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1、混合动力汽车动力总成系统分析与控制策略制定作 者 姓 名:李 胜 利指 导 教 师:宋桂秋 副教授学 院 名 称:机械工程与自动化专 业 名 称:机械工程及自动化东 北 大 学2008 年 6 月Hybrid Electric Vehicle Powertrain System Analysis And Control of Strategic Planningby Li ShengliSupervisor: Vice Professor Song GuiqiuNortheastern UniversityJune 2008I毕业设计(论文)任务书毕业设计(论文)题目:混合动力汽车动力总成系统

2、分析与控制策略制定设计(论文)的基本内容:。(1)混合动力汽车动力总成总体设计与分析;(2)混合动力汽车动力总成总体控制策略;(3)混合动力汽车动力总成控制方法的比较与分析;(4)混合动力汽车动力总成控制方法及实现;(5)英文资料翻译。毕业设计(论文)专题部分:题目: 设计或论文专题的基本内容:学生接受毕业设计(论文)题目日期第1周指导教师签字: 2008 年3 月 3 日东北大学毕业设计(论文) 摘要 I摘要随着全球气候的逐步恶化和石油资源的过度开发与消耗,环境保护和节能观念日益深入人心。而传统汽车由于其高能耗和高尾气排放使得内燃机汽车在节能和环保两个方面都不能满足人们的要求,因此人们开始研

3、究节能环保的汽车和替代燃料的新技术,来维持经济的可持续发展。发展节能型、环保型汽车已成为世界各国汽车行业技术创新的重要方向和必然选择。混合动力电动汽车(HEVHybrid Electric Vehicle)是传统燃油汽车和纯电动汽车相结合的新车型,具有燃油汽车的动力性能和较低的排放,是当前解决节能和环保问题切实可行的过渡车型方案,因此研究混合动力汽车对我国汽车行业的可持续发展有重大意义。本文以混合动力改型汽车为研究对象,针对动力总成控制系统的开发,围绕动力总成控制策略的研究、制定,系统深入的展开了研究工作,具体内容有:首先,结合混合动力汽车的总体方案设计,对动力总成系统的机械结构、部件选型以及

4、运行条件进行了分析,明确了动力总成控制系统的结构、功能及开发思路;其次,在分析比较典型并联式动力总成控制策略的基础上,结合本文动力总成系统的具体运行特点,选择确立了合理的控制思路及控制方法,并针对具体的控制要求制定出了可行的控制策略。关键词:混合动力汽车,动力总成系统,控制策略东北大学毕业设计(论文) Abstract IIAbstractWith the gradual deterioration of the global climate and the over-exploitation of oil resources and consumption, environmental pr

5、otection and energy-saving concept increasingly enjoys popular support. The traditional vehicle because of its high energy consumption and high emissions make the internal combustion engine vehicle in energy conservation and environmental protection can not meet the requirements, So people started t

6、o study energy conservation and environmental protection and alternative fuel vehicles of the new technology, to maintain the sustainable economic development. Development of energy-saving and environment-friendly cars have become the world automotive industry an important direction of technological

7、 innovation and the inevitable choice.Hybrid electric vehicle with fuel vehicle dynamic performance and low emissions is a combination of traditional fuel car with pure electric vehicle. And its a practical model of transition program to solve the current energy conservation and environmental issues

8、.This paper systematically studies the design and development of the control strategies for hybrid electric vehicle. Base on these studies, the paper settles a theoretic foundation for the independent development of the power train control system of the 4WD hybrid electric vehicle. The main works ar

9、e summarized as following: First, Combined with the system design of the hybrid electric vehicle, the mechanical structure, components sizing and using condition of the HEVs power train are analyzed. The structure, functions and the development method of the power train control system are also in de

10、tail discussed; Second, Base on the analyze of the typical control strategies for the parallel hybrid electric vehicle ,the basic control idea and logical are chose. Then the thesis developed a wieldy but feasible control strategy for our 4 WD hybrid electric vehicle according to the concrete contro

11、l demands.Key Words: hybrid electric vehicle,powertrain system,control strategy东北大学毕业设计(论文) 目录目录毕业设计(论文)任务书 .I摘要 .IIAbstract .III第 1 章 绪论 .1 1.1 课题背景及意义 .1 1.2 混合动力汽车概述 .31.2.1 混合动力汽车的概念及特征 .31.2.2 混合动力汽车的分类 .4 1.3 HEV 动力总成控制系统研发概况 .61.3.1 HEV 动力总成控制策略概述 .61.3.2 应用于控制系统开发的新技术 .71.4 论文主要研究内容 .10第 2 章 HEV 动力总成系统分析与设计 .112.1 本文混合动力汽车的设计要求 .112.2 HEV 动力总成控制系统分析 .122.2.1 控制系统的功能分析 .122.2.2 控制系统开发流程 .132.3 HEV 动力总成的设计思路 .142.4 本文 HEV 动力总成系统的结构形式 .



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