2011届高考英语第一轮单元考点sbiii units 15~16 复习

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《2011届高考英语第一轮单元考点sbiii units 15~16 复习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2011届高考英语第一轮单元考点sbiii units 15~16 复习(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2011 届高考英语第一轮单元考点 SBIII Units 1516 复习SBIII Units 116 Ppular uth ulture Finding bs青年志愿者 素材新挖掘 考点 1 anledge vt 承认;告知已收到;为表示感谢n the annual Internatinal Vlunteers Da, the rld anledges the r f illins f peple h give their tie t help thersHe is unilling t anledge defeat他不愿认输。anledge vt 承认;公认为;认为anledge vt

2、对表示感谢adit vt 承认appreiate vt 感激(1)It is generall anledged that dgs have a sharp sense f sell (替换 )_(2)ne shuld _(答谢)the favr thers ffer believedanledge(3)e is anledged as the best basetball plaer f the ear(替换 )_(4)I _( 承认)the truth f his stateent () 他承认了自己的过失。( 写作小练笔:主谓宾; fault)_考点 2 eager ad 热切的;渴望的

3、;热心的It is hard r, but I get a lt f satisfatin beause the ids are eager t learn The hildren re than their ther are eager t g fr an uting不仅他们的母亲,而且孩子们都更加期盼着出去郊游。be eager fr / abut /after 渴望, 渴求be eager t d 急欲, 渴望做eagerl adv 急切地(1)He _(盼望)fr his parents t eet his girlfriends(2)The _(迫切想)fr ne sills s t

4、hat the an be qualified fr the bs in varius fields t hih the are strangeregardedanledgeHe anledged his n faultsis eager are eager (3)The salesan in the shp is alas _(渴望)t please everbd(4)The b as _ fr suess A anxius B areful hpeful D eagerD。be eager fr“渴望”。【辨析】eager 和 anxiuseager 指“以巨大的热情渴望实现愿望或达到目的

5、”, 有时也指“由于其他感情影响而表现得急不可耐的”, 如:He as eager t see her 他渴望见到她。anxius 指“ 热切地希望实现愿望,并因顾虑愿望落空而心情不安,感到焦虑的”, 如:I anxius t n the final result我急于想知道最后的结果。考点 3 starve vi 挨饿;饿死Last nth I t part in an event t help starving hildren inse f the least develped untrieseager Give hi se fd, r he ill starve如果你不给他一点吃的,他就

6、会饿死。starve vt 饥饿;使饥饿starvatin n 饥饿;饿死starve fr 渴望starve t death 饿死(1)The tried t _(使饥饿)the ar int surrender(2)u ust eat re - ure _(饿着 )urself (3)hats fr dinner? I _(饿死了)!(4)Shes lnel, and _(渴望)fr paninship ()The pr an _(忍饥挨饿)s that her hildren ight be fed(6)那年冬天,有许多动物饿死。(写作小连笔:主谓+介词;anial)_starvesta

7、rvingstarvingstarvingstarvedThat inter an anials starved t death。考点 4 pssess vt 拥有;具有 The pssess a n erThe tehniian has pssessed valuable data技术员掌握了珍贵的数据资料。pssess vt =n /have 占有;拥有tae pssessin f 占有;占领pssessins 财产(1)The plie ased e if I _(拥有)a gun(2)T _(拥有)ealth is nt alas t be happ(3)Ene fres _(占据了)

8、the hill (4)She pssesses se interesting pitures(替换)_()He had fe _(财产) (6)H did u tae pssessin f it?(英译汉)_pssessedpssesst pssessin f ns /haspssessins 你是怎样得到它的?考点 adre vt 热爱;敬仰Ever tie he plas ftball he is athed b thusands f adring Bes fans all ver the rlde hpe all the hildren in ur shl uld gr up happ

9、il and adre learning我们希望孩子们在我们学校都能快乐成长,并热爱学习。adre vt 崇拜 ; 敬爱;敬重; 非常喜欢adre 可用adire, lve, respet 替换其不同意思(1)He _(非常喜欢)the inea (2)She _( 非常喜欢看)ging t the vlleball ath(3)i _( 敬爱)her lder sister (4)I _ (喜欢)straberries() 男孩们敬慕他们的母亲。( 写作小练笔:主谓宾;ther) _adres adresadresadreThe bs adre their thers考点 6 vaant a

10、d 未占用的;空着的Ftball is different fr re areers beause eplers d nt advertise that the have a vaant b in the nespapers r n the Internet He des nt n hat t d ith his vaant tie他不知道空闲时间该干点什么。vaant ad 空着的,空闲的( 房子、房间、座位等)vaant ad 空缺着的(职务、工作)vaant ad 空虚的;茫然若失的(1)Are there an rs _(空着的)in this htel? (2)She deided

11、t appl fr a _(空缺的 )psitin in an ffie (3)There as a _(茫然)expressin n his fae (4)All the seats have been upied and there are n vaant nes(英译汉)_vaant vaant vaant 所有的座位都被占用,没有空座位了。考点 7 salar n 薪金;薪水 The salar is l and the b inludes leaning the hanging rs, tilets and senir lleagues bts D u n the salar f t

12、his psitin?你知道这个职位的薪水是多少吗?salar n 薪金;薪水age n 工人的工资pa n 付款;工资share n 交通费用st n 某物的花费; fee n 会费;学费 (1)He gets a gd _(工资待遇), but he alas brrs ne fr his friends and never pas it ba(2)It is bad anners t _(问别人的工资)if u are nt ver failiar salaras thers salar (3)他的钱主要自工资。( 写作小练笔:主谓+介词;e fr)_(4)This psitin ffe

13、rs a nthl _ f 200 A fee B salar age D pa B 。 salar “月薪”。【辨析】salar, age 和 fee salar 指按周、月年发的薪水,领取薪水者通常是经过培训而具有特殊技能或专门知识的人:Teahers, gvernent ffiials and lers reeive salaries教师,政府官员和职员接受薪水。age 一般指按星期甚至按日、小时或计发的工人的工资,领取工资者通常是做体力劳动的人:His ages are high, pries are high, t工资高,物价也高。fee 一词在英语中指付给医生、音乐师、美术工作者或

14、律师等的报酬。Shl fees are high in that untr那个国家的学费很高。His ne es ainl fr salar考点 8 fit in (ith)与相适应;与相协调ing t anther untr t stud requires a big adustent and it taes a hile t fit in D these plans fit in ith ur arrangeents?这些计画与你的安排一致吗?fit in (ith)与相适应adaptt 适应 ath vt 匹配agree ith 适合suit vt 适合(1)D u _(适合)the b?(2)He adapted hiself t the ld eather(英译汉)_(3)The result didnt _(不符)the expetatinfit in ith 他适应了寒冷的天气。fit in ith(4)我将改动我的时间



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