2016高二英语必修五综合测试题4 unit 4 making the news(人教版有答案)

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1、2016 高二英语必修五综合测试题 4 Unit 4 Making the news(人教版有答案)Unit 4 综合测试题时间:120 分钟,满分:10 分第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 7 分)听下面段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1hat des the an ant?AffeeBeTea2hat tie des the shp pen n Saturda?A8:00AB8:30A9:00

2、A3hats rng ith the an?AHe has a bad erB He ant see learlHe has bee blind4hat ill the an prbabl d next?AG heB all her all ennhere are the t speaers prbabl taling?AIn a restaurantB At heIn the hspital第二节(共 1 小题;每题 1 分,满分 22 分)听下面段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A,B,三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各

3、个小题,每小题秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。6h ill the an and her ther g t the hspital?ABeause the ans ther ant sleep ell at nightB Beause the ans ther is seriusl illBeause the ans ther needs an peratin7hat did r Lee tell ar t d esterda rning?AT rite an artileB T tpe a letterT pi up

4、her ther听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。8H lng ill it tae t al t the nearest Thai restaurant?AFive inutesB Ten inutesFifteen inutes9here is Gld Sun?An the left f the Star SuperaretB ppsite the Star Superaretn the right f the Star Superaret10hat d e learn fr the nversatin?AGld Sun is the nearest Thailand resta

5、urantB Gld Sun is the best Thailand restaurantThe an has been t Gld Sun befre听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。11h des the an ant t return the trusers?ABeause she desnt lie the lrB Beause theres sething rng ith theBeause the dnt g ith her bluse12H uh d the trusers usuall st?A$70B$80$10013hat d e learn fr the n

6、versatin?ANrall, the stre desnt all returns n sale itesB The an seld bus lthes in this shpThe an ant return the trusers听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。14H lng has the shl been in existene?A6 earsB 62 ears80 ears1h uldnt the farers ae a better living?ABeause the had n ne t help theB Beause the had n nledgeBea

7、use the didnt r hard16h did the t teahers usuall have t r late int the night?ABeause the students ere ver eager t learn fr theB Beause the anted t find teahing ethdsBeause their nledge as t liited t teah the students17h ffered ne t build re lassrs?Ar ingB r ings grandfatherThe gvernent听第 10 段材料,回答第

8、18 至 20 题。18H ld is the speaers brther?A12 ears ldB 14 ears ld16 ears ld19hat des the speaers usin lie ding?AListening t usi and athing viesB Plaing vlleballPlaing the guitar20here is the speaers bshelf?ABel the indB Near the drNext t the ind答案:1 BBB610 ABAB111 AAB1620 BAB听力原Text 1:uld u lie ffee r

9、e, Rud?:Neither ,thans But I d ant a up f teaText 2:hat tie des the shp pen?:It pens at 8:30 in the rning n eedas,and thirt inutes later n the eeendText 3:Is that ur aunt enn?:N Thats Lil hats rng ith ur ees?:Ive been plaing a lt f puter gaes latelText 4:Its late D u ant t sta the night in enns r ?:

10、ill she e ba tnight?:N Shell sta at her grandas:Then Ill give a allText :h desnt Ada e t have breafast?:He has gt a fever:Did he g t see a dtr?:N,but Ill g ith hi right aa I have gt a headahe I shuld see a dtr tText 6:Hell, this is ar speaing Is that r Lee,please?:Hell, ar This is r Lee:r Lee,I alli

11、ng t tell u that I ant g t r this rning ther has e fr alifrnia and I have t tae her t the hspital:, ar hat is rng ith ur ther?:ell,she sas she ant sleep ell at night S Ill tae her t the hspital fr an exainatin:Is there anthing I an d?:N, than u If there is nthing rng ith her,Ill g t r this afternn B

12、 the a, Ive tped the letter u gave e esterda rning and its n desText 7:Exuse e:es?:I ant t g t the nearest Thai restaurant uld u tell e h I an get there?:Sure It is nl five inutes al But I d suggest that u g t the best ne, alled Gld Sun:Gld Sun That sunds nie here is it?:Its ust ppsite the Star Supe

13、raret:I t a taxi t the superaret esterda Its near:es u an al atuall It is quite lse t here:Gd idea Is there a sign there?:es There is a big sign saing Gld Sun:I sure I an find it Than u:ure eleText 8:a I help u?:es, I uld lie t return these trusers I bught the last ee:h are u returning the?:I bught

14、the t g ith a bluse f ine But the dnt reall ath:I see h, ait aa, I srr These trusers ere n sale:es ,I bught the fr $ 70 The ere thirt perent ff:I srr,but e dnt all returns n sale ites:I n an stres have that pli But I have returned sale ites here befre:I srr,but e dnt usuall d it It is ur pli:I ust b

15、ught these trusers a ee ag And I a a regular uster here an u ae an exeptin this tie?:All right But ust this tieText 9:r ing, I ant t n re abut the histr f ur shl hen as it built,please?:It as built in 1948:h as the shl built?: grandfather as a businessan He as lu t have ade se ne in his earl frtieshen he sa that the farers uldnt ae a gd living ust beause f la f eduatin, he deided t build this shl t help the:That as ind f hi h taught the students then?: grandfather Later he hired a ung an fr the tn t help hi:It ust have been a v



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