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1、 1)sociable: friendly, agreeable, 2.intricate:complex, complicated E.g.The plot of the novel is intricate and fascinating. 3. charm n. attractiveness e.g.: This town has a charm that you couldnt find in a big city. charm: v. attract e.g.: We were charmed with the scenery. 4. indulge: to let yourself

2、 do or have sth. that you enjoy, especially sth, that is considered bad for you.沉迷,沉溺于 E.g. Only rarely will she indulge in a glass of wine. spoil E.g. He indulges his children too much. 5. meandermi:nd : to talk for a long time in a way that is unclear or moving from one topic to another without an

3、y order or purpose 漫谈 6. glow:produce or reflect a soft steady light E.g.The rising sun casts a golden glow over the fields. 7. anecdotenikdut :amusing story about a person 轶事 8. upbringing:the way that your parents care for you and teach you to behave when you are growing up 养育,教育 E.g. A knowledge

4、of her upbringing is basic to an understanding of her books. have a good upbringing and schooling 家教好,教育好。9. musketeer:/mskt/a soldier in the past who used a musket. 10. delve: try to find more information about sb. or sth./make an investigation 探究 delve into E.g.We should not delve too deeply into

5、this painful matter. We need to delve more deeply into these questions. 这些是我们想进一步了解的。 11. recess: a space in the wall of a room, esp. for shelves, cupboards, etc.隐秘处 委员会、法庭或政府等的)休会期间,休息期间 A recess is a break between the periods of work of an official body such as a committee, a court of law, or a go

6、vernment 12. desultorily: adv. done without any particular plan or purpose desultory: adj. in a desultory or random manner e.g.: 1)talk desultorily 漫谈 2) The man continued talking, and she answered him desultorily. 13. commonplace : a. ordinary; neither new nor interesting 平凡的,普通的;陈腐的 e.g.: The fash

7、ionable remarks of today often become the commonplace expressions of tomorrow. 今天流行的时髦话明天常常成为陈腐之言。 He is a commonplace person. What he has said is a mere commonplace view. Commonplace: n. C 司空见惯的事;老生常谈;陈词滥调 Jet travel is now a commonplace. It is a commonplace to say 14. alchemy lkmi: n. chemistry of

8、 Middle Ages, the purpose of which was to discover how to change ordinary metal into gold 点金术,炼金术; Alchemy is the power to change or create things in a way which seems mysterious and magical.神奇力量 e.g.: By what alchemy did he manage to get elected? 他施了什么魔法成功当选? 15. affirmation: make an affirmation 断言

9、 Affirm: assert the existence or the truth of sth.肯定,断言 16.tart: n. acid, sharp or unpleasant in taste or in meaning (manner) 酸的,辛辣的;尖酸的,刻薄的 e.g.: 1)These apples are a bit tart. 2) That was a tart answer. 3)She has a tart disposition./personality. 17. descendant/ancestor descend: decline descend fro

10、m E.g. He (is) descended from a good family. 18. convict: n.criminal V. convict sb. of: confirm sb. commit a crime E.g. He was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to death penalty./life imprisonment. 19. churlt:l : ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement:乡下人,粗鄙之人 20. poultrypultri : do

11、mestic fowls 家禽 21. snobbery: the attitude of a snob.势力 e.g.: His snobbery makes me sick. 他势利小人般的行为让我恶心。 22. rift: crack, gap; an open break in a previously friendly relationship 裂缝;分歧,分裂【地】断裂;分裂,失和/ divide E.g. The rift between them has not yet been completely healed. 他们之间的裂痕还没有完全消除e.g.: 1)A deep r

12、ift had started in their family life. 2)姐妹间的裂痕 23. barrier e.g.: 1)The police put up barriers to control the crowd. 警察设置障碍物,借以控制人群。 2)They soon overcame the language barrier. 24. till: to plant or to sow 耕作 25. rear:/ri/to look after a person or animal until they are fully grown 养育,喂养 E.g. I was rea

13、red in east Texas. She spends a lot of time rearing animals. n. hip a. rear door/mirror 26. scamper: v. run quickly, esp. when frightened (动物等)惊惶奔跑; e.g.: 1)The dog scampered along the road. 2)A grey squirrel skwirl is scampering from limb to limb. 27. render: v. translate; give sth. in return or ex

14、change; give a performance of e.g.: 1)This sentence can not be literally rendered. 2) We are ready to render them assistance. 3) Hamlet was poorly rendered by him. 哈姆雷特被他演糟了。 4)render good for evil 5) The knights rendered (=give up) their swords to the victors. 骑士向胜利者交剑投降。 6) His stammer rendered (=

15、make, cause) him unfit for a teaching job. 他的口吃毛病使他不宜担任教职。 28. humiliation n. being humiliated 丢脸; 羞辱;蒙羞UC e.g.:1) the humiliation of having to surrender 被迫投降之耻辱 2) He would do anything rather than suffer the humiliation of asking his parents for money. E.g. How can you humiliate him like this? 29. revolt: v. /n. rise up against the government; rebel; refuse to submit to the authority 反叛,起义,造反(+against);厌恶,反感 e.g.: 1)The people revolted against their ruler. The peasants revolt was put down by the dictators troops. 2) Our whole hearts revolt agains



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