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1、2017 年九年级英语 Unit9 同步单元检测卷(人教版附答案)第九单元检测卷时间:120 分钟满分:10 分班级:_姓名:_得分:_第一部分听力(共 2 小节,满分 30 分)第一节听力选择(共 1 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 22 分)A图片理解请听句子,从 A、B、中选择与句子意思相符的正确图片。(听两遍)( )1A B ( )2A B ( )3A B ( )4A B ( )A B B 小对话理解请听小对话及问题,从 A、B、中选择正确的答案。(听两遍)( )6APp usi Blassial usi untr usi( )7AThe singer h ls reall lB The

2、singer h rites his n sngsThe singer h danes hile singing( )8ASpideran BHarr Ptter Titani( )9AA ed BA duentar A thriller( )10ABeause green is her favrite lrB Beause its different fr the thersBeause its a birthda present fr her ther长对话理解请听长对话,根据其内容,从 A、B、中选择能回答所给问题的最佳答案。(听三遍)( )11hen ill the librar pe

3、n t the publi?An tber 13th Bn tber 23th n tber 30th( )12here is the ne librar?AIts near the Sun useuB Its far fr the Sun useuIts next t the Sun useu( )13hat ind f bs des Paul lie?AAbut siene BAbut histr Abut puter( )14h ill g t the librar ith Ea and Paul?AEas brther BEas sister Pauls brther( )1H are

4、 the ging there?AB bie BB bus B ar第二节听力填空(共小题,每小题 1 分,计 7 分)D短理解请听短,根据其内容填写表格。( 听三遍)Se Infratin abut zart16_lfgang Aadeus zarthen and here he as brn17In _ in Austriab A pser and 18_Experiene His father started t give hi 19_ lessns hen he as furAt six ,he ent n his first usi tur t 20_At eight,he rte

5、his first real snghen he diedAt the age f 3 ears ld第二部分语言知识运用(共 3 小节,满分 40 分)第一节单项选择(共 1 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 1 分)从 A、B、中选出最佳答案。( )21an ld en prefer _ in a peaeful untrsideAt live B t living live( )22st students lie the teahers _ understand the ellAhih Bh that( )23hse at is this?It _ be hnsIts _ sall fr hi

6、Aant;uh t Bant;t uh ustnt;t uh( )24He _ fr ten earsAhas been arried Bgt arried has arried( )2e have tried t _,but she alas ls unhappAlaugh at her Bheer her up ae fun f her( )26She reeived a letter alng _ a fler fr her friendAt Bfr ith( )27That an _ gave us a tal esterda is r BrnAh Bhih h( )28D u en

7、the sng heart ill g n?N,I prefer sngs _ ludAthat is Bhih is that are( )29D u n Lin Shuha?esHe is ne f _ basetball plaers in the NBAAppular Bre ppular the st ppular( )30The sa that the ill tr their best _ their dreasAahieve Bahieving t ahieve( )31eff is _ re intelligent than his sisterHe an alas e up

8、 ith se nderful ideasAt Bver uh( )32Please pst this letter fr e,as I _ bus _ g utAs;that Bt;t suh;that( )33Nt nl the students but als the teaher _ t the useu tdaAg Bges ging( )34u shuld drin _ ht ater if u have a feverAplent f Ban a lt( )3As she is ften bus ith her rShe nl has dinner ith her fail _A

9、all the tie B ne in a hile anther tie第二节完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 1 分)阅读短,根据其内容,从 A、B、中选出最佳答案。usi is sething that everbd liesEverbd an _36_ sunds in a a b singing r plaing a usial instruentan inds f usi _37_ develped as peple have fund ut h t sing in different asThere are _38_ an inds f usi t hear tha

10、t u are sure t find se usi that ill greatl _39_ uusi has eaning fr everneIt is _40_ b the ld and the ung,en and enIt an ae peple happ _41_ sadIn ur dern _42_,radis and televisins prvide us ith lts f usi,giving us enent_43_ in a usi lessn r at a nert usi eans different _44_ t different pepleusi _4_ t

11、 the hle rld( )36Aae Bd hear( )37Ais Bhad have( )38Asuh Ba lt s( )39Ainterest Bprefer invent( )40Aept Bened dislied( )41Aand Bbut r( )42Arld Bn star( )43AEither BNeither Ever( )44Asething B things anthing( )4Ataes Bbelngs plans第三节口语交际(共小题,每小题 2 分,共计 10 分)情景七选五请阅读下面一段对话,根据其情景,从方框内七个选项中选出能填入对话的五个选项。An

12、d:end ,there are five vies n tdahih vie shall e ath?end:46_And:ell,I havent athed itIs it a Hlld vie?end:esShall e ath it?And:47_ I a afraid it is hard fr e t understand the dialgsend:48_ There are hinese subtitles(字幕)And:But the vie is abut apes,right?49_end:ell,ure rngApes in the vie have huan thu

13、ghtsAnd:0_end:ell,u have t ath the vie t find ut hat ill happenAIt sunds lie a gd vieB hat abut Dan f the Planet f the Apes (猩球黎明 2)?I have athed Dan f the Planet f the Apes De n, u an!E Des the vie have a happ ending?FI dislie a vie that is full f apesGIt is an riginal(原版的 ) English vie,isnt it?第三部

14、分词汇与阅读(共 3 小节,满分分)第一节阅读理解(共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,共计 40 分)请阅读材料 A、B、 ,根据其内容选择填空;请阅读材料 D,回答问题及翻译画线部分的句子。Ae n usi is ver iprtant in ur dail lifeD u ntie usi plaing at an f thse plaes hen u g sehere?Tda st stres,statins,restaurants and ther plaes pla usiu ight even hear usi in an ffie r n a farSientists believe that usi influenes the a peple behaveThe thin that the sund f estern lassial(古典的) usi aes peple feel riherhen a restaurant plas lassial usi,peple spend re ne n fd and drinshen the restaurant plas dern usi,peple spend less neithut usi,peple spend even lessSientists als believe that lud,fast usi a



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