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1、13 African American poet Lucille Clifton writes in a notably (尤其/明显地) _style, achieving great impact (影响) in a few unadorned (不加装饰的,简单的) words.A. incantatory B. economical C. disaffectedD. unstinting E. even-handedA: 咒语的 C. 对某人/事心怀不满的 D. 慷慨大方的E. 公平的答案:Bincantatory: 咒语的disaffected: Disaffected people

2、 no longer feels any loyalty and fully support something such as an organization or political ideal which they previously supported 不再完全支持的;不满的affected: used for describing behaviour that is not natural but is done to impress other people 矫揉造作的disinterested: 1) not involved in something and therefor

3、e able to judge it fairly 公平的2) not interested Many people think that this use of the word is not correct, and prefer to use uninterested 不感兴趣的unstinting: 1) Unstinting help, care, or praise is great in amount or degree and is given generously 大方的2even-handed: dealing fairly with all the people invo

4、lved in a situation 公平的4 The young man possessed _disposition (性情), abjectly submissive (顺从的) to the will of others.A. an amiable B. an inscrutable C. a servileD. a jocular E. a melancholyA. 和蔼可亲的 B. 神秘难懂的 C. 过于顺从的D. 爱开玩笑的 E. 悲伤地答案:Cabjectly: You use abject to emphasize that a situation or quality i

5、s extremely bad(境况)非常糟糕的amiable: Someone who is amiable is friendly and pleasant to be withinscrutable: If someone is inscrutable, it is impossible to understand what they are thinking or feeling from their expression or from what they say servile: Someone who is servile is so willing to serve or ob

6、ey other people that you have no respect for themjocular: formal humorous/fond of joking 幽默的/ 爱开玩笑的3melancholy: 1) adj You describe something that you see or hear as melancholy when it gives you an intense feeling of sadness 悲伤的2) n 忧郁;抑郁 melancholia 忧郁症5 The authors love of harmonious (和谐的;音调优美的,悦耳

7、的 ) and pleasing sounds was reflected in the _phrases of her fiction (小说).A. convoluted B. perfidious C. bellicoseD. euphonious E. sympatheticA. 复杂的 B. 背叛的 C. 好战的D. 悦耳动听的 E. 同情的答案:Dconvoluted: very complicated, or more complicated than necessary perfidious: literary treacherous, deceitful or disloya

8、l 背叛的bellicose: formal Someone who is bellicose enjoys fighting or arguing; aggressiveeuphonious: adj of a pleasing sound euphony: n. pleasantness of sound, esp in words 声音的和谐46 Some psychologists argue that a _of choices can be paralyzing (不知所措), since too many options (选择) can impede (阻碍) meaningf

9、ul selection.A. prohibition B. manifestation C. misapplicationD. modicum E. plethoraA. 禁止 B. 显现,表明 C. 误用,滥用 D.少量 E. 太多答案:Emanifest: If you say that something is manifest, you mean that it is clearly true and that nobody would disagree with it if they saw it or considered itmanifestation: A manifesta

10、tion of something is one of the different ways in which it can appear 表现misapply: to use something, for example a law, theory, or money, in a way that is wrong or illegal 误用,滥用modicum: a modicum of something a small amount of something, especially a good qualityplethora: formal of a greater amount t

11、han you need or want 7 The scientist warned that global warming might _a dangerous _of some mosquito-borne diseases (蚊媒病), resulting in an increasing number of epidemics (流行) around the world.5A. precede.decline B. stimulate.resurgence C. eliminate.plagueD, deter.expansion E. induce.quarantine A. 在.

12、之前;下降/拒绝 B. 促进;复苏的;复兴的;恢复C. 消除;瘟疫/困扰 D. 阻碍;扩展/张E. 引起 /劝说;隔离答案:Bprecede: If one event or period of time precedes another, it happens before it 先于.而发生stimulate: to stimulate something means to encourage it to begin or develop further 鼓励,刺激resurgence: If there is a resurgence of an attitude or activity

13、, it reappears and grows 复苏;恢复 resurgent adjplague: 1) Plague is a very infectious disease that usually results in death. The patient has a severe fever and swelling on his or her body 瘟疫 2) A plague of unpleasant things is a large number of them that arrive or happen at the same time 泛滥3) If you ar

14、e plagued by unpleasant things, they continually cause you a lot of trouble or suffering 困扰deter: to deter someone from doing something means to make them not want to do it or continue 6doing it 阻止induce: 1) to induce a state or condition means to cause it 引起2) If you induce someone to do something,

15、 you persuade or influence them to do it 引诱;劝说quarantine: 1) n. If a person or animal is in quarantine, they are being kept separate from other people or animals for a set period of time, usually because they have or may have a disease that could spread 隔离2) v If people or animals are quarantined, t

16、hey are stopped from having contact with other people or animals. If a place is quarantined, people and animals are prevented from entering or leaving it 对.进行隔离 8 Nineteenth-century Plains Indians valued _quite highly and expected their elites (精英) to be the most giving of all (乐善好施的). A. intrepidity B. reticence C. candourD. jocularity E. munificence 答



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