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1、2011 届高考英语第一轮单元复习教案 10Unit 10 The rld arund us1fur n 毛皮,毛,软毛(a hair-vered sin f ertain anials;2 ungle n 热带丛林(a trpial frest t thi t al thrugh easil)ungle anials 丛林动物;the ungle f business 错综复杂的商业界3 lf n 狼(a ild anial f the dg fail hih hunts ther anials in a grup )a lf in sheeps lthing 披着羊皮的狼4 giraffe

2、 n 长颈鹿(an Afrian anial ith a ver lng ne and legs and range sinith dar spts )tur n a urne during hih severalplaes are visited) ae a rund-the-rld tur 作环球旅行 g n a tur 进行观光游览 be n tur 在巡回演出 tur the rld 周游世界6 at vt vi 扮演;担当;表演;表现(tae part in a pla n the stage, behave as stated) 7 easure n 1) 计量单位 (unit,

3、standard r sste used in stating size, quantit, r degree; step) A eter is a easure f length2) 措施;办法 The t strng easures against dangerus drivers 他们对危害公众的司机采取强硬的措施。vt, vi 量;测量;计量( t find the size, length, aunt, degree, et)8 riginal ad 最初的;最早的;原始的 (first r earliest)9 batter n 电池 (a piee f apparatus fr

4、prduing eletriit, nsisting f a grup f nneted eletri ells)10 devte vt 奉献将(某人的时间、精力或自己)完全奉献给某项特别的活动、事业、目标或某个人(t give r appl (nes tie, attentin, r self) entirel t a partiular ativit, pursuit, ause, r persn) 11 n ad 1) 共同的;共通的;联合的;公共的 a n up 公用杯子2) 常见的;常有的 Sn is n in ld untries 在寒冷的国家雪是常见的。3) 普通的;熟悉的 th

5、e n an 普通人4) 低俗的;质劣的;粗鄙的12 valuable ad 值钱的;贵重的 ; 有价值的a valuable diand 贵重的宝石; valuable infratin; valuable advie 重大的消息;重要 的建议; a valuable friend 令人钦佩的朋友n 常用复 贵重物品13 redue v 缩减,减轻减少,如在范围、数量上或程度上减少;降低(t bring dn, as inextent, aunt, r degree; diinish)(与 t 连用)减少至 The fire redued the frest t a fe trees 大火把

6、森林烧得仅剩下几颗树。(与 t 连用)变为,化为 t redue the rs t dust 把石块碎成粉末(与 t 连用)强迫;迫使 She as redued t begging 她被迫乞讨。14 respnd v 回答,答复(t ae a repl; anser) 1 aunt n 数量 large aunts f nevi (与 t 连用) 等于;总计;合计;总计达His debts aunt t ver $3000 他的欠债总数已达三千多美元。16 paage n 包;包袱;包裹;包装 (a rapped r bxed bet; a parel)17 harful ad 有害的;能造

7、成损害的(ausing r apable f ausing har; inurius)18 flat ad 平的;平直的 (sth and level ) 单调的;乏味的 19 aterial n 材料,原料事物用或能用其制造的物质 (The substane r substanes ut f hih a thing is r an be ade)20 attrative ad 有吸引力的 (having the per t attrat) 21 rganize v 组织;构成,组成22 brief ad 短暂的;简短的 a brief letter 一封短信in brief 简单地说;简明扼

8、要的 In brief he sas N 他简短地说了一个不字。1 in danger 处于险境,反义短语为 be ut f danger。比较:be dangerus “危险的,有危害的”。 2 die ut 1) (f failies, speies, et) n lnger have an ebers left alive(指家族、物种等) 死灭绝 2) (f a ust, pratie, ideas, et) n lnger be n(指习俗、做法、观念等)消失 过时 3) (f a fire) t lse fre r per (指火)熄灭 3 as a result 因此; 结果 4

9、 lead t 导致, 通向 The path leads t the village 这条小路通到那村庄。 tae easures “ 采取措施” 6 adapt t sth / adapt neself t sth 适应(新环境等) (bee adusted t ne nditins,et)。 adapt 改编、改写 7 devte (neself / sth)t(sb / sth)致力于、把 奉献给、把专用于。 devted ad 1) 忠实的,慈爱的,恩爱的 2) 献身的, 专心于的, 专用于的, 热心的。 8 thr aa 白白放过;放弃;丢掉 1 e huan beings uld

10、 nt survive ithut all the plants and anials arund us 没有周围的动物和植物,我们人类就无法生存。介词短语 ithut 在这里表示假设条,相当于 if there ere n plants r anials arund us 有时虚拟条不用从句而用介词短语表示。2 If e n re abut hat auses endangerent, e a be able t tae easures befre it is t late 如果我们能更多地了解致使生物濒危的原因,就能及时采取补救措施。 befre 趁(还没有) 。3 A speies an

11、 bee endangered fr different reasns 物种濒临危险有各种原因。 endanger 危害、危及(某人/某事物) ;使遭到危险 (ause danger t sb / sth; put sb / sth in danger)。 pedestrians 酒后驾车不仅会造成交通事故,而且会危害到行人的生命。1 fnd f “喜爱,爱好” 接名词、代词或动词的-ing 形式。2 hunt fr = l fr 寻找hunt fr a b 找工作3 in rder t, s as t 这两个词组都可引导不定式作目的状语, in rder t可放于句首, s as t 则不能

12、, 其否定形式为 in rder nt t / s as nt t 4 are abut1) 喜欢,对有兴趣 = are fr2)关心 = are fr3)在乎,在意(接从句或不接任何成分)suh as 意为“诸如”, “像”,是用列举人或事物的6 drp * a line 留下便条, 写封短信7、ae urself at he 别客气;随便;无拘束8、sta up 不睡;熬夜9、e abut 引起;发生;产生10、exept fr 除 之外(1) exept 与 exept fr 的用法常有区别。exept 多用于引起同类事物中被排除的一项。如:(2)exept fr 用于引述细节以修正句子

13、的主要意思。如:(3)但在现代英语中,exept fr 也用于表示 exept 的意思。(4) 另外,在介词短语之前只能用 exept,不能用 exept fr。直接引语变间接引语练习题1 He ased _ fr the puterA did I pa h uh B I paid h uhh uh did I pa D h uh I paid2 “Have u seen the fil?” he ased e He ased e _A had I seen the fil B have I seen the filif I have seen the fil D hether I had s

14、een the fil3 “Please lse the ind,” he said t e He _ e _ the indA said t; t lse B tld t; lsingased ; t lse D said t; please lse4 “I a a teaher,” a said He said _A that I a a teaher B I as a teaherthat he is a teaher D he as a teaherHe said, “ther, the b is ver naught” He _- ver naughtA said his ther

15、that the b as B said t his ther that the b istld his ther that the b as D spe t his ther that the b as6 “uve alread gt ell, havent u?” she asedShe ased _A if I have alread gt ell, hadnt u B hether I had alread gt ellhave I alread gt ell D had I alread gt ell7 He ased , “ Are u a Part eber r a League eber?”He ased e _A a I a Part eber r a League eber B as I a Part eber r a League eberif I as a Part eber r a League eberD hether as I a Part eber r a League eber8 He ased, “H are u getting alng?” He ased _A h a I getting alng B h are u getting alngh I as getting alng D h as I getting a



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