tie _ things t usA patient enugh; explain B enugh patient; explaining patient enugh; explaining D enugh patient; explain6 - h is the st dest b in ur lass? - Daniel He never _ in publiA gets ff B taes ff shs ff D turns ff7 - _ u _ ae?-es, Ive _ finished it

8、A Have; eaten ut; ust B Have; eaten up; etDid; eat up; alread D Did; eat ut; et8 - H des ur ther lie ur presents fr ther;s Da?- ell, _ this seater _ that ne is fit fr her There t big A bth; and B either; r neither; nr D nt nl; but alsIV 根据汉语完成句子1 Here is _(一篇关于性格的有趣的)2 Suz is ell rganized t _(所有物品摆放

9、有序)3 r u is _(足够耐心给我们重复语法规则)4 父母和我都不认为我能做一名好的会计。_对我说整天工作不说话是可怕的。_9A Unit 1 n urselfPerid 2 Reading 1Teahing ais:B the end f the lessn:Students an iprve their reading abilitiesStudents an tal abut bs and persnalitiesTeahing diffiult and iprtant pints:H t tal abut bs and persnalities ith se ne express

10、insTeahing steps:Step 1 Leading-inhat bs d u n? H abut ur parents?Are the happ ith their bs? Step 2 SiingH an peple des the passage intrdue?hat abut their bs? Step 3 hile-reading1 SanningSan the passage and finish exerise B12 areful-readingRead the text arefull and finish exerise B2Step 4 Pst-readin

11、gListen t the tape and read the text ludl And finish exerise B3Step Ativitiesrite a shrt desriptin f ur persnalitiesr in pairs and tal abut eah thers bs and persnalitiesStep6 HerD exerises and read the text after the tape【教后反思】【堂检测】一、根据汉语填入词的适当形式。1u eis best friend said,“He is a _(天生的)artist”2u ei,t

12、he ung artist,has _(给留下印象)the hle untr ith his reate r3His _(雕塑,雕像)fr Sunshine Tn Square have n high _(赞扬,表扬)fr the art unit4Liu Ha is the _(主要的,旨要的)engineer f the high-speed raila _(连接)Sunshine Tn t TianingFang uan,head f Sunshine Hspital and a pineer heart_(外科大夫)6Su Ning is read t tae n ne _(挑战)an

13、 tie7Liu Ha alas rs t high _(标准),but hes dest and eas t r ith8Su Ning started t r fr the _(销售部)in a big pan five ear ag9Fang uan is alas illing t r _ (额外的;附加的)hurs10She has _(把贡献,把专用于)st f her tie t her r二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1The pineer heart surgen said“_(are)ill be a disaster nt nl t urselves but als t

14、_(patient)”2The sad thing ade e _(happ)3Qi Baishi is ne f the st faus_(art)in ur untr4Su Ning _(give ) up her b as an auntant five ears agT us ,a iss as _ (best)as a ile 三、从方框里选择合适的词组,并用其正确形式填空。Pa attentin t ,give up, tae the lead, in high praise, devte t ,be illing t 1illie is ind and helpful, she _ther as usual2As a student ,e shuld



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