牛津版9a英语 u1词汇解析

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1、1牛津 9A Unit 1 重点词汇解析1. divide【解析】divide 作及物动词,意为“划分,分” 。如:Here the river divides into two branches. 这条河在这里分成两条支流。divide 作不及物动词 dived by“除以”和 divide into“除 ”中。如:40 divided by 8 is 5. 40 除以 8 等于 5。5 divides into 40 8 times. 5 除 40 得 8。【练一练】选择填空。The year _ four seasons.A. is divided by B. has divided i

2、nC. divides into D. is divided into2. similar【解析】形容词, “相似的,类似的”The two boys look very similar. 这两个孩子看上去很相似。They are similar in appearance. 他们在外貌上相似。My problems are very similar to yours. 我的问题和你的差不多。similarity (n.) 类似,相似3. patient【解析】patient 作形容词,意为“耐心的,忍耐的” ,在句中做定语和表语。be patient with 表示“对有耐心” 。如:He

3、is a patient man. 他是一个很有耐心的男人。The doctor is patient with me when I was ill. 医生在我生病的日子里对我很有耐心。【知识链接】patient 还可以作名词,表示“病人” ,在句中作宾语。如:The doctor operated on the patient at once and saved his life. 医生立即给病人实施手术,挽救了他的生命。【练一练】选择填空。The nurse is always patient _ her patients.A. to B. atC. for D. with4. curio

4、us【解析】形容词, “好奇的”Im curious to know what he said. 我很想知道他说了些什么。a curious glance 好奇的眼光be curious about sth. 对(某事物 )感到好奇 be curious to (do) 很想( 做); 渴望(做)(be) curious to say 说来稀奇curiosity (n.) 好奇心5. save【解析】save 作动词,意为“储蓄,积攒” 。save money for 表示“为存钱” 。如:I am not good at saving. 我不擅长攒钱。He is saving money f

5、or a new bicycle. 他正在攒钱买一辆新自行车。save 作动词,还可表示“挽救;节省;保留;收藏”等意思。如:A young man saved a little girl from falling into the water. 一个青年救起了眼看要落入水2中的女孩。Well take a taxi to save time. 我们乘出租车,好节省时间。Mother has saved some food for you. 妈妈给你留了点吃的。Ive saved one hundred stamps. 我已经收藏了一百张邮票了。【练一练】根据汉语提示,完成句子。(1)她在银行

6、中存了许多钱。She _ _ a lot of money in the bank.(2)他试图挽救他们的婚姻。Hes _ _ _ their marriage.6. argue【解析】argue 作不及物动词,意为“辩论,争论” 。argue with / again sb. about / on sth. 表示“与某人辩论某事” 。 argue 的名词形式是 argument。如:We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal. (= We had an argument with the waiter about the pri

7、ce of the meal.) 我们跟服务员争执那顿饭的价钱。Daniel often argues with his classmates about questions. 丹尼尔经常跟他的同学争论问题。【练一练】选择填空。(1)Tony, dont argue _ your grandmother. Its impolite.A. with B. aboutC. for D. against(2)He argued _ Mary _ the best place for a holiday.A. to; about B. with; aboutC. to; on D. with; on7

8、. forgive【解析】及物动词,意为“原谅,宽恕” 。过去式 forgave,过去分词 forgiven。I hope youll forgive me. 希望你能原谅我。one could /may be forgiven for doing somethingforgivable (adj.) 可宽恕的forgiveness (n.) 饶恕, 宽大8. mistake【解析】名词,意为“错误,失误” 。动词,意为“弄错,误解” 。过去式 mistook,过去分词 mistaken。He has made a serious mistake. 他犯了一个严重错误。mistake ones

9、 meaning 误解一个人的意思do sth. by mistake 错误地He put salt into his tea by mistake. 他把盐误放进茶里。mistake for 把.误认为She mistook him for the teather. 她把他错当作老师了。 9. dream【解析】dream 作形容词,意为“梦想中的,理想的” 。如:What is your dream home like? 你理想的家是什么样子的?dream 作名词,表示“梦;梦想” 。have a (n) dream 表示“做一个梦” 。如:He had a strange dream l

10、ast night. 昨天晚上他做了一个奇怪的梦。dream 作动词,意为“做梦,梦见;梦想,向往” ,它的过去式和过去分词有 dreamed3和 dreamt 两种形式。dream of / about (doing) sth. 表示“梦想(见)做某事” 。如:The boy dreams of becoming a pilot. 那孩子一心想当个飞行员。I dreamt that I was flying in the sky. 我梦见自己在空中飞翔。【练一练】根据汉语提示,完成句子。(1)她经常梦想着成为一名歌手。She often _ _ becoming a singer.(2)她从

11、恶梦中醒来。She woke up in the middle of _ _ _.10. explain【解析】explain 作及物动词时,后面既可接名词或代词作宾语,又可接从句和不定式结构作宾语。explain sth. to sb. 表示“向某人解释/说明某事 ”。如:Its difficult to explain the problem. 要解释这个问题很难。He explained to Mr Wu why he was late. 他向吴老师解释了他迟到的原因。Please explain where to begin and how to do it. 请解释一下从哪儿开始,该

12、怎么做。Please explain this rule to me. 请把这条规则解释给我听。He explained that he had to leave at once.他解释说他必须立即离开。另外,explain 还可以用于被动结构中。如:This can be easily explained. 这点很容易解释。【知识链接】explain 的名词是 explanation。如:She demanded an explanation. 她要求给出一个解释。【练一练】根据汉语提示,完成句子。(1)他详细地向我们说明了他的计划。He _ his plan _ us in details

13、.(2)我被要求解释这个句子的意思。I was asked _ _ the meaning of the sentence.11. awake【解析】awake 作形容词,意为“醒着的” ,反义词是 asleep。它在句中常作表语,也可作后置定语。wide awake 表示“完全醒着,没有睡意” 。如:Is he awake or asleep? 他是醒着还是睡着了?Anyone awake heard the sound. 任何醒着的人都听到了那个声音。She is wide awake. 她毫无睡意。【知识链接】wake 作动词,意为 “醒;醒来” 。wake up 表示“叫醒;醒来” 。

14、如:I woke up very early this morning. 我今天早上醒得很早。【练一练】根据汉语提示,完成句子。(1)交通噪音使我无法入睡。The noise of the traffic _ me _.(2)别忘了六点之前把他叫醒。Dont forget to _ _ _ before six oclock.12. available【解析】形容词,意为“可获得的,可找到的” 。My car is not available, and it is being repaired. 我的车现在不能用因为正在修理。The ticket is available for three

15、months. 票有效期为三个月。He is not available for the job. 他不适宜做这个工作。The doctor is not available now. 医生现在没空。4be available for use 可加以利用make sth. available to /for 使.可以享受某物; 使.买得起某物13. lively【解析】lively 作形容词,意为“活泼的,生气勃勃的” 。如:Mr Wangs lessons are always lively and interesting. 王老师的课总是生动有趣。The marketplace was lively with vendors. 集市上熙熙攘攘,小贩忙忙碌碌。【词语辨析】lively & living & live & alivelively 意为 “生动的;活泼的;有生气的”, 还可引申为“强烈的;敏锐的;紧张的;鲜艳的” ,可作定语(前置)、表语、主补、宾补。如: The lecture is very lively. 这个讲座很生动。 He makes his class lively. 他使得他的课生动形象。 living 意为“活着的;现存的” ,还



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