2015六下英语unit 4 then and now导学案

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1、2015 六下英语 Unit 4 Then and now 导学案题 Unit 4 Then and n第一时 型新授学 科英语主备人时雪艳审核人Perid 1 Lets learn Find the istaes Learning ais( 学习目标):1 能听说认读单词:dining hall, grass, g, ag 2 能听说认读句子:There as g in shl tent ears ag N there s a ne ne in ur shl3 会唱歌曲hanges in e Iprtant diffiult pints( 重难点):1 能听说认读本时单词和句子。2 能正确使

2、用一般过去时和一般现在时。Learning steps( 学习步骤):Step 1 预习温故(用时分钟)1 G ver the phrases f Unit 3: ate fresh fd, ent siing, t pitures, bught gifts, rde a hrse, rde a bie , ent aping, hurt ft , ent fishing教师说短语的第一个单词,学生说出短语,并造一个句子。如 T: t Ss: T pitures, I t pitures last eeend ( 边做动作边说 )2 Free tal T: H as ur eeend? Ss:

3、 It as fineT: here did u g? Ss: I ent t T: H did u g there? Ss: B T: hat did u d there? Ss: I ent fishing / Step 2 新内容展示(用时 1 分钟)教学单词 dining hall, grass, g, ag(1)Sh the piture f grass T: hats this? Ss: Its grass 板书 grass 并教读。hant: Grass, grass Pla ftball n the grass 以同样的方法教学 dining hall, g hant: Din

4、ing hall, dining hall Have lunh in the dinning G, g Pla basetball in the g(2)教学单词 ag 及词组 ears ag, nths ag 教师先说几个句子让学生感受。T: I ent fishing three das ag I ent t Beiing t ears ag 板书并教读ag。 让学生说出 ears ag, nths ag 的意思并造句。1 出示两张新旧学校图片介绍并板书:There as n g in shl tent ears ag N theres a ne ne in ur shl 教读。学生学说句

5、子,描述学校以前和现在的样子如:There as n puter r ten ears ag N theres a ne ne in ur shl2Pla the tape f Let s learn 学生仿读。Step 3 合作交流:(用时 10 分钟)1 小组读单词,开火车读单词。2 学生灵活运用所学单词句子。3 完成 Find the istaes 学生先自己读句子,然后小组合作找出错误的地方。4 学唱歌曲hanges in e Step4、达标检测(用时 9 分钟)一读单词,选图片A B D E 1art t 2dining hall 3grass 4puter r g 二读一读,选一

6、选。( )1 There as a grass in the nature par five ears ag( )2 Peple uldnt use the Internet( )3 N there is a g in ur it( )4 There as n puter r in ur shl tent ears ag( ) At that tie, peple didnt g there b busA 现在我们城市有一座体育馆。B 人们不会使用互联网。五年前,这个自然公园有一个草坪。D 那时,人们没有乘公交车去那儿。E 20 年前,我们学校没有电脑室。三根据图意选择正确的句子。1 ( )

7、AThere as a big fatr near ur shlBThere is a big librar next t ur shl2 ( ) A The ften pla ftball in the gB The ften plaftball n the grass3 ( ) A N e g t shl b shl busB The ent t shl n ft three ears ag4 ( ) A Last ear e had lunh in ur lassrB N e have lunh in the dining hallStep、布置当堂作业(用时 1 分钟)1 抄写并背诵

8、dining hall, g, grass, ears ag, nths ag, last ear, last nth2 用本时句子写一个对话。题 Unit 4 Then and n 第二时 型新授学 科英语主备人时雪艳审核人Perid 2 Lets tr Lets tal Learning ais( 学习目标):1 听说认读单词:star, eas, l up, Internet2 听说读写句子:There as n librar in shl Tell us abut ur shl, please H d u n that? There ere n puters r Internet in

