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1、2016 九年级英语下册 UNIT9 检测试题(人教版附答案听力MP3)UNIT 9 I lie usi that I an dane t 检测题(时间:60 分钟;满分:100 分)一、听力部分(满分 20 分) 听句子,选择正确的应答语。每个句子读一遍。 (每小题 1 分,满分分)1 A It s Thursda B Its eight l It s une 13 2 A pleasure B Than u Dnt entin it 3 A In the par B Fr three hurs At the age f ten 4 A ell dne B Fll e Sure, here

2、u are A Never ind B Srr t hear that uh better 听短对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。 (每小题 1 分,满分分)6 h is ling fr Lu?A Linda B Sue T 7 H an girls are there in the girls lass?A 4 B 2 20 8 here are the t speaers?A In a restaurant B In a ban In a lassr 9 hen ill the an e ba?A At 7:1 B At 7:30 At 7:4 10 hat ill the eathe

3、r be lie trr?A It ill be sunnB It ill be rain It ill be lud 听长对话,选择最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 (每小题 1 分,满分分)听第一段对话,回答第 11 至 12 小题。11 H ften des the bus run n Saturda?A ne an hurB Tie an hur Three ties an hur 12 H far is the shl fr here?A Abut iles B Abut 1 iles Abut 2 iles 听第二段对话,回答第 13 至 1 小题。13 hat as Susan din

4、g hen Rbert alled her last night?A She as seeing a fil B She as singing She as reading 14 h an t Susan lib the uelu untain trr rning?A Beause she ll all up Rbert B Beause shell see a fil in the inea Beause she ll have t sta at he and stud 1 H ill the get there?A B bie B B bus B taxi 听短,完成下面表格。短读两遍。

5、(每小题 1 分,满分分)Drea ShlFailities(设施)It has a daning r, a 16 field, a greenhuse and s n Shl hursThe students spend 17 hurs in the shl n eedas SubetsThere are interesting lessns suh as beaut, 18 and hinese hess LunhThe shl an 19 all inds f fd fr the students t hse fr and eat re happil Teahersand student

6、sThe teahers are exellent and the students are 20 and friendl 二、笔试部分(满分 80 分) 单项填空(每小题 1 分,满分 1 分)21 His grandparents live in a sall huse, but the dnt feel A lnel; alneB alne; lnellnel; lnelD alne; alne22 ur English teaher ften sas t us, “ English ell is ver iprtant ”A LearnB LearningLearnedD T lear

7、ning23 an ld en prefer in a peaeful untrside A t liveB liveingliveD lived24 I lie t read the b as ritten b Han Han A hB herehatD hih2 hse at is this?It be hns Its sall fr hi A ant; uh tB ant; t uhustn t; t uhD an; uh t26 The retired uple en phts The alas g ut ith their aeras A taeB tt taeD taing27Th

8、e running ater aes the stnes ver sth A tasteB sundsellD feel28 He fr ten ears A has been arriedB arriedgt arriedD has arried29 L ut! The traffi is fast rss the street n A enugh; tB s; thatsuh; thatD t; t30 e have tried t , but she alas ls unhapp A laugh at herB heer her uppla a e n herD ae fun f her

9、31 The little girl uld pla ver 0 f usi A pieesB pieepairD pairs32 ther is a traveller ith , and she has se interesting A experiene; experienesB experiene; experieneexperienes; experieneD experienes; experienes33 The ther taught her daughter the pian A plaB plaedt plaD plaing 34 Sall t a pht f her fr

10、iends hile the puter gaes A plaB are plainghave plaedD ere plaing3hat a heav rain!S it is I prefer rather than n suh a rain da A t g ut; sta at heB t sta at he; g utging ut; sta at heD staing at he; g ut 完形填空(每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分)usi is sething that everbd lies Everbd an 36 sunds in a a b singing r plai

11、ng a usial instruent an inds f usi 37 develped as peple have fund ut h t sing in different as There are 38 an inds f usi t hear that u are sure t find se usi that ill greatl 39 u usi has eaning fr everne It is 40 b the ld and the ung,en and en It an ae peple happ 41 sad In ur dern 42 ,radis and tele

12、visins prvide us ith lts f usi,giving us enent 43 in a usi lessn r at a nert usi eans different 44 t different peple usi 4 t the hle rld 36 A aeB d hearD ause37 A isB had haveD has38 A suhB a lt uhD s39 A interestB prefer inventD find40 A eptB ened disliedD ritten41 A andB but sD r42 A rldB n starD

13、spae43 A EitherB Neither EverD Eah44 A sethingB things anthingD nthing4 A taesB uses plansD belngs 阅读理解(每小题 2 分, 满分 20 分)ABasetball stars bee hip-hp singers Its true In NBA, hip-hp usi is ver ppular an f the plaers, lie Shaquille Neal f the Ls Angeles Laers, rite rap (说唱) rds hen the travel n planes

14、 fr ne it t anther Se f the even have rap radi shs and thers perfr (表演) in usi videhen se f the unger stars pla basetball, the even tr t l lie hip-hp singers “Hip-hp is ust part f their ulture,” sas ne plaer “All f us gre up listening t rap and plaing basetball, and rappers gre up ding the sae thing

15、”aster P is a faus rap star h ants t bee a basetball plaer T NBA teas have invited hi t in the The en listening t his usi An NBA plaer has bee a rapper He has ade fur suessful rap albus (专辑)NBA has a lser nnetin t hip-hp than an ther sprts league46 an basetball plaers in NBA lie _A hip-hp usi B untr

16、 usi Aerian singers D daning47 an NBA plaers _ rap rds hen the travel n planes fr ne it t antherA learn B rite sing D dane48 _ is ust part f the NBA plaers ultureA usi B Rapper Hip-hp D Basetball49 The NBA teas invited aster P t in the ust beause _A the lie listening t his usi B his daning as ppularthe lie his fae and hair D his hip-hp as


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