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1、 雅思口语话题 Hi-tea 下午茶欢迎大家来到第一期的“Hi-tea 下午茶”!最温馨、最放松的下午茶时光,你都会和朋友聊些什么呢?电影、音乐、美食、旅行、时尚只要是感兴趣的、轻松的,咱们无所不含!这也是咱们公众号新推出的“Hi-tea”栏目想要奉献给各位的,了解最新的休闲娱乐话题,学学最 hit 的英文表达。轻轻松松,说说笑笑,让咱的英语水平在不知不觉中提升一大截!Inside Out 头脑特工队最近在中国上映的年度最富创意和感情的动画头脑特工队!最为一枚专业的非剧透社成员,Tracy 今天只跟大家聊聊大概剧情(不含结局!不过 Disney 的片子各位自己也可以猜得到结局吧),谈谈我们的各

2、种情绪。Ok,lets take a look at the plot first.Growing up can be a bumpy road, and its no exception for Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco. Like all of us, Riley is guided by her emotions Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness. The emotions live

3、in Headquarters, the control center inside Rileys mind, where they help advise her through everyday life. As Riley and her emotions struggle to adjust to a new life in San Francisco, turmoil ensues in Headquarters. Although Joy, Rileys main and most important emotion, tries to keep things positive,

4、the emotions conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house and school.plot plt (n) 情节,故事bumpy bmp (adj) 颠簸的exception ksep()n; ek- (n) 例外uproot prut (v) 迁徙,搬家;连根拔起 emotion m()n (n) 感情,情绪joy d (n) 开心fear f (n) 恐惧anger (n) 愤怒disgust dsgst (n) 厌恶sadness sdns (n) 悲伤headquarter hedkwt (n) 总部advise dv

5、az (v) 建议struggle strg()l (v) 挣扎,努力,奋斗adjust dst (v) 调整以适应turmoil tml (n) 混乱,骚动ensue nsju; en- (v) 持续发生positive pztv (adj) 积极的 conflict knflkt (n)(v) 冲突navigate nvget (v) 航海,旅行So, how can we describe our emotions exactly?Joy acts as the dominant emotion to keep Riley in a happy state, we all want to

6、 have Joy as the leader in our headquaters, arent we?dominant dmnnt (adj) 主导的,主要的state stet (n) 州;情况So, how can we describe our feelings when you are happy? Lets take a look at the chart below.happy cheerful, pleased, glad, gleeful, contented, be in a good moodvery happydelighted, joyful, overjoyed,

7、 thrilled, radiant,be (sitting) on top of the world, be over the moonto make somebody feel happyplease, cheer up, heartening,make somebodys day, put somebody in a good mood,raise/lift somebodys spirits to feel happy again after feeling sadcheer up, brighten up, perk up,be cheered, be heartedned, tak

8、e hearta happy feeling (noun) happiness, joy, delight, pleasure, contentmentSadness is an essential and irreplaceable emotion in our life actually. Then, how to tell a sad feeling exactly?sad sad, upset, unhappy, down, low, gloomyvery sad miserable, depressed, distressedextremely sad heartbroken, de

9、vastated, inconsolablefeeling sad for a long timedepressed, down / low, morosefeel blue, down in the dumpsto make someone feel sad(verb)upset, sadden, depress,get somebody down, break somebodys heart,drive somebody to despireto feel sad yourselfself-pity, mope, wallow in,feel sorry for yourself a sa

10、d feeling (noun)sadness, unhappiness, depression, sorrow, grief, the blues,heartache, misery, despire, despondencyFortunately, Anger does not take charge of Rileys head, otherwise Anger is a strong feeling that wanting to do something without consideration. Technically, we can be angry, but just for

11、 a short while.angrymad, cross, annoyed, irritated, frustratedbad-tempered, in a bad / foul mood, in a huffextremely angry furious, livid, outraged, lose your temperan anger feeling (noun)madness, annoyance, irritatin, frustration, resentmentfury, rage, outrage, wrathDisgust, well, she is more like

12、a arrogant and indifferent part in personality. A strong feeling of dislike, annoyance or disapproval. Lets face it, we all have this kind of feeling, so to depict this unpleasant one?disgusted (形容人)annoyed, sick, tired, bored, indignant, resentfulbe up in arms, be sickened disgusting (形容物)awful, te

13、rrible, dreadful, horrible, outrageous, deplorable,scandalous, be a disgrace区分Disgusted: you are very annoyed and upset by something that is unacceptable.eg. Most locals are disgusted by the anti-foreigners violence.Disgusting: something is extremely unpleasant and making you feel sick; or a feeling

14、 of shocking and unacceptable.eg. Smoking is really a disgusting habit.Sixty pounds for a 30 minutes consultation, I think thats disgusting.Personally, I really consider “fear” as a common emotion for each of us. Because its the feeling you get when you worried or afraid that something bad is going

15、to happen.fearfulpanic, afraid, frightened, scared, petrified, terrified, alarmed,spineless, coward, wimpywhen you do not want to do something because of fearbe afraid, be frightended, be scared, be fearful, dreadfor fear of something, have a phobia aboutdo not have fear fearless, brave, courageous, bold, daring, adventurousWhat can we get from this movie? Inside Out takes you to a place that everyone knows, but no one has ever seen: the world inside the human mind. Moviegoers will go inside her mind t



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