9、 tie3 听懂 Lets tr,完成 Ti r rssIprtant diffiult pints( 重难点):1 听说读写句子 There as n librar in shl Tell us abut ur shl, please H d u n that? There ere n puters r Internet in tie 听说认读单词: star, eas, l up, Internet2 理解对话。导学探究:Step 1 预习温故(用时分钟)1G ver rds f Lets learn 教师做动作,学生说单词并造句。Dining hall I have lunh in th

10、e dining hall Grass I pla ftball n the grass G I pla basetball in the g2 教师出示单词卡,全班齐读并拼写单词:dining hall, grass, g3 用 ag 造句。 There as a dg in the par five das ag Step 2 新内容展示(用时 1 分钟)1 教学单词 star, eas, l up, Internet(1)画星星简笔画 T: hats this? Ss: Its star 板书 star 并教读。T: an u spell star? Ss: STAR T: It is

11、eas (板书并教读 eas)(2)出示一个星座图片,T: D u n its nae? Ss: I dnt n T: e an l it up n the Internet 板书 l up, Internet 讲解并教读。2 (1)出示有图书馆和没有图书馆的学校照片,学生说句子 Ss: There as n librar in the shl N theres a ne ne 齐读。(2)出示有电脑和没有电脑的学校图片。T: There ere n puters r Internet in tie 注意 are - ere 学生反复读该句子。(3) 讲解并教读句子:Tell us abut

12、ur shl, please H d u n that?3 学生听录音,老师教读对话。4 学生自己读对话,回答问题:hat as Grandpas shl lie? Step 3 合作交流:(用时 10 分钟)1 教读对话,学生小组练习对话。2 学生灵活运用本时单词和句型自由编对话。3Finish Lets trStep4、达标检测(用时 9 分钟)一填一填,译一译,读一读。1gr ss ( ) 2g ( ) 3 st r 4dining h ll ( )二读一读,选一选。( )1 There as n librar in ld shl( )2 Tell us abut ur shl, ple

13、ase( )3 uld u see stars at night?( )4 The Aerians t abut five das t get there in 1969( ) H d u n that? ( )6 I led it up n the Internet( )7 There ere n puters r Internet in tie A 请给我讲讲你的学校吧。 B 你怎么知道的? 我以前的学校没有图书馆。D 我在互联网上查询的。 E 1969 年,美国人花了五年的时间到达那儿。F 我那时候没有电脑也没有网络。G 晚上你能看见星星吗?三判断下列句子是否与图意相符,相符的写 A,不

14、符的写 B( )1 The led up n the Internet esterda evening ( )2 The hildren ften pla n the grass ( )3 There as n plagrund in shl ( )4 The little girl sa the stars at night反思题 Unit 4 Then and n第三时 型新授学 科英语主备人时雪艳审核人Perid 3 Letslearn Listen, ath and sa Learning ais( 学习目标):1 听说读写单词及短语:ling, ie- sate, badintn,g

15、 ling2 能听说认读句子:I didnt lie inter befre I bught it as t ld, and I uldnt g ling H abut n? N I lve t ie-sate, s I lie interIprtant diffiult pints( 重难点):1 听说读写单词 ling, ie- sate, badintn 2 记忆 badintn导学探究: Step 1 预习温故(用时分钟)1G ver the rds dining hall grass g star eas2 谈论学校的今昔对比。T: Tell us abut ur ld shl, p

16、leaseS1: There ere n puters in ld shl T: H d u n that? S1: ur head teaher tld usStep 2 新内容展示(用时 1 分钟) 1 教学单词及词组:ling, g ling, ie- sate, pla badintn(1)出示骑车的图片 T: hih sprt is it?板书 ling 并教读。 (2)教师边做骑车的动作边说 G ling, I an g ling。 (3)出示羽毛球拍图片 T: D u lie badintn? Ss: es, I d / N, I dnt T: an u pla badintn? 板书并教读badintn,pla badintn I an pla badintn(4)出示滑冰的图片,教学 ie-sate 边做动作边说:Ie-sate,


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