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1、2012 届中考英语阅读题总复习教案 12012 年中考英语分块总复习试题:任务型阅读试题2011 年全国各省市中考英语四种类任务型阅读试题第一类(21 篇):阅读短回答问题;第二类(31 篇):阅读短填写单词;第三类(17 篇):阅读短进行信息归纳或整理;第四类(23 篇):阅读短按要求完成任务(复合型)第一类:阅读短回答问题(保持原题号不变) 任务型阅读第一类(1)自:黑龙江大庆市It is idel aepted that televisin is plaing an iprtant part in peples lives But, there is a heated disussin

2、 as t hether televisin des gd r harTelevisin eeps ne learning re abut present events, alls ne t fll the st reent develpents in plitis and siene, and ffers varius prgras hih are bth instrutive and exiting The st distant untries, the strangest usts and the st attrative senes f nature are brught right

3、int nes r r huseHever, se peple insist that televisin is bad rather than gd The argue that it has brught abut an serius prbles The ar ne is its effets n ung peple hildren are n s used t getting their infratin and entertainent fr televisin that their abilit t read and rite as ell as phsial abilit has

4、 been greatl eaened Even rse than that, vulgar( 庸俗的) advertiseents and pr prgras a develp their bad tastes, shape their vie pints badl tards huan life t suh a degree that their inds ight be destredIn a rd, televisin has bth advantages and disadvantages hatever effets it has, ne pint is ertain, telev

5、isin in itself is neither gd nr bad It is the use t hih it is put that deides its value t siet66 hat are peple disussing nadas?_67 hat are the advantages televisin has brught us ? (至少 2 点)_68 h d se peple thin televisin is bad rather than gd?_69 It is the use t hih it is put that deides its value t

6、siet _70 hats ur pinin abut televisin?答案:66hether televisin des gd r har67Televisin eeps ne learning re abut present events, alls ne t fll the st reent develpents in plitis and siene, and ffers varius prgras hih are bth instrutive and exiting 68Beause the argue that it has brught abut an serius prbl

7、es 69 它是由人们对电视的具体使用决定它对社会的价值的。70 Televisin has bth advantages and disadvantages Televisin in itself is neither gd nr bad It is the use t hih it is put that deides its value t siet(The anser a be varied)任务型阅读第一类(2)自:湖南益阳ne upn a tie there lived a pr farer alled Sith He didnt lie t share things ith th

8、ers Sith had a friend h as faus fr the nderful apples he grene da, his friend gave Sith a ung apple tree and tld hi t tae it he and planted The farer as pleased ith the gift, but hen he gt he, he did nt n here t plantHe thught and thught Finall at night he planted the tree in his d here n ne uld see

9、 it But ithut sunlight and gd sil, the tree sn diedLater the friend ased the farer h he had planted the tree in suh a pr plae“hats the differene?” the farer said angril “If I had planted it near the rad, strangers uld have stlen the fruit If I had planted it in ne f fields, neighbrs uld have e at ni

10、ght and stlen se f the apples If I had planted it near huse, n hildren uld have taen the fruit,”“es,” said the friend, “but at least sene uld have ened the fruit N u nt nl have gt nthing, but als u have destred a gd apple tree”6 as Sith happ abut the gift? 7 hen did he plant the apple tree?8 here di

11、d Sith plant the apple tree in the end?9 h did the apple tree sn die? 60 hat uld prbabl happen if the farer had planted the tree near his huse?答案:6 es, he is7 At night8 In his d9 Beause there as n sunlight r gd sil60 His n hildren uld have taen the fruit任务型阅读第一类(3)自:湖南怀化“h did this?”ased iss GreenTh

12、ere ere 30 hildren in the lassr and all ere tring t thin abut nt nl hat the did, but als hat ur teaher alread ne“h bre this ind?” “Uh, h” I thught I as the ne h bre the ind ith a ftball I did nt ean t d it I uld be in a lt f truble H uld I pa fr a big ind lie that? I didnt ant t put up hand But I ha

13、d t tell the truth S, I put up hand and tld the teaher I bre the indiss Green ent t the bshelf and t dn a b“I n h u lie birds, Peter” She said “Here is a b abut birds and the b is urs n I ill nt punish u this tie But Peter, u shuld reeber that I a rearding (奖赏)u fr ur hnest(诚实), nt fr breaing the in

14、d”I uldnt believe it! The teaher didnt punish e and I as getting ver favrite b N, I still use that b, and it alas reinds e f (使我想起)the lessn teaher taught eHnest is alas best6 h bre the ind?7 H an hildren ere in the lassr?8 here did iss Green tae dn the b? 9 hat as the b abut?60 hat an e learn fr th

15、e str? 答案:6 Peter 7 308 The bshelf 9 The b as abut birds60 Hnest is alas best 任务型阅读第一类(4)自:自:湖南 郴州D u n the prett girl? Her nae is Tian ei She as brn n April , 1986 She as fr Beiing She had t big ees and shrt hair She as gd at hinese And she lved ritingShe as unlu hen she as in Grade 8, she as seriu

16、sl ill Her dtr said she uld lse her life antie But she asnt afraid f death She ept n studing and riting She died n August 13, 2007 She siled till the end f her lifeTian ei had a great drea She hped that peple uld read her b in the bshps In arh, 2009, her nl b Hua Tian Ban u ae ut it had re than (X) thusand rds In



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