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1、2011 届高考英语总复习名师全程导学案:Unit1 名师点津(新人教版必修三)2011 届高考英语总复习名师全程导学案:Unit1 名师点津(新人教版必修三)单项填空1Than u ver uh fr helping e ut f truble,Bb _Aith pleasure B Dnt entin itThats right D I hpe s解析:选 B。考查交际用语。Dnt entin it 意为“ 不用谢;别客气”,常用回答别人的道谢。ith pleasure 意为“非常乐意 ”,表示愿意做别人要求做的事。2In st estern untries, n April Fls Da

2、,peple ften pla _tri n eah ther; hildren espeiall have great _funAa;a Bthe ;the不填;a Da ;不填解析:选 D。考查冠词。pla a tri n 为固定短语,意为 “搞恶作剧,开玩笑”;have fun 意为“ 玩得快乐”,fun 是不可数名词,前面通常不加冠词。3hen I taled abut the thing, I felt ane athing e unfrtabl,ling_she ished t speaAas thugh Beven thughs that Din ase解析:选 A。考查连词。a

3、s thugh 好像。句意:当我谈论这事时,我觉得 ane 不安地看着我,看起想要说什么。even thugh 尽管;s that 以至于,结果;in ase 假使,以防。4The ld phts buried at the btt f the suitase _e f thse happ ld das e had spent tgetherArepeated B reindedinfred Dreebered解析:选 B。考查动词辨析。reind 提醒,使想起,reindf 使想起。句意:压在箱底的那些旧照片使我回忆起了我们一起度过的那些欢乐时光。repeat 重复;infr 告知,通知;r

4、eeber 记得,记住。Even thugh a has failed an ties in his experient,he hlds a belief _he ill sueed ne da if he arries n ith itAhat Bhihhether Dthat解析:选 D。考查名词性从句。that 引导的同位语从句进一步说明 belief 的具体内容。句意:即使 a 的实验已失败了很多次,但他抱有这样一种信念:只要继续坚持下去,他最终会成功的。6The building as naed Frd Hall _a an naed aes FrdAin plae f Bin el

5、ebratin fin er f Din favur f解析:选。考查短语辨析。in er f 纪念,追念。 in plae f 代替,取代;in elebratin f 庆祝;in favur f 赞成,支持。7Has r Lee arrived?NBut its alread 9 l He shuld _at an tieAbring up Bturn upl up Dpi up解析:选 B。考查短语辨析。turn up 出现,到场。bring up 抚养,培养,教育,提出;l up 查找;pi up 拣起,拾起,(开车) 去接某人,(非正式地)学会,学到。8Sir ,u are nt a

6、lled t enter the building if u dnt get ur anagers _Aperissin Bnnetininstrutin Dintrdutin解析:选 A。考查名词辨析。perissin 允许,许可。句意:先生,如果没有我们经理的允许,你不准进入这座大楼。nnetin 连接,关系;instrutin 指示,说明;intrdutin 介绍。9The headaster tld the b _the angr teaher,but he refused tAt aplgize Baplgize tt aplgize fr Dt aplgize t解析:选 D。考查

7、动词用法。tell sbt d sth 告诉某人做某事;aplgize t sb(fr sth)(因某事 )向某人道歉。10e are ling frard t _a hane t ath the pening eren f the Lndn 2012 lpi GaesAgive Bbe givenbeing given Dgiving解析:选。句意:我们期望有机会看到伦敦 2012 年奥运会的开幕式。l frard t 后面要跟动名词形式,根据语境可知要用被动形式,故项正确。阅读理解A(2009 年温州检测 A)“Fe things help an individual re than t

8、plae respnsibilit upn hi,and let hi n that u trust hi”These rds are fr the bla Aerian eduatr,Ber ashingtn He as saing that, “If u ant peple t gr up,u have t stp treating the lie hildren”In Aeria,failies are lse but hildren are enuraged t be independent,t ae their n deisins,even at a ver earl age Its

9、 nt unusual fr a hild f seven t be given an allane(津贴)ever ee The hild is enuraged t save se f the ne but he r she an spend it n hatever the hse, fr exaple,buing lthes,shl supplies r DsSe teenagers even have their n redit ards! Thats a big respnsibilit sine even adults are tepted t verspend hen the

10、have redit ardsFr an earl age,Aerian hildren are ased fr their pinins and the are inluded in fail deisinaingAt the dinner table,teenagers ill be listened t n an tpi,fr plitis t buing a ne fail ar r here the fail ill g n vaatinIn this a,teenagers are getting pratie in being individuals:the are learni

11、ng h t stand n their n t feetan hinese ung peple are being alst as interested as Aerian teens in searhing fr independeneThe ant t express thse qualities that ae the unique huan beings u an see this in the a the dress, the usi the listen t and the friends the hse“Super Girl” Li uhun aught the iaginat

12、in f hinese teenagers n the “Super Girl” televisin ntestShe as nt the traditinal “nie,ung hinese girl”ith her shrt,spi hair and blie lthes,she as telling everne that she as different She had the urage t be her n persn and t stand n her n t feetand she n!There is an ld saing, “Everne shuld arefull bs

13、erve hih a his heart dras hi and then hse that a ith all his strength”If u d this,step b step,ver a perid f tie, u a find that u have bee the persn u alas anted t be【解题导语】生活中几乎没有东西比责任更重要,更能够帮助别人,并让别人觉得你信任他。作者通过介绍美国人教育孩子的方式论证这个道理并指出中国的年轻人也开始追求独立。1The passage is intended t enurage the uth t _Asave ne

14、fr useful thingsB bee independentexpress their great abitinsDae iprtant deisins解析:选 B。写作意图推断题。中第二段中的“In Aeria,failies are lse but hildren are enuraged t be independent”和第四段中的“an hinese ung peple are being alst as interested as Aerian teens in searhing fr independene”都向我们讲述了孩子追求独立的问题,因此我们可以推知的目的。2A h

15、ild f seven is given an allane s that he an _Abe aepted as a ppular guB learn t deide h t use neverspend ne ithut areDhave shl supplies f his n解析:选 B。推理判断题。从中第二段中的“Its nt unusual fr a hild f seven t be given an allane(津贴)ever eeThe hild is enuraged t save se f the ne but he r she an spend it n hatever the hse,fr exaple,buing lthes,shl supplies r Ds”可知美国大部分的孩子都有自己的零花钱,他们可以用这些钱去购买自己需要的东西,这样可以培养他们的理财能力。故 B 项正确。3The authr iplies that an hinese hildren _Aare re independent than AeriansB shuld bee interested in Aeriaare happ



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