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1、15. Foodhave a good appetite 胃口好according to 根据otherwise 否则put on weight 体重增加,发福have some problems with 在。 。 。方面有问题be haunted by 被困扰skip breakfast 不吃早餐in an effort to 为了lose weight 减肥weight control 控制体重release 缓解A Bite of China 舌尖上的中国the same except slight differences 大同小异exclude 排除foods of high cal

2、orie 高热量失误1) Which do you prefer to eat, lunch or dinner? Why?I prefer to eat lunch. I usually have a good appetite during lunchtime. I will have a variety of foods for lunch, which can provide different nutrients to my body. Besides, I dont have to worry too much about getting fat if I eat some foo

3、d of high calorie because I often do some exercises in the afternoon. According to some science research, one should not eat much during the dinner; otherwise, one will put on weight or have some problems with his stomach. So I often eat some vegetables and fruits at dinner. 2) Do you think there ar

4、e any benefits from eating breakfast?Sure, there are lots of benefits. Eating breakfast will provide your body with enough energy so that you can study or work more efficiently in the morning. I would say, eating breakfast is a must for a healthy diet. People who do not eat breakfast will be haunted

5、 by many kinds of diseases in their later years. Some people often skip breakfast in an effort to lose weight, but thats not a good idea. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can actually make weight control more difficult. Breakfast skippers tend to eat more food than usual at the next meal, or ni

6、bble on high-calorie snacks to release hunger. There are some studies suggesting that people tend to add more body fat when they eat fewer, larger meals than when they eat the same number of calories in smaller and regular meals.3) Are you willing to try some new food?Yes. I always like trying new f

7、ood. Nowadays, food is far more than something that fills our stomachs. Different kinds of food stand for different cultures. For example, the popular TV program named A Bite of China represents our marvellous Chinese food culture. I believe new food stands for a new culture. New food also means a n

8、ew life. I like experiencing new life, just as I like tasting new food. As a southerner, I felt very excited to try many kinds of northern food when I first went to Beijing. Since then I fell in love with many delicious foods there. Or: When I came to Suzhou for the first time, I went to try some lo

9、cal snacks. They were very delicious, so I would suggest you going 4) Which do you preferto eat one big meal or to eat several small snacks?I would prefer to eat several small snacks. Big meals are usually the same except slight differences. But snacks are of different features and tastes. It is a s

10、pecial experience to taste different small snacks without getting too full. Especially when I arrived at a new place, I would like to try some local snacks. That was amazing. 5) What do you consider to be a healthy diet?I would think a healthy diet should first include adequate nutrition that the bo

11、dy needs. We usually consider such nutrients as protein, fat, vitamin, minerals, and fibre when we talk about nutrition. A healthy diet should include some food that can give the body enough energy and other kinds of food that can provide sufficient fibre. Some people would say that a healthy diet s

12、hould exclude those foods of high calorie. Actually, as long as the calorie you take from food provides adequate energy to your body, the diet is healthy. The pre-requisite is that you should keep a balanced diet.6) Do you know how to make (prepare) a meal?Yes, I often cook delicious food. Making me

13、als for my family is really a great pleasure. For example, in Spring Festival, my family will prepare a feast for the big family, including my grandparents, my uncles, aunts and their children. I will cook some dishes and as well as help my parents to do the cooking. Knowing that my family enjoy the

14、 food makes me extremely happy. 16. Museums depend on 取决于splendid 辉煌的,灿烂的embroidery 刺绣Chinese paintings 国画Calligraphy 书法classical gardens 古典园林one of the best representatives 最优秀的代表之一pay a visit to 参观,拜访vary 使多样化involve sb in 牵涉,将包含在内items on display 展品of cultural significance 具有文化价值souvenir 纪念品non-p

15、rofit 非盈利的for the public interest 公益性质,为了公共利益1) Are there many museums in your hometown?Positive: Yes, I often visit museums in different cities. Museums in those cities usually provide exhibitions about the local history, art and many other aspects of life. These days, many museums vary their ways

16、of presenting their exhibitions by involving visitors in some interactive activities. This gives visitors very special experience. Visitors not only learn much through the visit but also enjoy it. So I often visit museums when I go to a new city. Negative: Well, to be honest, I havent been to any museum before. But I hear there is a very famous museum in London, named British Museum. So I suppose if I had a chance, I would go there to have a look.2) Do you think museums are us


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