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1、2011 届高考英语第一轮总复习教案 4高考英语一轮重点复习 dule 2 Unit2 Unit3一、重点单词与短语1 adit vt vi(1)许可某人/物进入This tiet adits t peple t the ftball ath(2)接纳,接受某人(入院入学等)All untries an tae part in if their athletes reah the standard t be aditted t the gaesEver fur ears athletes fr all ver the rld are aditted as petitrsHe as aditte

2、d t hspital ith serius burns(3)承认,招认adit (ding )sth 承认某事 /做了某事adit that +从句 承认He never adits that he is rnghn has aditted that he bre the ind =hn has aditted _ the ind拓展:adissin n 允许加入;承认adissin prie 入场费 adittedl = t be hnest 说实在的考点例题:a I n ur age, fr peple ver 40 _ lubA dnt adit int B arent aditted

3、 t ant enter D are refused b2 relate v 将两事联系起;有关;涉及It is diffiult t relate the ause and effet in the aserelate sth t /ith sth 把与联系起relate t sb/ sth 与有关;涉及拓展:related ad 有关的;在联系的= relevant adrelatin n 关系,联系,亲戚 relative n 亲戚;ad 相对的relativit n 相对性考点例题:用句中黑体字的正确形式填空All his relatives _ t the rie have been

4、 brught t the plie statin 3 prise v n(1)允诺;答应prise t d sth 答应做某事prise sb sth 答应某人某事prise +that 从句 答应ae a prise 许下诺言eep a prise 遵守诺言arr ut a prise 履行诺言brea a prise 违背诺言(2)可能The lear s prise fine eather注:prising ad 有出息的;有前途的;有希望的考点例题:hn ent t hina last ears And he thins hina is a _ untrA priseB prised

5、 prising D prises 4 n ad(1)普通的;通常的n sense 常识 n peple 普通老百姓(2)共有的;共同的n prpert, nership 共有的财产,所有权n interest, purpse 共同的兴趣,目的have sth in n ith 与有共同之处拓展:nl adv 通常的;常常的区别: n, rdinar, usual n 所指事物是最平常的。它指常发生,并且是“熟悉的,常见的”rdinar“普通的,平凡的”,强调无特殊之处( nt speial)It as a ver rdinar da tda T Saer as an rdinar Aeria

6、n b h ept getting int trubleusual 常用指由于长时间没有变化而形成的一种习惯或制度,描写“一贯的,通常” 预料所及的事情He sat in his usual seatAre u ing he at the usual tie? es, I shall leave the ffie at the sae tie as usualadvantage n 优点;优势;有利条At the end f an hurs pla the advantage la definitel ith hi拓展:an advantage f sth is that其中的一个优点是 an

7、 advantage f using slar energ is that it ill nt pllute the envirnent tae advantage f 对加以利用;欺骗t sb s advantage 对某人有利have /get/in an advantage ver (f)胜过;优于6 arise vi(arse, arisen)出现; 发生 arise fr /ut f 由引起;由产生A ne diffiult has arisen 出现了新的困难。Aidents arise fr arelessness 疏忽大意往往会引起事故的发生。拓展:区别:arise, rise

8、, raise, arusearise 表示“出现;发生”相当于 happen, appear, 而 rise 无此意rise(rse, risen)升起;起立(床) ,上涨;提高rise fr tale (餐毕)起立离桌His vie rse in exiteent 他激动得声音提高了。raise v 提高;举起;增加;募捐;饲养。及物动词,后接宾语He raised his ars abve his headaruse vt 唤醒,唤起,激起,引起aruse sb fr sleep 唤醒某人aruse sbs enthusias 激起某人的积极性二 重点短语1 as ell as 也;而且

9、(=in additin t sth/ sb else)as ell as 连接两个并列成分时,意为“也”, “和”, “不仅而且” , “既又”通常强调前面的人或物。Parents shuld sh great nern abut their hildrens ental health as ell as their phsial health =Parents shuld sh great nern nt nl abut their hildrens phsial health but als abut their ental health 父母应该非常关心孩子的身体健康,也要关心他们的心

10、理健康。注:当它连接并列主语时,谓语动词的人称和数需和前面的主语一致The teaher as ell as the students as tuhed b the ving str拓展:主语部分含有 ith, tgether ith, alng ith, but, exept, besides, as ell as, rather than, inluding, n less than, as uh as 等词时,谓语的数应与前面的名词保持一致。考点例题:All but ne _ here ust nA is B as has been D ere a, as ell as his frie

11、nds h _ ftball gaes, _ traveled ith the teaA lies ; hasB lie; have lie; hasD lies have 2 used tUsed t, uld 这两个词语都可以表示过去常做某事,有时可以换用。但 used t d 强调过去习惯性的行为或状态,但是现在没有这种行为或状态了。因此,这个短语的内涵是今昔对比。There used t be nl l and dirt huses in ur village拓展:get/be used t sth/ding sth 习惯于某物/做某事,该词组有各种时态be used t d sth

12、被用于做考点例题:a is used t _ t shl, but tda he ae b busA alB aling als D aled d _ paper and ther thingsA is used t ae B is used t aing used t ae D used t aing3 ae up(1)化妆;化装She ade up her fae t l prettier(2)捏造,虚构(故事,诗等)The b ade up a str; it as nt true(3)ae up fr 补偿 ae up fr lst tie 补回失去的时间H an e ae up t

13、u fr hat u have suffered?拓展:be ade up f = nsist f 由组成ae fr 有利于,有助于;走向;冲向The large print aes fr easier readingae it 及时赶到,办成功ae it up 和解;讲和ae nn 使知晓;传达ae ut 理解;懂得;辨认出4 after all(1)毕竟;终究;归根到底。常位于句末。如:I passed the driving test after all(2)别忘了,后面接提醒对方要记住的事情。如:I n he hasnt finished the r, but after all, h

14、ed dne his best拓展:in all 总计;总共all in all 总而言之abve all 首先;最重要的是at all(常用于否定句,疑问句或条状语从句中加强语气)根本;丝毫三 重点句型1 H ften d u hld ur Gaes?你们奥运会多久举行一次?H ften 问某事发生的频率。常用的答语有:ever t das, ne a ee, at ties 等H sn 问某事在多少时间以内会完成。常用 in/ithin 短语回答-H sn ill dress read? -In a eeH lng 问某动作或某状态持续多久多长时间。常用 fr 短语回答,fr可省略。-H

15、lng did u sta there? -nl t das2 Then it as the size f a large r 当时它有一个房间那么大the size f 在句中相当于 as large as,能用于这种结构的名词还有:the length f = as lng as the idth f = as ide as the depth f = as deep as the height f = as high as the eight f = as heav as 此结构前还可以加上 half, tie, three ties, alst 和分数表示程度。This rpe is half the length f that ne3 As the ears have gne b, I have been ade saller and saller 随着岁月的流逝,我被做得越越小了。(1)as 引导时间状语从句,表示主句与从句的动作或状态同时发生,翻译为“随着”; “当时候”I sa hi as he gt ff the train(2)g b = g n (指时间)过去,流逝;g b 还有“遵照,依照”之意考点例题:-I ging t the pst ffie -_ u



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