2015年六年级英语下册unit 1教案(译林英语)

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1、2015 年六年级英语下册 Unit 1 教案(译林英语)单元内容 Unit 1 The lin and the use单元教学总目标1、能理解、读并复述故事。2、能听懂、会说、会读词汇:bite, hle, large, sharp, strng, ea, ae up。3、能听懂、会说、会读表示时间顺序的词组: the next da, ust then, fr then n。4、通过学习,不轻视别人,学会互相帮助。时 1 Str tie 集体备教案二次备(手写)教学目标1 能理解并会朗读故事。2 能初步听懂、会读单词large、strng 、e 、ea、net、bit 、sharp、sad

2、l、hle3 进一步巩固 there be 一般过去时,并注意不规则动词过去式的写法和读音。 4 通过学习本的故事,让学生懂得人与人之间应该互相帮助。教学重、教学重、难点1 能理解并会朗读故事。2 能初步听懂、会读单词large、strng 、e 、ea、net、bit 、sharp、sadl、hle3 通过学习本的故事,让学生懂得人与人之间应该互相帮助。教学准备教学设计Step1: Pre-reading1T: L! an u guess hat hbb is?S: u lie reading, I thinT: es I lie reading stries D u lie stries?

3、 hat stries d u n?S: The ings ne lthesT: Tda e are ging t read anther interesting str L at the piture an u tell e the nae? S: The lin and the useUnit1 The lin and the useT: L at the lin hat d u thin f it?Teah: large strng heavT: But hat is the use lie? Is it large?Teah: sall ea lightStep2: hile-read

4、ing1T: The large and strng lin, the sall and ea use hat is the str abut? First, e n hhat else uld u lie t n abut the str?S: here? hen? hat? H?here? in the frest2T: hat happened? There are se sentenes fr u Lets read the tgetherThe lin aught the use but let it gThe lin and the use beae gd friendsThe l

5、in uld nt get ut fr the netThe use helped the lin get utThe use e the lin up3 Read and ath 4 ath and rder Read and thinTeah: ne da, the next da, ust then, fr then n6Read and thinQ: h did the lin let the use g?Q: hat happened t the lin?Q: H did the use help the lin?Piture12Pi2: H did the use sa t the

6、 lin QuietlH did the lin sa t the use? LudlThe use as afraidPiture 3-Underline the ne rds and phrasesTeah: bitebit hleH? Sadl happil7 T: If u ere the use hat uld u sa?I a sall and ea,but I a lever and brave(勇敢)I an help the lin! Step3: Pst-reading1Lets read2Tr t retell3T: hat d u learn fr the str?Se

7、ties, the strng an be ea 再高的人也有屈身的时候,Seties, the ea an be strng 再矮的人也有垫脚的时候。Everne is gd at sething 每个人都有自己的长处Lets help eah ther!让我们互相帮助Step4: HerListen and read the strRetell the str t ur friends r fail p and reite the phrases板书设计 Unit1 The lin and the usene da aled b e up aught let it gThe next da

8、 aught ith a large net bit uldnt get utust then sa ade a big hle gt utFr then n beae gd friends教学后记时 2 Str tie (2) Fun tie集体备教案二次备(手写)教学目标1 能复述故事2 能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:bite, hle, large, sharp, strng, ea, ae up, let g。3 能根据故事内容改编并表演故事。教学重、难点1 学生对中重点词汇和句子的掌握。2 能根据故事内容改编并表演故事。教学准备教学设计Step1: Revisin1 Greeting

9、s2 Read the str tgether3 T: Lng lng ag, there asS: There as a lin He as ver large and strngT: hat happened? ne dathe next da ust then fr then nan u as se questins abut the str? Fr exaple, h e the lin up?Step2: Presentatin1 T: pen ur bs Turn t page 8Lets read the questins and anser tgetherh e the lin

10、 up?Did the lin eat the use?H did the an ath the lin?H did the use help the lin?hat did the lin and the use lin?hat did the lin and the use bee?2 Tr t retell the str arding t the blabard3 D the exerise n page 8: Read and rder 4 e rds and phrases:Large/big sall/littleStrng eaSharpbluntae up/get up/g

11、t bed/g t sleepant t d/uld lie t dSe daLet sb dThe next da/the flling da/the send daath the lin ith/use t athust then/ust nGet ut/get inFr then n/fr n nBee friendsFun tieT: N e n a lt abut the str e an als retell it Right? an u at it?L at piture 1, the lin as ver strng and large hat uld he sa?T: Tur

12、n t page 10 r in grups and plete the dialgue S: T: N lets at!Step3: Pratie1 At the str2 Exerises n Exerise B 1Step4: Her1 Listen and read Str tie Tr t reite2 Revie the text and ntes3 Tr t retell r at re stries in grups板书设计Unit1 The lin and the useNtes教学后记时 3 Graar tie heut tie(L and rite)集体备教案二次备(手写

13、)教学目标1 学生能理解副词的用法。2 学生能掌握副词的构成:quietl, exitedl, fast/sl3 学生能掌握 3 个动词过去式的不规则变化:bite-bit,ae-e,let-let。教学重、难点1 学生能理解副词的用法。2 学生能掌握副词的构成:quietl, exitedl, fast/sl, ell教学准备教学设计Step 1 Revisin1 Greetings2 Qui respnse: 动词过去式LetletBitebitae e3 Tr t retell the str arding t the verbsStep 2 Presentatin (Graar tie

14、)1 T: hen the lin aught the use, the use as afraid S he said quietl But H did the lin laugh?S: He laughed ludlT: The next da, t en aught the lin He as sad He ased fr help sadlT: hen the use help hi get ut, he beae S: He beae happ T: S he thaned the use S: happil sa happilT: pen ur bs t page9 Lets re

15、ad the sentenes tgetherThe lin ased sadlThe lin laughed ludlThe use said quietlThe use said happil2 adv 副词Sadsadl ludludl quietquietl happhappil T: an u find ut the rules?S: 形容词后加 l形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词或形容词Suar: 形容词副词a 词尾直接加 lexitedexitedl beautifulbeautifull arefularefull b 去 e 加 ilhapphappil angr angril

16、heavheavil 不变r hard run fast/sl up high/l get up earl/lated 不规则 gdell 3 heut tieT: L at the pitures and plete the sentenesThe b is running fastThe girl is shuting exitedlThe hildren are taling ludlThe peple are laughing happilThe an is reading arefullThe an is ring sadlStep 3 Pratie 1 Lil is a _ student She speas Englis



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