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1、2014 高考英语阅读理解技法指导精品题练习(含答案)2014 高考英语阅读理解巩固精品题练习(4)及答案阅读理解技法指导2推理判断题推理判断题常见的命题方式有以下几种:(1)e an n fr the passage that _(2)e an infer fr the (first/last) passage that _(3)The passage/authr iplies/suggests that _(4)It an be nluded fr the passage that _()The underlined sentene indiates that _(6)Fr the pas

2、sage e an dra the nlusin that _(7)The authr sees t be in favr f/against _(8)The authrs purpse f riting this passage is _(9)The authr a prbabl agree ith/supprt _(10)hats the authrs attitude/vie/pint _?(11)H des the authr feel abut _?(12)In the authrs pinin,_如:(2012 标全国高考,D 篇)Grnups are ften surprised

3、 b h ell the reeber sething the learned as hildren but have never pratied ever sineA an h has nt had a hane t g siing fr ears an still si as ell as ever hen he gets ba in the aterHe an get n a bile after an ears and still ride aaHe an pla ath and hit a ball as ell as his snA ther h has nt thught abu

4、t the rds fr ears an teah her daughter the pe that begins “Tinle,tinle ,little star” r reeber the str f inderella r Gldils and the Three Bearsne explanatin is the la f verlearning,hih an be stated as flls:ne e have learned sething,additinal learning trials inrease the length f tie e ill reeber itIn

5、hildhd e usuall ntinue t pratie suh sills as siing,bile riding,and plaing baseball lng after e have learned thee ntinue t listen t and reind urselves f rds suh as “Tinle,tinle,little star” and hildhd tales suh as inderella and Gldilse nt nl learn but verlearnThe ultipliatin tables(乘法口诀表) are an exep

6、tin t the general rule that e frget rather quil the things that e learn in shl,beause the are anther f the things e verlearn in hildhdThe la f verlearning explains h raing(突击学习) fr an exainatin, thugh it a result in a passing grade,is nt a satisfatr a t learn a llege urseB raing,a student a learn th

7、e subet ell enugh t get b n the exainatin, but he is liel sn t frget alst everthing he learnedA little verlearning, n the ther hand,is reall neessar fr nes future develpent68The authr explains the la f verlearning b _Apresenting researh findingsBsetting dn general rulesaing a parisnDusing exaples剖析:

8、D推理判断题。作者在第二段中解释了 the la f verlearning,接着在第三、四段通过具体的实例对此进行说明。故选D 项。70hat is the authrs pinin n raing?AIt leads t failure in llege exasBIts helpful nl in a liited aIts pssible t result in pr erDIt inreases students learning interest剖析:B推理判断题。由最后一段第一句可知,虽然突击学习可能在通过考试的分数上起一定作用,但是对于学习大学程说却不是一种令人满意的方法。由此

9、推出,在作者看突击学习的作用是有一定局限性的。故选 B 项。这类题目单从材料的字面意思中是找不到答案的,这就要求考生必须仔细阅读,了解中的全部信息或事实,透彻理解的深层含义,运用归纳、综合、推理的逻辑思维方法,将已述和未述的含义结合起思考,判断人物的动机、目的和性格特征,理顺事发生的顺序或前因后果,从而找到答案。72013 北京卷 Des Fae Drive u raz?Althugh being faus ight sund lie a drea e true, tdas stars, feeling lie z anials, fae pressures that fe f us an i

10、agine The are at the enter f uh f the rlds attentin Paparazzi (狗仔队) ap utside their hes, aeras read Tablids (小报) publish thrilling stries abut their persnal lives ust iagine nt being able t d anthing ithut being phtgraphed r interrupted fr a signature!Arding t pshlgist hristina Villarreal, elebritie

11、sfaus peplerr nstantl abut their publi appearane Eventuall, the start t lse tra f h the reall are, seeing theselves the a their fans iagine the, nt as the peple the ere befre everne ne their naes “ver tie, ” Villarreal sas, “the feel separated and alne”The phenenn f traing elebrities has been arund

12、fr ages In the 4th entur B, painters flled Alexander the Great int battle, hping t piture his vitries fr his adirers hen harles Diens visited Aeria in the 19th entur, his sldut readings attrated thusands f fans, leading hi t plain(抱怨) abut his la f priva Tablids f the 1920s and 1930s ran artiles abu

13、t filstars in uh the sae a that dern tablids and ebsites dBeing a publi figure tda, hever, is a lt re diffiult than it used t be Superstars annt ve abut ithut rring abut phtgraphers ith dern aeras hen the sa sething sill r d sething ridiulus, there is alas the Internet t spread the nes in inutes and

14、 eep their “str” alive freverIf fae is s trublese, h arent all elebrities running aa fr it? The anser is there are still as t deal ith it Se stars sta al b surrunding theselves ith trusted friends and fail r b esaping t rete plaes aa fr big ities The fus nt n h faus the are but n hat the lve t d r h

15、atever ade the faus in the first plaeSeties a fe elebrities an get a little ustie Still, even stars h en full ustie ften plain abut h hard their lives are The are tired f being faus alread63It an be learned fr the passage that stars tda _A are ften isunderstd b the publiB an n lnger have their priva

16、 prtetedspend t uh n their publi appearaneD are little abut h the have e int fae64hat is the ain idea f Paragraph 3?A Great heres f the past ere generall adiredB The prble faed b elebrities has a lng histrellnn atrs are usuall targets f tablidsD rs f ppular riters ften have a lt f readers6hat aes it uh harder t be a elebrit tda?A Availa



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