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1、2013 年初二英语上册 module1-2 复习资料(新外研版)dule 1-2 复习知识点 1:重点单词及短语1h nt rite dn ur istaes in ur ntebs? 为什么不把错误记在我们的笔记本上呢?1) h nt ?用表示提出建议,相当于 h dnt u/e ?eg h nt tae a al after supper? = h dnt u tae a al after supper?2) rite dn 表示“写下,记下” 相当于“put dn”eg Let s rite dn the rret ansersH abut riting dn ur ideas?2 A

2、nd dnt frget t rite dn the rret ansers next t the istaes hat else? 而且不要忘记把正确答案写在所犯错误旁边,还有吗?1) frget t d sth 忘记去做某事(某事还没发生)frget ding sth 忘记做过某事(某事已经发生)eg: Dn t frget t pst a letter fr e 别忘了帮我邮信。I frget seeing u sehere 我忘记了在什么地方见过你。类似用法的单词还有“reeber”等reeber t d sth /reeber ding sth 3 Lets tr t spea En

3、glish as uh as pssible 让我们试着尽可能多说英语。1) tr t d sth 表示努力去做某事eg: He tried t tae gd are f his sister hen his ther as ut2) as uh as pssible 尽可能多类似的还有“as sn as pssible” 尽可能快4 Thats gd fr ur prnuniatin 它有益于我们的发音。be gd fr 表示“对有益”,其反义词组为“be bad fr” “对有害”eg Eating re vegetables is gd fr ur healthPlaing puter

4、gaes is bad fr ur eesI agree ith u 我同意你的观点。agree ith sb 表示同意某人的看法、观点agree n sth 表示同意某事 6 an students as fr advie abut h t iprve their English许多学生询问关于怎样提高英语(水平)的建议。1)advie 是名词,as fr advie 表示“询问建议 ”。Eg I ant t _abut here t sta 我想请教应该住在哪儿。2) advise 是动词, advise sb t d sth 表示“ 建议某人做某事”。Eg: I advise u t t

5、al abut the fils r sngs ith ur friends我建议你和朋友谈谈(所看)电影或(所听)歌曲。7 iprve v 改进;改善Eg I ant t iprve English 我想提高我的英语水平。8 uld lie sth 想要某物uld lie t d sth 想要做某事(常在单项填空中考查 uld lie 后接不定式的用法)uld lie sb t d sth 想要某人做某事 Id lie u t g ith e9 be ppular ith sb 受某人欢迎10be faus fr 因而出名(后接出名的原因) hina is faus fr the Great

6、 allbe faus as 作为而出名(后接表职位,身份等的词) et Li is faus as an atrbe faus t 为某人所熟知(后接某人) This singer is faus t an ld peple知识点 2、重点语法知识1)形容词、副词比较级的构成 情况 加法 比较级例词 最高级例词一般情况 加 er ,estsall-saller sall-sallest以 e 结尾的词 加 r, st largelarger largelargest以辅音字母+ 结尾的词 变为 i,再加er, est bus-busier eas easier bus-busiest eas

7、easiest以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母 将这辅音字母双写再加 er, esththtter , thinthinner hthttest thinthinnest多音节词和部分双音节词前面加 re, stre expensivest expensive不规则变化:原级比较级最高级gd(ell)betterbestbad(ill)/ badlrserstan(uh)restlittlelessleastfarfarther/furtherfarthest/furthestldlder/elderldest/eldestLanguage pratie(中译英)1 It s gett

8、ing bigger and busier 2 It s a neer it than Hng ng3 Its streets are uh ider and leaner t4 It s taller than an ther building in Shenzhen两者进行比较时, 用比较级表示:A + 动词 + 形容词或副词的比较级 + than + B。eg: 1 ie is lder than T2 ar is fatter than Lu3 I run faster than uAttentin(注意):比较级前可以用如(uh, far, a lt, a little, even,

9、 still) 修饰, 或者是数量词组修饰。 如:1 He is a little fatter than e,2 He is even shrter than i3 hina is uh larger than apanPratie(练习) : 1 ure standing t near the aera an u ve _ ? A a bit far B a little farther a bit f farther D a little far2 If there ere n exainatins, e shuld have _ at shlA the happiest tie B a

10、 re happier tieuh happiest tie D a uh happier tie教学辅助练习:一、单项选择:1 h nt _ ff ur bile phnes The eeting ill start in a inute A t turn B turning turn D turned 2 -I ll fl t uning fr hlida fr hlida this eeend21n-nderful! _ A Nt at all B Have a gd tie I hpe s D ith pleasure3 - uld u e ba t have dinner ith u

11、s this evening?- Id lve t, _ I have an iprtant eeting A and B r s D but -Sall, uld u give e se _ n learning English ?-f urse u d better get uh listening pratie A advie B nes gifts D as6 -_uld u lie ?-That s all Than uA Else h B hat else H else 21n D Else hat7 H abut _ur istaes in red in? 21 世A t rre

12、tB rreting rrets D rret10 If u have se truble, h _u as help fr the plieA nt B dnt d D are11 In apan, basetball is _ ppular than ftball at shl A t re B ver re uh D a lt re12 Traffi is heav and the prie f il is uh _ s that an peple g t r b bs insteadA higher B high expensive D re expensive13 This ter

13、everne in lass rs uh _ than befreA hard B harder hardest D the hardest14 The eather in Guangdng is htter than _ in QinghaiA it B thse ne D That1 There are _ in Hng ngA 7 illins peple B 7 illin peples 7 illin peple16 The ppulatin f this ne it _ abut t illinA has B are is 17-_The ppulatin _Hng ng?-7 i

14、llinA hats; in B H an are; in D hats; f18 a alas aes us laugh, he is even _than his brtherA funnier B funn funniest二、完成句子1 Rbin desnt spea hinese s Ill have t _ (翻译) hinese int English2 _ (改正) the istaes f ur her is ver iprtant3 an u _ (重复) ur questins?4 an u give e se _ (建议) abut buing a huse?h _ (

15、其他的) as at the part?6 为什么你不把你做错的地方写在你的 笔记本上呢?_ u _ the istaes in ur nteb?7 把这篇翻译成英怎么样呢?_ this riting int English?8 不要尝试与坏人交朋友。_ ae friends ith bad en9 不要忘了每天要完成作业。_ finish her ever da 10 你应该帮你的妈妈做点家务活。u _ ur ther _ se huser11 假期去旅行是个好主意。_ travel n ur hlida12an students _(要求得到建议)_( 关于)iprving their English13 I en _ (ath) TV and _(listen) t real English sngs14



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