新视野大学英语unit 5word

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1、1. solitarya.1. a.(living) alone; without companions 孤独的; 独居的 ; 独自的a solitary walk 独自一人的散步 lead a solitary life 过独居的生活b. fond of being alone; used to being alone 喜欢独处的; 习惯於独处的 a solitary kind of person 喜欢离群索居的人 2.not often visited; in a lonely remote place 人迹罕至的; 荒僻的 a solitary valley 荒僻的山谷 3.only o

2、ne; single 唯一的; 仅有的: Eg. She couldnt answer a solitary question correctly. 她连一个问题都答不对。n. 独居者;隐 士solitarily ad. 独自一人地, 寂寞地2. solituden. (state or quality of) being alone without companions; solitary state 孤单; 独居 Eg. not fond of solitude 不喜 欢孤身一人She enjoys the solitude of her own flat. 她喜欢独自在自己的公寓里。3.

3、 tame a.(-r, -st) 1).(of animals) gentle and unafraid of human beings; not wild or fierce (指动物)驯服的, 不怕人的, 不凶猛的: a tame monkey 驯服的猴子2).听使 唤的, 温顺的 Eg. Ive got a tame mechanic who keeps my car in order. 我有个随和的汽车修理工,他把我的车保养得很好。3).dull or unadventurous 沉闷的; 无奇的; 平淡的 Eg. I quite enjoyed the book but found

4、 the ending rather tame. 我很爱看那本书, 只是结尾颇觉逊色。 v. make (sth) tame or manageable 使(某物)驯服或顺从: tame wild birds 调教野鸟tameable teimbl a. that can be tamed 可驯服的 tamer n. (usu in compounds 通常用以构成复合词) person who tames and trains wild animals 驯养者 ; 驯兽师: a lion-tamer 驯狮者.tamely ad. 驯服地,温顺地;没骨气地tameness n. U. 温顺;驯

5、服;开化4.pondn. small area of still water, esp one used or made as a drinking place for cattle or as an ornamental garden pool 池塘(尤指供牲畜饮水或作 为花园之装饰者):a fish pond 养 鱼池distinguish:pond:pond 比 pool (天然水塘)大5.inspirev.1) inspire sb (to sth) fill sb with the ability or urge to do, feel, etc sth beyond his usu

6、al ability, esp to write, paint, compose, etc 赋予某人灵感(尤指写作 绘画 作曲 等); 启示; 启迪: Eg. His noble example inspired the rest of us to greater efforts. 他那高尚的榜样激发我们大家更加努力。2) inspire sb (with sth)/ inspire sth (in sb) fill sb with thoughts, feelings or aims 激励或鼓舞某人: inspire hope, loyalty, enthusiasm, etc in sb

7、燃起某人的希望 唤起某人的忠诚 激起某人的热情inspired a. (approv 褒) 1.filled with creative power 有创作力的: an inspired poet, artist, etc 有创作力的诗人艺术家等2. full of a spirit that leads to outstanding achievements 有雄心壮志的: act like a man/woman inspired 表现得像是很有雄心壮志的人3. produced (as if) by or with the help of inspiration 受灵感启示的; (彷佛)

8、得自灵感的:an inspired work of art 得自灵感的艺术作品 an inspired effort 由灵感产生的力量 an inspired guess, ie made by intuition rather than logic, but usu correct 凭灵感的猜测(靠直觉而不靠逻辑, 但往往正确)inspiring a. that inspires (sb to do sth) 鼓舞人的: an inspiring thought 鼓舞人心的想法modity n. 1)Csth. that is useful or necessary 商品; (尤指)日用品h

9、ousehold commodities 家庭日用品2)Ca substance or product that can be bought or sold 商品,货物the commodity/commodities market 商品市场8.sunlightn.U the light that comes from the sun 阳光,日光sunlight lamp 日光灯9.benigna 1)(of people or actions) kindly; gentle (指人或行为)慈祥的, 温和的,善良的2)(of climate) mild; pleasant (指气候)温和的,

10、宜人的3)(of a tumour, etc) not likely to spread or recur after treatment; not dangerous (指肿瘤等)良性的, 无危险的benignly ad. 亲切地;仁慈地10.cushionn.C a soft bag to make a seat and more comfortable 坐垫,垫子v1) soften (sth) by absorbing the effect of impact 对(某事物)起缓冲作用2) cushion sb/sth (against/from sth) (fig 比喻) protec

11、t sb/sth (from sth harmful), sometimes excessively 保护某人/某事物(有时过分): a child who has been cushioned from unpleasant experiences 备受关怀而生活得无忧无虑的孩子 11.creepvi.(pt, pp crept) 1) move slowly and quietly 潜行;蹑手蹑脚地移动Eg. She crept up to him from behind. 她从后面蹑手蹑脚地走近他. 2) (of plants) grow along the ground, up wal

12、ls, etc (指植物)蔓生 , 匍匐, 攀附:a creeping vine vain蔓生的葡萄 树n. 1. (infml derog 口, 贬) person who tries to win sbs favour by always agreeing with him, doing things for him, etc 溜须拍马的人2.Idm: give sb. the creeps (infml 口) a) (of fear or horror) cause an unpleasant sensation in the skin, as if things are creepin

13、g over it(指恐惧或憎恶)毛骨悚然 , 汗毛直竖, 起鸡皮疙瘩b) make sb feel extreme dislike; repel sb 使某人厌恶或反感: Eg. I dont like him: he gives me the creeps. 我不喜欢他, 他这人很讨厌creeping a. 爬行的;迟缓的;毛骨悚然的;奉承的12.poetryn.U poems in general 诗(总称), 诗歌epic, lyric, dramatic, pastoral, symbolist, etc poetry 史 诗 抒情诗 戏剧诗 田园诗 象征派的诗a poetry bo

14、ok 诗集a poetry reading 诗歌朗诵 会poetry 诗(总称) a poem 一首诗fiction fikn小说(总称) a story 一篇小说13. dictatev.1) dictate (sth) (to sb) say or read aloud (words to be typed, written down or recorded on tape) 口授; 读出(文字, 作听写或录音)Eg. dictate a letter to ones secretary sekrtri向秘书口授信稿2) dictate sth (to sb) state or order

15、 sth with the force of authority 强行规定; 指令; 指定: Eg. dictate terms to a defeated enemy 向战败的敌 人指定条件. 3)Phrv: dictate to sb (esp passive 尤用於被动语态) give orders to sb, esp. in an officious way 指使某人; (尤指)向某人发号施令 Eg. I refuse to be dictated to by you. 我不愿被你呼来唤去的。 n(usu pl 通常作复数 ) command (esp one that reason

16、, conscience, etc prompts one to obey) (尤指在理智 良心等 驱使下必须执行的)命令 , 指令 Eg. Follow the dictates of common sense 按常识行事。dictation n.1)听写,口述 2)命令dictator n. 1)命令者 2)独裁者14.kettlen. container with a spout, lid and handle, used for boiling water (烧水用的)壶: Eg. boil (water in) the kettle and make some tea 烧壶 水沏茶Idm : a different kettle of fish 截然不同的事 15.priest n.1)C(high)a person who is famous for being the best at s



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